China Carbon Credit Platform

There are more than 260,000 related enterprises, how to further smooth the recycling channels?

Release Time6 months ago

The State Council recently issued the "Action Plan for Promoting Large-scale Equipment Renewal and Consumer Goods Trade-in", deploying and implementing four major actions: equipment renewal, consumer goods trade-in, recycling and recycling, and standard improvement, among which the recycling and recycling action focuses on recycling, second-hand circulation, recycling and other links. Why is recycling included in the four major actions, and how to further smooth the channels of recycling?

The key link of "trade-in".

The effective recycling of waste resources is equivalent to the development of a "second mine", which can reduce the demand for primary resources and reduce the pressure on the natural environment from the exploitation of mineral resources. At the same time, it can also create a broad market space for the development of the renewable resource recycling industry. At present, there are more than 260,000 resource recycling enterprises in China, with an output value of more than 3.5 trillion yuan, and it is expected that by 2025, the output value can reach 5 trillion yuan.

In the Action Plan, trade-in includes consumer goods such as automobiles, home appliances, and electronic products. According to statistics, China's annual scrap of major electrical products exceeds 200 million units, with an average annual growth rate of 20%. These waste products and equipment contain a large number of recyclable steel, non-ferrous metals, precious metals, plastics, rubber and other resources.

"The recycling action is committed to opening up the venous industry to ensure that waste items can be efficiently recycled, scientifically treated and reused, so as to achieve a smooth connection of the industrial chain. Zhao Weiquan, deputy director of the Economic Development and Reform Department of the All-China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, believes that this is not only a key measure to implement a comprehensive conservation strategy and improve the efficiency of resource use, but also has great significance for environmental protection and sustainable development.

Tang Yanju, Secretary-General of the China Renewable Resources Recycling Association, said that the implementation of recycling and recycling actions is a key link and important measure to promote the trade-in of consumer goods, which can ensure the proper disposal and recycling of all kinds of old products. Promoting the flow of waste electrical products into standardized recycling and dismantling channels is not only environmentally friendly and safe, but also can obtain recyclable renewable resources, which is conducive to alleviating resource dependence on foreign countries and ensuring resource security.

Recycling can also achieve multi-dimensional carbon reduction through different levels of utilization, such as recycling, second-hand commodity trading, and remanufacturing. Zhu Liyang, president of the China Association of Circular Economy, said that recycling can effectively reduce carbon emissions in the mining, transportation and production and processing of raw materials, and second-hand commodity trading and remanufacturing can extend the service life of products. It is estimated that in 2022, China will reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about 3 billion tons by promoting waste recycling. It is estimated that by 2025, the comprehensive contribution rate of circular economy to China's carbon emission reduction will exceed 30%.

Take multiple measures to solve the recycling problem

According to the China Association of Circular Economy, the average lifespan of a mobile phone is about 2.2 years. On average, more than 400 million waste mobile phones are produced in China every year, but only about 5% of waste mobile phones can enter professional recycling platforms, "trade-in" activities and other recycling channels.

On the one hand, waste products "cannot be sold at a high price." In a market environment where the valuation model is not transparent and the recycling standards are not uniform, consumers have questioned the standardization of the recycling market. Consumers, on the other hand, have "worries". Smartphones store a lot of personal information, and even if they are formatted or factory reset, there are concerns about information security.

Zhao Weiquan said that recycling does face some challenges at present. For example, the recycling network is not perfect, the number of standardized trading and investment stations is limited, and the construction of transfer stations and sorting centers is relatively lagging behind; the main body of recycling is generally small in scale and not strong, which affects the efficiency and quality of recycling to a certain extent; the degree of industrial agglomeration needs to be improved, and the construction of industrial bases and parks still needs to be strengthened.

The "Action Plan" focuses on the outstanding problems encountered in the recycling of waste equipment products produced by residents and enterprises, proposes to accelerate the development of the "replacement + recycling" logistics system and new model, supports enterprises to build a reverse logistics system, promotes the door-to-door pick-up service model, etc., and further unblocks the standardized recycling channels for scrapped cars, waste household appliances and furniture, etc., promotes the establishment of a wide-coverage, convenient and fast recycling network, and improves the recycling channels of office equipment in public institutions.

In addition, it is necessary to strengthen the management of platform enterprises and strive to standardize the circulation and trading of second-hand goods. In recent years, the scale of the second-hand idle market has exceeded one trillion yuan, and the number of users has reached hundreds of millions. According to statistics, the transaction volume of second-hand cars in 2023 will reach 18.4133 million, a year-on-year increase of 14.88%.

In view of the problems of non-standardization and inconvenience in the second-hand trading market, the Action Plan deploys and optimizes measures to facilitate the registration of second-hand car transactions, guides the second-hand commodity trading platform to establish and improve the credit evaluation mechanism, further standardizes the circulation order and trading behavior of second-hand goods such as second-hand cars and second-hand electronic products, and strengthens the management responsibility of the trading platform.

Wang Xiaoyu, senior vice president of Guazi second-hand car, said that Guazi second-hand car has implemented strict standards in establishing a corporate evaluation mechanism, established a second-hand car dealer classification system, ensured that all vehicles must pass official professional testing, and introduced a third-party video car inspection service to ensure the transparency of the car inspection process.

Improve the level of resource recycling

The "Action Plan" proposes to promote the high-level recycling of resources. Promote the agglomeration and large-scale development of renewable resource processing and utilization enterprises, and guide the gradual withdrawal of inefficient production capacity. Improve the support policies for the disposal of waste electrical and electronic products, and study and expand the coverage of the disposal system for waste electrical and electronic products. Support the construction of a number of scrap steel, waste non-ferrous metals, waste plastics and other renewable resources deep processing industrial clusters.

Zhao Weiquan said that the supply and marketing cooperative system will further give full play to its industrial and organizational advantages, accelerate the improvement of the leading enterprises as the lead, the county (district) sorting center as the support, the township (street) transfer station as the node, the village (community) recycling network as the terminal, and the online and offline integration of the recycling network, so as to improve the level of recycling.

China Renewable Resources Group, a subsidiary of China Supply and Marketing Group, is a comprehensive renewable resource recycling enterprise in China, recycling and disposing of more than 20 million tons of various renewable resources in 2022. Wang Yunli, vice chairman of China Renewable Resources Development Co., Ltd., said that China Recycling Group will continue to improve the recycling network of renewable resources, give full play to the leading and driving role of leading enterprises in the dismantling of waste household appliances, and make every effort to improve the recycling capacity of various waste consumer goods, including household appliances. At the same time, it strengthened cooperation with large-scale home appliance manufacturers, carried out business cooperation such as recycling of defective products and trade-in, and improved the ability to control front-end resources.

In addition, the recycling of waste products and equipment requires the coordination of resources in various fields, the convergence of government, enterprises, scientific research institutions and the public, and the combination of "policy, market, science and technology, and society". Zhu Liyang said that it is necessary to speed up the improvement of relevant laws and regulations, strengthen the supervision and management of the recycling and utilization of waste products and equipment, promote enterprises to make great efforts in independent innovation, and actively explore new business models and management models, increase investment in scientific research institutions, explore more environmentally friendly and efficient recycling and recycling technologies, and strengthen the transformation of scientific and technological achievements; mobilize the public to actively practice the concept of green consumption, and take the initiative to eliminate the eliminated automobiles, home appliances, Waste products such as mobile phones are traded in the standardized second-hand market, or handed over to standardized recycling and dismantling enterprises for disposal, so as to achieve efficient recycling of resources.
