China Carbon Credit Platform

Chengde City, Hebei Province, achieved 60.99 million yuan in carbon reduction products trading, accounting for 83% of the province

Release Time1 month ago

Chengde City deeply implements the concept that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets, and actively explores ecological value transformation paths and transforms ecological advantages into development advantages in five aspects: ecological compensation mechanism, carbon reduction product development, CCER (China Certified Voluntary Emission Reduction), emission rights market transactions, and rich green financial products. So far, the city has relied on the provincial carbon-reduction product value realization platform to complete 4 batches of 1.1 million tons of carbon-reduction product transactions, achieving a transaction volume of 60.99 million yuan, accounting for 83% of the province's total.

In cooperation with the Institute of Forestry Science and Technology Information of the Chinese Academy of Forestry to calculate the value of ecological products, the city's forest, grassland and wetland resources can conserve 3.27 billion cubic meters of water, conserve 88.838 million tons of soil, fix 7.125 million tons of carbon, and release 5.862 million tons of oxygen, with a total asset value of 501.92 billion yuan, with the highest value of ecological products in Hebei Province; In cooperation with the East China Survey, Planning and Design Institute of the State Forestry and Grassland Administration, we conducted a survey of the forest resources of the city's state-owned forest farms, determined the carbon layer division and monitoring points, and completed the coverage of the entire area and three-age forest (young forest, middle-age forest, mature forest). According to the current methodology, the forest area of calculated carbon sequestration products is 26.44 million acres, and the total amount of carbon sequestration products reaches 86.9884 million tons, ranking first in Hebei Province.

Chengde City attaches great importance to methodological and mechanism innovation, accelerates the construction of a value accounting system, and builds on the original methodology of carbon-reduction products such as forest carbon sequestration, wind power, photovoltaics, and ultra-low energy consumption buildings, and focuses on ecosystem carbon sequestration, low-carbon living, and carbon reduction in production processes, and has initially established a standardized accounting system for the value of carbon-reduction products. Methodologies for three carbon-reduction products in grasslands, wetlands and scenic spots have been issued and implemented, becoming provincial standards. At the same time, it is also the first in the province to create a new model of "value realization of carbon-reduction products + compensation for ecological environmental damage" to promote the linkage between ecological restoration and judicial penalties and broaden value transformation channels.

In order to further implement the carbon sink economy, Chengde City has accelerated the cooperation between Saihanba Ecological Development Group and the East China Survey, Planning and Design Institute of the State Forestry and Grassland Administration to comprehensively carry out forest carbon sink monitoring and establish national-level forestry carbon sink certification reserves. Support Saihanba Ecological Development Group and the Municipal Forestry and Grassland Survey, Planning and Design Institute to form a consortium to compete for a third-party certification agency for provincial carbon sink trading, continue to expand the city's trading share of carbon sequestration products, and strive for carbon sink trading during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period. Significant improvement.

Expand ecological compensation paths. Establish and improve the horizontal ecological compensation mechanism in the Luanhe River and Chaohe River Basin, and obtain a total of 4.037 billion yuan in ecological compensation funds. The transfer payment scope of key ecological functional areas covers the entire city, and receives 1.1 billion yuan in central fiscal funds every year. Activate market transactions in emission rights. In Hebei Province, it took the lead in launching market-based trading of municipal and municipal emission rights, and continuously optimized transaction review procedures, with a cumulative transaction amount of more than 31 million yuan. Enrich green financial products. Innovate financial products such as carbon quota pledge loans and emission rights mortgage loans, and issued the province's first carbon quota pledge loan, with a cumulative credit of 750 million yuan.
