China Carbon Credit Platform

Series of reports ① 丨 Practices of Pollution Reduction and Carbon Reduction in Otok High-tech Zone: Hundreds of Billion Park Releases the Vitality of Industrial Green Transformation

Release Time1 week ago

The ecological background is inherently fragile, the industrial structure that relies heavily on coal resources, and the regional structural pollution in Wuhai and surrounding areas are prominent... These labels have been accompanying the Etok High-tech Industrial Development Zone (hereinafter referred to as the High-tech Zone) for many years.

Faced with development difficulties, transformation is imminent. In this regard, Etok High-tech Zone made a choice-to achieve synergy and efficiency gains in pollution reduction and carbon reduction as the overall starting point to promote the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development, and explore the coordinated development path and model of pollution reduction and carbon reduction in high-energy-carrying industrial parks.

How to go on the transformation path of "destroying the old and establishing the new"? From the autonomous region's low-carbon demonstration park, to the autonomous region's high-tech industrial development zone, to the country's first batch of collaborative innovation pilot units for pollution reduction and carbon reduction in cities and industrial parks, Etok High-tech Zone has made vigorous progress on the road of "reducing carbon" and "pursuing green", and the quality of development has been continuously improved.

"Coal City Outside the Great Wall" is advancing towards green and low-carbon

Built because of coal and prospered by coal, Etok High-tech Zone in Ordos City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region is a veritable "Coal City Outside the Great Wall."

It is located in the intersection of the Yellow River Urban Agglomeration and the Hohhot, Bao, Eyu Urban Agglomeration in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. It has two industrial parks, Qipanjing and Mengxi. The Otok High-tech Zone is an important energy, heavy chemical industry base in the western part of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. Mineral resources are rich here, with the characteristics of shallow burial, large reserves, high grade, many types, and easy mining. Data shows that there are more than 40 types of minerals that have been proven for industrial mining, including proven reserves of coal resources of 2.96 billion tons and recoverable reserves of 1.778 billion tons.

In the past, due to economic backwardness, people believed that "it would rather choke to death than starve to death." In the early days of reform and opening up, small businesses here developed rapidly, and there was a "prosperity" scene where "every village was on fire and every household smoked."

"At that time, when the window was opened, the house was covered with dust, and I didn't dare to wear a white shirt." An environmentalist who had worked in the Qipanjing area of Etuoke Banner for many years recalled.

Coal has made the economy of this little-known small northwest city a big turnaround. However, the long-term industrial structure that relies on energy has led to increasingly prominent contradictions between resources and environment, and the production and operation of enterprises are struggling.

Thinking determines the way out. Entering the new century, the country's wave of implementing the strategy of developing the western region has swept across the land of Ordos. Etuoke Banner followed the trend, made scientific decisions, and resolutely launched the construction of an industrial park. Since then, industries such as silicon and electricity cogeneration, synthetic ammonia, PVC, coking and downstream products have been launched one after another, and the industrial agglomeration effect of industrial parks has gradually become prominent.

After more than 20 years of development, there are currently 164 enterprises settled in the park, including 109 enterprises above designated size. On the basis of the "coal, electricity, metallurgy, and chemical" industries, the park focuses on developing four major industries: "new materials, new energy, new chemicals, and high-end equipment manufacturing." In 2023, Etok High-tech Zone will achieve a total industrial output value of 122.3 billion yuan and sales revenue of 122.7 billion yuan, ranking among the 100 billion output value parks in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region for three consecutive years.

"Etok High-tech Zone has outstanding characteristics of high energy consumption and high carbonization, and belongs to a typical high-energy-carrying industrial cluster in western my country." During the interview, Jia Rui, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee and director of the Management Committee of the Otok High-tech Zone, commented that the industrial structure of the High-tech Zone shows obvious characteristics of "four more and four less"-there are more traditional industries than there are emerging industries, more low-end industries than there are high-end industries, more resource-based industries than there are high value-added industries, and more labor-intensive industries than there are capital and technology-intensive industries.

Against the background of the "double carbon" goal, the old development model is unsustainable. How to solve this situation? How should Etok High-tech Zone explore a development path that matches its own endowment?

