China Carbon Credit Platform

Liang Wei, deputy to the National People's Congress: deepen the construction of green and low-carbon building technologies and standards, and further improve the green and low-carbon standard system of the construction industry

Release Time6 months ago

In the 2024 government work report, it is proposed to strengthen the construction of ecological civilization and promote green and low-carbon development. Vigorously develop a green and low-carbon economy. Promote the green transformation of industrial structure, energy structure, transportation structure, and urban and rural construction development. At the same time, we will actively and steadily promote carbon peak and carbon neutrality, and solidly carry out the "Ten Actions for Carbon Peaking". Improve the ability of carbon emission statistical accounting and verification, establish a carbon footprint management system, and expand the industry coverage of the national carbon market.

This made Liang Wei, a deputy to the National People's Congress, vice chairman of the Chengdu CPPCC, and chairman of the Chengdu Municipal Committee of the Zhi Gong Party, feel a lot. At this year's National People's Congress and the National People's Congress, green and low-carbon buildings are one of the areas that Liang Wei focuses on.

Liang Wei

Liang Wei said that in the context of the national "double carbon" strategic goal, the construction industry, as a major energy consumer and carbon emitter, is one of the main positions affecting the realization of the "double carbon" strategic goal.

"Although the state, provinces and municipalities actively promote the green development and low-carbon transformation of buildings, due to the lack of top-level design and the lack of mandatory constraints, there are problems such as heavy design and light operation in the development process, which affects the realization of the 'double carbon' goal of the construction industry. In this regard, at this year's two sessions, Liang Wei put forward a proposal to further improve the green and low-carbon standard system of the construction industry.

"The green and low-carbon transformation of buildings is an important part of sustainable development, and it is necessary to continue to make efforts to improve policy support, focus on standards, and promote policy optimization, regulatory innovation, and financial empowerment. Liang Wei said.

First of all, the top-level design of green and low-carbon development of buildings should be improved. Liang Wei suggested that the purpose of revising and improving the "Construction Law" should highlight the concept of green and low-carbon, and add a special chapter on "green construction" in combination with the phased characteristics of the whole life cycle of construction activities, so as to focus on the content of green legislation; Establish a legal system for economic incentives for green construction, and at the same time establish a special review system for green buildings in the planning and design stage and a special system for construction, supervision and completion acceptance stages, so as to clarify the legal responsibilities of all parties.

At the same time, deepen the construction and application of green and low-carbon building technologies and standards. Revise and improve the current building design standards, and incorporate the basic requirements for green and low-carbon buildings into the design standard system and into the mandatory specifications for engineering construction. Liang Wei said.

Regulatory models and means should also be innovated. Liang Wei said that in order to achieve green development in the construction industry, it is necessary to pay attention to the greening of the whole life cycle of construction activities. Liang Wei suggested that on the basis of the existing engineering quality supervision system, a green review mechanism should be established for project establishment, planning, design, construction, supervision and other stages, and a coherent and closed management mechanism should be established to ensure that the building meets the green standards in actual operation.

"Promote ultra-low energy buildings from the holistic approach of building design, construction, and operation and maintenance. Promote the design, construction and operation of ultra-low energy consumption buildings based on energy consumption quotas and carbon emission quotas, market energy prices and carbon emission trading. "The green and low-carbon transformation of the construction industry is inseparable from the support of financial instruments.

In this regard, Liang Wei suggested that the investment and financing market for green building projects should be further developed, green finance should be strengthened to empower the green and low-carbon transformation of the construction industry, and financial instruments such as green credit, green funds, green bonds, and green insurance should be vigorously developed to provide targeted financial support and risk management for enterprises.
