China Carbon Credit Platform

Haining established its first "Home for Environmental Managers"

Release Time2 months ago

Recently, the first "Environmental Manager's Home" in Haining, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province was unveiled in the Smart Port Industrial Community of Haichang Street. On the first day of its establishment, the first class "Carbon Trading Management" in the high-quality small class class of "Environmental Protection" officially started.

"As version 2.0 of the environmental protection 'course supermarket', we will invite 'big talent' lecturers from universities or scientific research institutions to focus on industry governance difficulties and conduct offline training for our city's environmental administrators. Enterprises can make appointments to register on the APP." Yao Yin, captain of the First Squadron directly under the Haining Ecological and Environmental Protection Administrative Law Enforcement Team, said that she hopes to quickly improve the environmental governance capabilities of environmental administrators and create a high-quality professional team through the construction of the "Environmental Administrators Home" and special columns such as high-quality small classes.

The Smart Port Industrial Community gathers the pan-semiconductor, aerospace, life and health, and electronic information industries. There are 607 companies and more than 1200 shops in the jurisdiction. In 2021, Haining will launch a pilot reform of the enterprise environmental supervisor system, and environmental protection associations will be established in 10 towns and streets, with 723 environmental supervisors. Since the beginning of this year, Haining has taken practical measures to comprehensively strengthen the construction of the "three teams", innovatively establishing a "home for environmental managers", activating enterprises 'self-management capabilities, building a positive interactive platform for service and supervision, and making environmental managers a team of highly qualified workers.

Next, Haining will promote the establishment of "Environmental Controller Homes" in all towns and streets, and improve the self-inspection and self-management capabilities of enterprises by building a main front for the publicity and implementation of environmental protection laws and regulations, focusing on providing environmental protection business training for enterprises; create a supervision side "Environmental protection +" service brand and establish a direct connection mechanism between supply and demand parties; open a "through train" for connecting supply and demand, so that both parties can seamlessly connect to reduce the cost of pollution control for enterprises. At the same time, advanced governance technologies and pollution control models will be shared with key pollutant discharge units as soon as possible.