"When thinking about problems, making decisions, and doing things, we must resolutely put ecological and environmental protection at the forefront." During the interview, Li Zhibiao, member of the Standing Committee of the Otok Banner Committee and deputy flag chief, told "Environmental Economy" that in order to build a strong ecological security barrier in the northern border of the motherland, the High-tech Zone has strengthened ecological and environmental protection in all regions and promoted green transformation and development in all fields and processes.

According to reports, as a resource-dependent city, coal resource endowment is the foundation for the economic development of Otok High-tech Zone. Abundant coal plays a decisive role in the local industrial structure and energy structure. As a result, the energy consumption per unit of GDP of the High-tech Zone has been at a high level for a long time, and the total carbon emissions and carbon emission intensity have remained high.

"During the transformation process, we focused on resource-based industries and achieved certain economic benefits in the short term, but it is not a long-term solution." Jia Rui said that in the long run, in order to achieve the "double carbon" goal, the advantageous leading industries of Etok High-tech Zone-high energy-consuming and high-emission industries such as coal and energy and chemical industry must be transformed and upgraded, and the road to synergy and efficiency reduction.

The "solid family background" accumulated over the years has laid the foundation for promoting green transformation of the industry. Under the new situation, the prelude to transformation has officially begun.

In accordance with the requirements of "Building a High-Energy-Carrying, High-Carbon Industrial Park with High Carbon and Low-Carbon Development in Western China" deployed by the Ordos Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, Etok High-tech Zone adopts low-carbon energy carbonization, industrial recycling, technological transformation and energy conservation, facility sharing, Management and other measures to promote stock upgrades with green and low-carbon, lead incremental transformation with high-end demonstrations, comprehensively promote green, low-carbon and high-quality development of high-tech zones, and fully explore "new energy substitution as the support, Green, carbon reduction, conservation and development "approach to low-carbon park construction.

"The park has now become the world's largest ferroalloy production base and the most competitive cost depression in the domestic chlor-alkali industry. It is also one of the most dynamic and development potential parks in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region." Jia Rui told "Environmental Economy" that after 20 years of development, the industrial parks on the Gobi Desert have formed a complete circular economy industrial chain, and the huge advantages of industrial transformation and upgrading are gradually being released.

Jianyuan Coal Coking Company project construction site.

Real money promotes green transformation

In late summer, the sky is high and the clouds are clear. Vehicles drove into the Otok High-tech Zone, and slogans such as "Adhere to ecological priority and green development","Protecting the environment means protecting productivity" and "Environmental protection is the common cause of mankind" could be seen everywhere on both sides of the national highway. On the road, transport vehicles roared past full of goods. Not far away, there are many factory buildings in the park and the sound of machines rumbling, and the heat wave of development is coming.

Today, Otok High-tech Zone shows surging green momentum. Where does green momentum come from? This not only includes accurate judgment to grasp the "double carbon" goal in a timely manner, but also innovative ideas for the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries.

Especially with the support of real money, Otok High-tech Zone focuses on green transformation, innovatively develops and optimizes the stock, and expands the layout.

According to Li Zhibiao, the plenary session of the Banner Committee reviewed and issued the "Several Measures to Support Industrial Transformation, Upgrading, and Innovative Development" and arranged 150 million yuan in special funds to guide enterprises to vigorously promote technological transformation, innovation, and economical and intensive development.

Enterprises can gain tangible benefits by taking a new path of resource conservation. In Etok High-tech Zone, enterprises will be rewarded with 100 yuan for every ton of standard coal saved, 10 yuan for every ton of water saved, 10 yuan for every ton of carbon dioxide emission reduction, and 10 yuan for every ton of solid waste comprehensively utilized. At the same time, rewards and subsidies support enterprises to upgrade their regulations and become bigger and stronger, expand industrial categories, and extend and supplement chains to strengthen chains.

In addition, in order to promote new technologies to lead the intensive development of the park, Otok High-tech Zone strongly supports enterprises in carrying out technological research and transformation of results around resource conservation and intensive utilization, and provides 10 - 30 million yuan of financial support to key laboratories, technology research and development platforms and pilot public service platforms.

Exterior view of the power plant.

The investment of funds has directly driven the transformation and upgrading of related industries.

Coking is one of the five traditional industries in Otok High-tech Zone. At present, the park has basically formed a cluster development trend of the coking industry, and the coking cycle industry chain has gradually achieved "chain production of gold".

