China Carbon Credit Platform

Look, Shandong's practice of blue sky, blue water and clean soil

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Prosperity of ecology leads to prosperity of civilization. In recent years, Shandong has firmly established the concept that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets, adhered to ecological priority and green development, deepened the battle against pollution, continued to deepen the reform of the ecological civilization system, firmly adhered to the two bottom lines of development and ecology, and the quality of the ecological environment Continue to be stable and improving. On the land of Qilu, a new picture of "high-value" with beautiful mountains and clear waters is vividly unfolding.

Overcoming difficulties and polishing environmental quality

In the golden autumn season, looking from the Xiaoqing River in Jinan, the river is rippling with blue waves and lush on both sides. In recent years, Jinan City has invested more than 10 billion yuan in cumulative investment, promoting the continuous jump in the water quality of Xiaoqing River (Jinan section). The "Little Black River" that everyone used to avoid has become a good place for citizens to relax and entertain.

A good ecological environment is the most universally beneficial welfare for people's livelihood. Shandong continues to fight in-depth to defend blue sky, clear water, and pure land. Green waters and green mountains are planted in the land of Qilu, and ecological beauty is blooming in the continent of the great river.

In order to maintain blue skies, Shandong has continuously implemented three rounds of "four reductions and four increases" actions to promote the transfer and withdrawal of all production capacity of steel enterprises in the original transmission channel city mayor process; and has successively implemented ultra-low emission transformation in the thermal power, steel, coking and cement industries, and further promoted 1735 companies have completed comprehensive management of volatile organic compounds; Strengthen the prevention and control of pollution from mobile sources, and make it clear that 17,400 national level 1 and below machinery will be basically phased out by the end of 2024, and 190,000 national level 3 and below diesel trucks will be basically phased out by the end of 2025.

For the long-term flow of clear water, Shandong has continuously consolidated and deepened pollution control in key river basins, and coordinated to promote 103 counties (cities, districts) to complete the clearing of the rainwater and sewage confluence pipe network throughout the county. Black and smelly water bodies in built-up areas of cities and counties have been dynamically cleared, 52% of sewage treatment plants have completed quasi-IV standard upgrading and transformation; cities have been guided to promote the protection and construction of beautiful rivers and lakes according to local conditions and steps; the special action of "beach cleaning" has been carried out for four consecutive years to clean up more than 10,000 tons of garbage along shoreline and beaches; Systematically manage the ecological environment of the Nansi Lake Basin and take the lead in completing the "two clearing" task in the province.

For the eternal life of pure land, Shandong follows the overall idea of "preventing new additions, removing stocks, and controlling risks" to strengthen the prevention and control of soil pollution sources and make every effort to ensure that the people can "live in peace of mind." A list system of key soil pollution supervision units has been established, including 1643 key units in the list management; a list of priority supervision plots has been established, including 622 plots under supervision, and supervision has been made to identify pollution and implement control.

Groups of eye-catching figures witness the profound changes that have taken place in Shandong's ecological environment field.

The sky is bluer-In 2023, the average concentration of PM2.5 in the province will be 37.4 micrograms/cubic meter, an improvement of 61.9% from 2013, reaching the "30+" level for the third consecutive year, which is more than 10% better than the national annual target; The proportion of excellent days was 69.3%, an increase of 29.3 percentage points from 2013; the number of days with heavy pollution was 5.7 days, a decrease of 55.1 days from 2013, and "blue sky, white clouds, twinkling stars" gradually became the norm.

Clearer water-In 2023, the proportion of excellent water bodies in the province's 153 state-controlled surface water sections will be 83.7%, exceeding the annual target by 15.1 percentage points; water bodies of Class V and below have remained dynamically cleared for three consecutive years; the province's coastal waters The proportion of excellent water quality is 95.6%, historically ranking among the top three coastal provinces and cities in the country; The water quality of the Nansi Lake Basin continues to improve, and the proportion of excellent water bodies in the state-controlled section of the South-to-North Water Diversion Line has remained at 100% in the past 10 years, effectively ensuring that "a clear water can continue to move north"; 8 rivers, lakes and bays have been selected as the beautiful rivers and lakes of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment. Excellent cases of beautiful bays rank first in the country.

