China Carbon Credit Platform

Practicing "near-zero carbon" makes cities greener

Release Time5 months ago

Walking into Dongyu Island, Boao Town, Qionghai City, Hainan Province, the eyes are full of greenery. As the permanent site of the Boao Forum for Asia, it is also the first "near-zero carbon demonstration zone" built by China. Green buildings, new energy vehicles, rotating wind turbines...... The greenery is spread out on the ground, hidden in the details, and the ultra-high "green content" is impressive.

Cities are the center of human socio-economic activities and the main body of energy consumption. Globally, 71%-76% of carbon emissions come from cities. Green carbon-reduction renovation in urban built-up areas is of great significance to achieving the goal of carbon neutrality. With the intensive and active production and life of cities, there are many challenges and difficulties in how to carry out all-round low-carbon transformation and promote energy conservation and carbon reduction on the basis of not demolishing and building and ensuring that residents' daily lives are not too affected. The construction and operation of the "near-zero carbon demonstration zone" provides a reference path for the exploration of carbon neutrality in urban built-up areas.

"Near-zero carbon" does not mean no emissions, but rather that the carbon dioxide emitted and absorbed in the region is comparable, and carbon neutrality in the region is generally achieved. In Dongyu Island, from cleaning and resource treatment of garbage, to building rainwater storage facilities, to supporting smart charging stations to achieve green transportation transformation...... The transformation of solid waste treatment, resource utilization, energy supply, transportation and other aspects has promoted the island to become an organic whole with recyclable resources and self-balancing electricity consumption. It is undoubtedly an important experience to run the system concept through the whole process of "dual carbon" work, to do a good job of "addition" in transformation and upgrading, and to do a good job in "subtraction" in energy consumption and emissions, so as to achieve carbon reduction, pollution reduction, green expansion, and growth synergy.

The practice of "near-zero carbon" is inseparable from strong technical support. Walking on Dongyu Island, full of science and technology. For example, the Boao Forum for Asia Media Center, the largest single building on the island, has hundreds of photovoltaic panels on its roof, and a large "battery" with long-term storage and multi-charge at the back of the house, and a fan in front of the house also collects wind energy to generate electricity, so that wind, solar and other resources are used by it. The all-round green transformation can reduce the annual power consumption of the news center while also achieving savings. Helping to achieve carbon neutrality with technological innovation provides valuable opportunities for enterprises. While accelerating the research of clean energy, pollution control and consumption reduction, new energy storage and other technologies, based on the differences in scenarios and transformation needs in different regions and fields, we can explore more low-cost and high-efficiency solutions according to local conditions, and continue to expand the green economic space.

The main body of cities is people, and urban carbon reduction calls for the participation of all people. During this year's Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference, two places outside the venue were very popular: at the entrance of the press center, two bicycle machines attracted many participants to stop, and they could charge their mobile phones by riding; The fun activities stimulated everyone's enthusiasm to participate and sowed green seeds in people's hearts. To help save energy and reduce carbon emissions, everyone can do it, everywhere, everything, and all the time. By taking action, starting from the small things around us such as resource conservation, low-carbon travel, and green consumption, and promoting green and low-carbon lifestyles into customs, we can inject more positive energy into the construction of a clean and beautiful city.

Establishing and improving a green, low-carbon and circular development economic system is an overall and systematic project, which requires an organic combination of top-level design and grassroots exploration. On the basis of refining common laws and summarizing general experience, all localities insist on proceeding from reality, fulfilling their responsibilities and showing their strengths, which will surely strengthen the green background of urban development and help achieve the "double carbon" goal as scheduled.