Jia Rui told reporters that in the past, the park was "mainly coke and supplemented by chemicals", and the three major coal coking by-products of coke oven gas, crude benzene, and coal tar were not reasonably and efficiently utilized. Taking coke oven gas as an example, 400 cubic meters of coke can be produced for every ton of coke smelted. However, for a long time, coke oven gas has been emptied and burned in large quantities, commonly known as "lighting lights". It not only wastes resources in vain, but also pollutes air quality. "We are determined to make the coking industry better and greener, and further improve energy efficiency and reduce emissions."

As an established coking enterprise, Etuoke Banner Jianyuan Coal Coking Company, Ltd. has a very representative "new butterfly transformation".

Walking into the construction site of Jianyuan's 1.2 million tons/year decarbonization demonstration project, various main buildings have already risen from the ground. "This is the world's first integrated desulfurization and decarbonization project, which can achieve near-zero carbon dioxide emissions. After the project is completed, it will achieve 'self-emission and self-digestion' of corporate waste gas, and will also produce 2.3 million tons of by-product sulfur and carbon fertilizers every year." The relevant person in charge of the company said.

At the same time, Jianyuan has built four circular industrial chains, completely shifting from "focusing on focus" to "focusing on transformation". This also means that enterprises will achieve 100% deep processing of raw coal, clean coal, crude benzene, pure benzene, tar, gas and other products for their own use, and effectively achieve efficient on-site conversion of resources and dry consumption.

"We are determined to promote the extension of the coking industry chain." Jia Rui further explained that the park has built supporting projects such as coke oven gas to produce ethylene glycol and synthetic methanol, which has greatly improved the comprehensive utilization rate of coke oven gas. After the transformation, the added value energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions per unit of industry in the park have been significantly reduced, and the coking industry has continued to improve and upgrade.

Nowadays, the vivid practice of circular transformation continues to be staged in Otok High-tech Zone. Shenma Jianyuan Phase I of 300,000 tons/year refined adipic acid has started and is scheduled to be put into operation before the end of 2024; Shuangxin Chemical Industry's comprehensive utilization of tail gas with an annual output of 100,000 tons of DMC is supporting the EMC/DEC project for lithium batteries with an annual output of 30,000 tons. Currently In the second phase of process testing, a tar-asphalt-needle coke-new high-end lithium battery anode material industry chain will be built; The Yizheng Anthracene Oil and Hengchi New Materials Project use coal tar to extract anthracene, naphthalene and other raw materials to produce downstream organic pigments, realizing the extension to high-end products.

What was once a by-product has transformed into a "main course". Behind the layout of the "coal-coke-chemical-nylon" industrial chain is the true portrayal of coal coking enterprises 'interpretation of the chemical "magic" of "one gram of coal to a bundle of silk, and one ton of coal to a piece of cloth." It is also the firm confidence of Otok High-tech Zone to achieve breakthroughs in the entire industrial chain and cultivate high-end energy and chemical industries.

The central control room of the power plant.

Enterprise development moves towards "new"

Without breaking or establishing, the industry will move towards "new". Many enterprises stationed in the park aim at high-quality development goals, seek transformation and upgrading, and persist in transforming and upgrading traditional industries with high-tech and advanced applicable technologies, demonstrating the attitude of "leaders" in the industry.

Industrially, methanol is synthesized from syngas (the main components are carbon monoxide and hydrogen) under the action of a catalyst. At present, raw materials for synthesizing methanol mainly come from coal and natural gas. Today, Otok High-tech Zone has created the country's first set of silicon-manganese tail gas to produce methanol, opening up an industrial path for the recycling and utilization of silicon-based alloy smelting waste tail gas, and innovatively developing the process route of producing methanol from silicon-manganese tail gas.

The project of producing 120,000 tons of methanol from submerged arc furnace tail gas of Ordos Carbon and Hydrogen Energy Technology Co., Ltd. was officially put into operation in January 2020. According to Gao Yanping, the company's executive deputy general manager, the project can recover 300 million cubic meters of silicon-manganese tail gas every year. The production cost is 60% of coal-based methanol and 40% of natural gas-based methanol. The comprehensive energy consumption per unit of product is low and carbon dioxide can be directly reduced. Emission reduction is 170,000 tons/year.