Cleaner soil-In 2023, the safe utilization rate of contaminated cultivated land in the province will be 100%, and the safe utilization of key construction land will be effectively guaranteed to ensure that people can "eat with peace of mind and live with peace of mind." Effectively implemented rural domestic sewage treatment in 45,800 administrative villages. The renovated villages have basically solved dirty problems such as cross-flow of sewage and breeding of mosquitoes and flies. The farmers 'sense of happiness and gain has continued to increase.

While deepening the battle against pollution, other environmental indicators in Shandong are also continuing to be optimized. A large number of rare and endangered species have settled down in Shandong. The breeding population of chestnut-eared short-legged bulbul was discovered for the first time on Long Island. The black-throated thrush was discovered in Mount Tai. The national second-class protected species, the white spoonbill, was discovered in Zaozhuang for the first time. Biodiversity has been significantly restored and improved. Strengthen the environmental management of solid waste and chemicals, promote the construction of "waste-free cities" across the region, and effectively promote the development of green and low-carbon cycles. Since 2021, Shandong has completed the elimination of hexabromocyclododecane, decabromodiphenyl ether, etc. with high quality, and has formed a work model that can be promoted and replicated. Strengthen nuclear and radiation risk prevention and nuclear and radiation safety supervision. In 2023, the province's radiation environment will remain stable. Since the beginning of this year, Shandong has safely collected and stored 201 radioactive sources from 56 units, and the safe storage rate of radioactive sources is 100%.

Regulatory services build a strong ecological barrier

Law enforcement and supervision are a powerful weapon to ensure high-level protection of the ecological environment and ultimately achieve harmonious coexistence between man and nature. In the 2023 national ecological and environmental protection law enforcement training, the Shandong Province Department of Ecology and Environment was rated as a provincial-level collective with outstanding performance, and its comprehensive results once again ranked first in the country, winning the "three consecutive championships."

Behind the continuous success of key indicators, Shandong's ecological and environmental system has always adhered to the main tone of strictness and served high-quality development with high-level law enforcement. Participated in all rounds of national atmospheric supervision and assistance, and its comprehensive results ranked first in the country for three consecutive years, fully demonstrating the responsibility of large provinces. Strengthen supervision and demonstrate our achievements, keep a close eye on key areas such as the atmosphere and water, and always fight on the front lines of improving ambient air quality, ensuring major activities, ensuring water quality in winter and spring, and controlling total nitrogen in rivers entering the sea, solving more than 30,000 various gas-related problems. There are nearly 5000 water-related problems, promoting continuous improvement of environmental quality.

The prerequisite for strict law enforcement is that there are laws to follow. Shandong insists on promoting local legislation on the ecological environment around the overall economic and social development of the province, and continuously improves the legal system for ecological and environmental protection. There are currently 16 effective local regulations and 3 provincial government regulations, forming a system of local regulations and provincial government regulations on ecological and environmental protection covering various environmental elements. In 2023, under the guidance of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Shandong will revise the water pollutant discharge standards for the Nansi Lake Basin, unify the emission standard requirements with the three provinces surrounding the Nansi Lake, Jiangsu, Anhui, and Henan, and complete the first nation-led unified preparation, separate approval, and implementation of comprehensive drainage standards by provinces. Compensation for ecological and environmental damage has been included in the scope of provincial ecological and environmental protection inspections and the effectiveness assessment of the fight against pollution. A connection mechanism between the ecological and environmental damage compensation system and administrative penalty reduction and exemption has been established. It has taken the lead in the country in realizing the full coverage of counties (cities, districts) in initiating ecological and environmental damage compensation cases. Coverage, the concept of "environment is valuable and damage is responsible" has become a social consensus.

