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Promote the implementation of the spirit of the plenary session with hard work performance

Release Time2 months ago

In the past few days, all relevant departments and units in the region have held separate meetings to convey and study the spirit of the Eighth Plenary Session of the 13th Central Committee of the Autonomous Region Party Committee and study and implement measures.

The Political and Legal Committee of the Autonomous Region Party Committee held a meeting to convey and study the spirit of the Eighth Plenary Session of the 13th Central Committee of the Autonomous Region Party Committee. Everyone unanimously stated that we should coordinate political and legal affairs in the "doing", systematically promote the institutionalization of the political security prevention system, continue to improve the grassroots legal work mechanism of "Shangfeng Bridge", and highlight the legal service guarantee of "one old, one small, one new and one heavy". Comprehensively implement the legal protection and build a solid main line action, strive to build a new ecological legal security pattern in the Yellow River Basin as a pioneer area for ecological protection and high-quality development, perform our duties with our responsibilities, and comprehensively maintain social stability and security. Support and serve the Ningxia chapter of Chinese-style modernization with the modernization system of political and legal work.

The Higher People's Court of the Autonomous Region held a meeting to convey and study the spirit of the Eighth Plenary Session of the 13th Central Committee of the Autonomous Region Party Committee. The district's courts will focus on ensuring the construction of a beautiful new Ningxia with active judicial services, and promote the implementation of various goals and tasks specified by the plenary session and achieve results. Properly try cases involving people's livelihood in accordance with the law, and promote the specialization and specialization of intellectual property trials, environmental capital trials, and bankruptcy trials. We will make every effort to improve the quality and efficiency of trial execution and legalize the petition work, strictly implement the "Three Provisions" on preventing interference in the judiciary, strictly adhere to the bottom line of clean justice, and create a good atmosphere of integrity and integrity, and entrepreneurship.

The People's Procuratorate of the Autonomous Region held a meeting to convey and study the spirit of the Eighth Plenary Session of the 13th Central Committee of the Autonomous Region Party Committee, requiring the district's procuratorial organs to actively perform procuratorial functions in accordance with the law, further promote the special action of "procuratorial and protecting enterprises", and strive to create a legal business environment that ensures business and benefits enterprises; Adhere to the special action of "inspecting and protecting people's livelihood" as the starting point, continue to do practical procuratorial work for the people, and handle a number of influential typical cases; Strictly crack down on illegal and criminal activities in the field of ecological environment and resources in accordance with the law, carry out in-depth public interest litigation in the field of environmental resources, thoroughly implement the digital procuratorial strategy, go all out to serve the overall situation, serve the people's justice, and serve the rule of law, and promote the implementation of the spirit of the plenary session with hard work results.

The Social Work Department of the Autonomous Region Party Committee held a meeting to convey and study the spirit of the Eighth Plenary Session of the 13th Central Committee of the Autonomous Region Party Committee. Everyone unanimously expressed the need to promote social work and the overall economic and social development of the region to work in the same direction and resonate with the same frequency, so as to form a good trend of focusing on party building to promote development and governance to provide services; organize and implement the care and assistance project for people with special difficulties, and carry out high-value rural areas Special governance and autonomy improvement actions to solve the urgent needs, difficulties and worries of the people; Build and strengthen community party organizations, improve community service levels, promote efforts to reduce the burden on the grassroots, continuously broaden the practical paths for all ethnic groups to embed in all aspects, and promote the common unity, progress, and common prosperity and development of all ethnic groups.

The Judicial Department of the Autonomous Region held a meeting to convey and study the spirit of the Eighth Plenary Session of the 13th Central Committee of the Autonomous Region Party Committee. The district's judicial administrative system will accelerate the promotion of local legislation such as promoting industrial development, ecological civilization construction, and ensuring and improving people's livelihood, thoroughly implement the project of building and upgrading a government under the rule of law, strengthen administrative law enforcement supervision and administrative reconsideration, actively create a legal business environment, and continuously improve public The level of legal services, increase the investigation and resolution of conflicts and disputes, comprehensively implement actions to improve citizens 'legal literacy, and jointly serve and ensure the construction of a beautiful new Ningxia through legalization in all aspects and fields.