"Low-carbon, environmentally friendly, energy-saving and efficient. In addition to these advantages, the greater significance of the project is that it achieves an effective link between the metallurgical and chemical industry chains, and further promotes the comprehensive utilization of submerged arc furnace exhaust gas to produce high-value chemical products and achieves large-scale areas., large-scale energy conservation and emission reduction provide valuable experience and technical support." Gao Yanping said.

In order to further reduce emissions, fully carry out deep processing and waste reuse, and continuously promote the coordinated development and recycling integration of enterprises, the park introduced a food-grade carbon dioxide processing enterprise Inner Mongolia Tonghui Tianke Gas Co., Ltd. to collect the carbon dioxide emitted from the silicon-manganese tail gas to methanol project. Gas is collected again, produced and processed into food-grade carbon dioxide, achieving zero carbon dioxide emissions in the entire industrial chain.

It is understood that the carbon dioxide produced by Tonghui Tianke is widely used, such as beer and carbonated beverages in the food industry, as well as in the pharmaceutical field and the spirulina industry.

"The company receives carbon dioxide tail gas generated during the production process of upstream enterprises, and goes through the purification process to produce food-grade liquid carbon dioxide and industrial-grade liquid carbon dioxide. The generated tail gas is then transported to the upstream methanol production system for use as raw material gas. The entire industrial chain forms a closed loop., truly achieving zero emission of 'three wastes' in industrial production." Li Zhong, general manager of Inner Mongolia Tonghui Tianke Gas Co., Ltd., told Environmental Economics.

Focusing on the two main directions of food-grade carbon dioxide production and coupled utilization of carbon dioxide, and vigorously promoting the utilization of carbon dioxide resources, Etok High-tech Zone promotes the "full utilization and zero emission" of carbon dioxide in key industrial chains, and continues to inject "green energy" into the development of the local industrial economy.

An industrial development model with orderly linking of upstream and downstream products, cyclic transformation and value-added has gradually taken shape. The Etok High-tech Zone has achieved resource sharing, mutual supply of raw materials, complementary advantages, and mutual integration of industries.

The power of technological innovation goes far beyond that. For enterprises, technological innovation can also stimulate the development potential of enterprises and allow enterprises to gain a firm foothold in the fierce market competition.

Over the years, Ordos Electric Metallurgical Group has been committed to solving the technical problems of mercury-free chlor-alkali chemical industry. Caustic soda and PVC are the most important products in chlor-alkali chemical industry. In my country, calcium carbide PVC process accounts for 80%, making it the industry with the largest amount of mercury in my country. In order to actively assume the performance responsibilities of the parties to the Minamata Convention on Mercury, Ordos Electric Metallurgical Group independently developed the industry's first set of green mercury-free industrialization technology, filling the gap in the industry. In 2022, the Group achieved a major technological breakthrough in the mercury-free production of PVC by the calcium carbide method, and obtained the first discharge permit for mercury-free emissions from the calcium carbide method polyvinyl chloride process.

Today, the 400,000 tons/year polyvinyl chloride and caustic soda project of Ordos Electric Metallurgical Group has been completely filled with mercury-free catalysts, fully realizing mercury-free production. Walking into Ordos Electric Metallurgical Group, a large sign reading "The world's first calcium carbide PVC mercury-free production demonstration factory" shines in the sun.

Automation robot in ferrosilicon production workshop.

The new energy industry chain accelerates its rise

Energy consumption structure is the primary factor affecting carbon emissions, and the use of green electricity is the main means of reducing carbon emissions in the chemical industry. Etok High-tech Zone is seizing the opportunity of "double carbon" and striving to find a new green development path of "replacing green electricity in the park."

The reporter walked into Kaer Power Technology Co., Ltd., and not far away, new energy heavy trucks were charging. The power source of new energy heavy trucks comes from the "green electricity" generated by the 200MW renewable energy alternative photovoltaic project of Ordos Multi-Energy Complementary Company. Since the heavy trucks were put into operation, all links have been basically stable.

According to Shi Xiaomei, the relevant person in charge of Kaer Power Technology Co., Ltd., the company currently operates and operates 144 new energy heavy trucks in Otok's High-tech Zone, and it is expected to reach 300 by the end of the year. Currently, a total of 154 diesel heavy trucks have been replaced. Compared with diesel heavy trucks, new energy heavy trucks can reduce particulate matter by 6.5 tons and nitrogen oxides by 92 tons every year.