Deepen the reform of EIA approval and provide strong support for serving economic development. Focusing on the 15000 key projects planned at the provincial, municipal and county levels, an EIA service list and management ledger have been established, and proactive docking and early intervention have been initiated. The EIA completion rate of key projects in 2024 has currently reached 78.3%. Promote a flat and collaborative approval process, implement parallel approval with other departments, and make approval decisions within 25 working days from the date of acceptance for reports that meet the approval requirements, which is 58% faster than the statutory 60 working days.

This year, Shandong built the country's first provincial-level comprehensive service platform for the transformation of ecological and environmental scientific and technological achievements and the development of environmental protection industries. This innovative achievement has brought new opportunities to the development of the environmental protection industry. In recent years, Shandong has established the country's first key laboratory for land and sea coordination of ecological management and system regulation of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, set up an academician workstation, built an innovative application research center for ecological and environmental big data, and developed simulation evaluation of pollution input and Laizhou Bay water quality response, and watershed water Ecological environmental simulation analysis and other scientific research tools have created multiple scientific research teams such as "one city, one policy" science and technology stationed assistance in the Yellow River Basin... With the construction of professional teams and platforms, Shandong strives to build a "first-class in the province and well-known in the country" environmental think tank to lay a solid foundation for solving various environmental problems.

At the same time, Shandong, which is at the forefront of opening up, is actively creating a new highland for opening up by deepening international cooperation in the field of environmental protection. This year, Shandong successfully held the SCO National Green Development Forum. In recent years, Shandong has made substantial progress in international cooperation in the environmental protection industry. It has signed a memorandum of international cooperation in the ecological and environmental protection industry with the Provincial Council for the Promotion of International Trade, successfully held a China-Norway (Shandong) water environment technology exchange seminar, and promoted the Shandong Province Environmental Protection Science Research and Design Institute Co., Ltd. and Norway Dawscone Company to reach substantive project cooperation. It has expanded ecological and environmental protection cooperation with Central Asia and South Chungcheong Province in South Korea, and deepened offline exchanges with ecological and environmental departments in Japan and South Korea.

Firmly maintaining the bottom line of environmental safety and improving the ability to prevent and resolve hidden risks and emergency support capabilities are the key links. Shandong focuses on key areas such as chemical parks, hazardous wastes, drinking water sources, nuclear and radiation. Environmental risk investigation and safety supervision and inspection have been carried out in both directions and at the same frequency. Since the "14th Five-Year Plan", the province has investigated and rectified various types. There are more than 54,000 hidden dangers. Enrich and improve the three provincial-level environmental emergency material reserve warehouses in Qingdao, Zibo and Tai 'an, actively explore the construction of new provincial-level emergency material warehouses such as Shengli Oilfield, Yulong Island and Lunan, and create "one warehouse with special capabilities, multiple warehouses linkage, and material network interconnection" Environmental emergency material guarantee system. Since the "14th Five-Year Plan", Shandong has handled various environmental emergencies accurately and scientifically in accordance with the law, effectively preventing and resolving major environmental risks, and building a solid foundation for ecological and environmental safety.

Reform and innovation cultivate ecological well-being

Recently, Shandong completed the calculation of compensation funds for horizontal ecological protection in the Yellow River Basin (Yuannan Section) in 2023. According to the agreement between the two provinces, Shandong paid 61.57 million yuan in compensation funds to Henan. So far, the compensation for horizontal ecological protection in the Shandong and Henan inter-provincial river basins has been paid in three years, with a total compensation of 188 million yuan.

As an ecological and environmental protection mechanism with great reform and innovative significance, the in-depth implementation of the Yellow River Basin ecological protection compensation mechanism has solidly promoted ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin, providing a model for national ecological protection compensation work.

"The current construction of ecological civilization is still in a critical period of superimposed pressure and carrying forward with heavy burdens. To write a chapter in modern Shandong in which man and nature coexist harmoniously, we must make good use of the 'key move' of reform." Hou Cuirong, director of the Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, said that the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China made major arrangements for deepening the reform of the ecological civilization system in the new era and new journey. Shandong will firmly shoulder the mission of "being the lead and taking the lead" and use the nail spirit to grasp the implementation of reforms and comprehensively promote the construction of beautiful Shandong with the power of reform.