The Department of Human Resources and social protection of the Autonomous Region held a meeting to convey and study the spirit of the Eighth Plenary Session of the 13th Central Committee of the Autonomous Region Party Committee, clarify the key tasks proposed by the plenary session, and carry out special actions such as stabilizing internal and external employment, providing youth employment services, and providing targeted assistance to groups with employment difficulties to promote high-quality and full employment; It is necessary to improve the reform of the income distribution system and gradually balance the income gap between government agencies and institutions, enterprises, and urban and rural residents; It is necessary to give full play to the functions of various talent carriers and promote the reform of the personnel system by industry and field; it is necessary to strengthen the establishment and demonstration of harmonious labor relations and risk investigation and resolution, increase labor security supervision and law enforcement, and effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of workers.

Autonomous Region Department of Ecology and EnvironmentHold a meeting to convey and study the spirit of the Eighth Plenary Session of the 13th Central Committee of the Autonomous Region Party Committee. Everyone said that they will continue to deepen the reform of emission rights and carbon emission rights in accordance with the deployment requirements of the plenary session, deepen the battle against pollution, comprehensively implement actions to continuously improve air quality, fight the battle against ecological protection and governance in the Ningxia section of the Yellow River, and strengthen soil and groundwater Pollution prevention and control at the source, steadily promote the construction of "waste-free cities" and "waste-free groups". Strengthen the law enforcement and supervision of ecological environment, promote the implementation of various rectification tasks one by one, and embark on a path of ecological civilization construction with the characteristics of the times, Ningxia characteristics, and impressive.

The Audit Office of the Autonomous Region held a meeting to convey and study the spirit of the Eighth Plenary Session of the 13th Central Committee of the Autonomous Region Party Committee. Participants unanimously expressed the need to focus on the overall situation and focus on key points to strengthen audit supervision. Conduct audits around the implementation of major strategies, the implementation of major policies, and the construction of major projects, conduct audits around the implementation of major reform tasks, conduct audits around the prevention and resolution of risks in key areas, conduct audits around key people's livelihood funds and projects, and conduct audits around promoting the standardized operation of power. Adhere to the party's political construction as the guide, build a team of high-quality professional audit cadres, and create a "special force" for economic supervision.

The Party Group of the Autonomous Region Market Supervision and Management Department held a meeting to convey and study the spirit of the Eighth Plenary Session of the 13th Central Committee of the Autonomous Region Party Committee. Everyone expressed that it is necessary to solidly promote the construction of high-quality areas and high-intellectual property areas, develop new quality productivity according to local conditions, and accurately serve the development of advantageous and characteristic industries in the region. Take practical measures, do practical things, and seek practical results in aspects such as property rights protection, market access, fair competition, and social credit. Carry out in-depth "iron fist" actions in the field of people's livelihood, strengthen price supervision in key areas, create a good environment of "safe consumption in Ningxia", and solve the urgent needs, worries, and small matters around the people with heart and soul. Guided by the "six major constructions" and "six high goals", we will make every effort to implement various tasks in the field of market supervision. We will further promote the "six special actions" such as campus food safety rectification and urban gas safety special rectification to effectively safeguard the safety of people's lives and property and the overall stability of society.

The Autonomous Region Medical Security Bureau held a meeting to convey and study the spirit of the Eighth Plenary Session of the 13th Central Committee of the Autonomous Region Party Committee. Everyone has expressed that they must continue to promote the implementation of medical security work, promote the coordinated development and governance of medical insurance, medical care, and medicine, continue to promote the reform of the medical security system, refine the reform of medical insurance payment methods, and do a good job in medical services in a "small step and fast" manner. Price adjustment work, institutionalization and normalization promote the reform of centralized bidding and procurement of drugs and medical consumables, do a good job in providing comprehensive guarantees for critical illness insurance and medical assistance, and effectively reduce the burden of medical expenses for seriously ill patients. We will do a good job in the safe operation of funds, strengthen fund revenue and expenditure budget management, and ensure the efficient and safe operation of the medical insurance information platform.

The Letters and Calls Bureau of the Autonomous Region held a meeting to convey and study the spirit of the Eighth Plenary Session of the 13th Central Committee of the Autonomous Region Party Committee, requiring petition cadres at all levels in the region to deeply understand the spirit and essence of the plenary session, thoroughly understand the core essence, implement it in practice, and effectively put the decisions and arrangements of the Autonomous Region Party Committee into action. See the results and reflect the learning results in promoting the high-quality development of petition work. Everyone unanimously expressed that they should take the opportunity of comprehensively promoting the legalization of petition work, focus on the "five legalization" of prevention, acceptance, handling, supervision and accountability, and maintenance of order, and vigorously carry forward the fine traditions of "four grassroots levels", make great efforts to resolve a number of accumulated petition cases and solve outstanding petition problems in key areas.