Promote green power substitution at full speed-Focusing on this goal, Otok High-tech Zone has built a million-kilowatt photovoltaic base and planned to build 8.4GW of new energy, providing a solid guarantee for green power to "ensure supply."

Today, projects such as the renewable energy substitution project of Junzheng Energy Chemical Co., Ltd.(550,000 kilowatts), the integrated synthetic green ammonia project of wind, solar and hydrogen production in Etuoke Banner (505,000 kilowatts), and the green power supply project of the industrial park of Ordos City Multi-Energy Complementary Energy Co., Ltd.(300,000 kilowatts) have started construction one after another. It is expected to reduce thermal power by more than 10 billion kilowatt hours every year, equivalent to 3.2 million tons of standard coal, and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 8.32 million tons.

It is worth mentioning that the 505,000-kilowatt wind and light hydrogen production integrated synthetic green ammonia project in Etuoke Banner was officially started in June 2023, with a total investment of 3.5 billion yuan. It is the first batch of wind and light hydrogen production demonstration projects in the autonomous region to be started in Ordos City. The project adopts an integrated solution of "green hydrogen consumes green electricity, and green ammonia consumes green hydrogen". Through green hydrogen, it perfectly combines new energy and chemical industry to form a full industrial chain of green electricity, green hydrogen and green ammonia. After the project is put into operation, it will become a domestic green hydrogen synthesis innovation demonstration project.

"Etok High-tech Zone is based on the park's advantageous and characteristic industries such as coking, chlor-alkali, and ferroalloy, accelerating the pace of transformation and upgrading, and promoting the construction of a '100 billion-level integrated demonstration base for new energy production, storage and utilization.'" Chao Ke, Party Secretary and Director of the Etuoke Banner Branch of the Ecological Environment Bureau of Ordos City, told "Environmental Economy" that based on its load advantages, peak shaving advantages and development advantages, the park gives full play to the advantages of modern coal chemical industry demonstration bases, promotes the integrated development of coal chemical industry + green hydrogen, and builds a green synthetic ammonia industry chain.

According to Chaoke, green ammonia can achieve clean and zero carbon emissions. After completion, the carbon emission intensity of ammonia production in the park will be reduced by more than 10%, and the pollutant emission intensity will be reduced by 8% to 10%.

Through the path of "low-carbon energy", the installed capacity of new energy in Etok High-tech Zone has grown rapidly. Infinite "scenery" has continuously reduced carbon and increased storage for the park. Green power projects, new energy projects, carbon-negative industries, green transportation, etc. have been fully rolled out in Etok High-tech Zone, laying a solid foundation for green power to lead high-quality development.

Relying on the strong "start" of the new energy industry in the park, the park has actively introduced the layout of major industrial projects such as high-purity crystal silicon, new energy batteries, and anode materials, and the "chain" of the new energy industry has burst into new vitality.

The new energy high-end intelligent manufacturing project of Inner Mongolia Baoxin Lvneng New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. is an emerging industrial project introduced by Etok High-tech Zone in recent years, with a planned total investment of 13.3 billion yuan. The first phase of the project is responsible for the R & D, production and manufacturing of related products such as 2GW photovoltaic heterojunction cells +2GW photovoltaic heterojunction modules +2GW wafer chip production line, and is currently in the equipment installation stage. After being put into production, it will connect the existing single-polycrystalline and photovoltaic glass industry production capacity in the park, supplement and complement the entire new energy industry chain, and drive upstream and downstream industries supporting facilities.

Electricity is greener and carbon emissions are lower. Green electricity-related projects have emerged on the development "map" of Otok High-tech Zone, gaining momentum on the "chain", and the industrial development of the park is becoming more and more resilient.

Following the old map, you can't find the New World. At present, Etok High-tech Zone faces the dual tasks of ecological and environmental protection and "double carbon" goals. Promoting synergy and efficiency improvement of pollution reduction and carbon reduction is not only a strategic layout to implement central decision-making and deployment, but also an optimal choice to adapt to "double carbon" changes. Draw a blueprint to the end and open up a new situation in the "double carbon" changes. I believe that Etok High-tech Zone will promote green transformation in economic development and achieve greater development in green transformation.

RegionInner Mongolia,Ningxia