Each reform move has gathered into a powerful driving force for improving the quality of the ecological environment and improving people's satisfaction--

Moving forward with negative pressure and handing over "high scores" for two compliance cycles in the carbon market. Since the launch of online trading in the national carbon market in July 2021, Shandong has overcome the dual pressure of performing enterprises and having the largest number of performing quotas, and has successfully completed the payment and performance of carbon emission quotas in two performance cycles. There are more than 300 performing enterprises, accounting for seven of the country's total. One, the cumulative compliance volume exceeds 2 billion tons, accounting for one-tenth of the country. A total of 295 key emission units participated in carbon trading, with a carbon emission quota trading volume of 190 million tons and a transaction volume of 10.27 billion yuan. The number of participating companies and transaction volume ranked first in the country.

Steadily advancing, the pilot program for paid use and trading of emission rights has achieved initial results. The paid use and trading system of emission rights is an effective means to give full play to the role of market mechanisms to promote pollutant emission reduction. It is a major and basic mechanism innovation and institutional reform in the field of environmental resources in my country. Shandong has successively carried out two batches of pilot projects for the paid use and trading of emission rights in five cities: Dongying, Linyi, Liaocheng, Jinan and Zaozhuang. It has initially formed a pilot model for emission rights trading covering key pollutant emission industries and key water and gas pollution factors. As of this year, at the end of August, a total of 3148 tons of transactions were completed, with a total transaction value of 62.08 million yuan.

A good ecological environment is inseparable from the day and night protection of environmental monitoring networks. At present, Shandong has initially established an ecological environment monitoring network that "coordinates land and sea, integrates heaven and earth, coordinates between upper and lower levels, and shares information", and has deployed 14,000 automatic monitoring points to achieve full coverage of environmental quality, ecological quality, and pollution source monitoring, and continuously provides real-time and continuous monitoring of the environment. Take the pulse. The construction of 1992 automatic air monitoring stations has been extended to towns (streets), taking the lead in the country in realizing four-level interconnection of data, provinces, cities, counties and townships. Atmospheric monitoring has been improved from conventional indicators to composite pollutants, and from plane observation to three-dimensional observation. The surface water environmental quality monitoring network consisting of 593 sections covers cross-county rivers across the province, 1655 soil environmental quality monitoring points achieve full coverage of soil environmental quality monitoring in all counties (cities, districts), and 13719 points of 7783 key pollutant discharge units are installed. Automatic monitoring equipment ranks first in the country in the number of monitoring, basically achieving full coverage of key water and gas industries and major pollutant indicators.

Strengthening party building is the political guarantee for promoting the construction of ecological civilization. Shandong's ecological environment system insists on leading "ecological beauty" with "party building red", gathering strong impetus for the construction of ecological civilization. Focus on "centering on the center, building teams, and serving the masses", improve the "three-level and six-post" party building responsibility implementation mechanism, improve the "party building +" work model, adhere to the "three-level linkage" of provinces, cities and counties, and create a "1+16+N" Shandong ecological and environmental protection party building brand matrix led by "party flag red·ecology", forge an ecological and environmental protection iron army team with excellent style and courage to take responsibility, and promote the continuous deepening of the construction of model institutions and clean agencies. Give full play to the political and organizational functions of grassroots party organizations, carry out the "One Branch Serving One Enterprise" activity throughout the system for four consecutive years, and carry out in-depth "Party Building Chain Action" activities, serving more than 1600 enterprises in total and solving more than 3000 problems. High-quality party building leads high-level protection and high-quality development.

People live up to the green mountains, and the green mountains will surely live up to people. Nowadays, looking at the land of Qilu, ecological beauty can be seen everywhere, and the concept that green waters and green mountains are invaluable assets is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Shandong, which unswervingly follows the path of ecological priority and green development, is pursuing "green" and prospering towards "green", striving to write a new chapter in the beautiful Shandong where man and nature coexist harmoniously.
