China Carbon Credit Platform

Xinjiang Zhonglu Power Nilek County Wind Power and Photovoltaic Integration Project Phase I 2 million kilowatts grid-connected power generation

Release Time3 months ago

In the mountainous area of Nilek County, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, photovoltaic panels covering an area of 160,000 acres rise and fall with the mountains. Sheep grazing and photovoltaic power generation coexist harmoniously, outlining a magnificent ecological picture with green mountains, green spaces, blue sky and white clouds. After more than 8 months of construction, the first phase of the 3.2 million kilowatts photovoltaic project of China Green Development Xinjiang Zhonglu Power Technology Co., Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as "Xinjiang Zhonglu Power") in the 4 million kilowatts wind power and photovoltaic integrated project in Nilek County was successfully connected to the grid for power generation, and it is expected to provide more than 3 billion kilowatts of clean electricity every year.

Xinjiang Zhonglu Power Nilek County 4-million-kilowatt wind power and photovoltaic integrated project is located in Nilek County, Yili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang. It is the first batch of cultural and tourism collaborative projects built by China Green Development in Xinjiang. It is a key project in the autonomous region. Construction will start at the end of August 2023. The total investment of the project is 15 billion yuan, mainly including 3.2 million kilowatts of photovoltaic and 800,000 kilowatts of wind power, and supporting the construction of booster stations, comprehensive buildings, transmission lines and other ancillary facilities.

Ma Ning, director of the Nilek Photovoltaic Station of Xinjiang China Green Power Company, said: "This time, the grid connection is the first phase of the 3.2 million kilowatt photovoltaic project of the 4 million kilowatt wind and scenery project in Nilek County. All equipment after grid connection is running stably and various parameters are running normally.

The project was built by China State Construction Second Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd., using surveying and mapping drone drawing technology, independently developed three-dimensional lightweight, three-dimensional visualization management technology and CAD+ satellite positioning technology for mountain photovoltaic projects, and re-tested all pile foundation points on site. Measurement effectively solves the problem of inability to accurately find construction points. Wang Weigui, commander-in-chief of the Nilek Photovoltaic Project of China Construction Second Engineering Bureau, said: "During the construction of the project, we made full use of the terrain advantages and laid 1.5-meter-high photovoltaic panels in the mountains to further save valuable land resources while protecting the ecology."

It is worth mentioning that the project adopts the photovoltaic +"complementary animal husbandry and light" model. The photovoltaic brackets are raised during the engineering design to ensure that the flock of sheep can freely pass under the photovoltaic panels, realizing on-board power generation and on-board sheep farming. Comprehensive utilization of land under the board has significantly improved regional comprehensive benefits. "Photovoltaic panels can reduce wind speed, prevent wind and sand, and reduce water evaporation. They can improve soil moisture and protect the grassland ecological environment." Wu Huiqiang, head of the Nilek Project of Zhonglu Power in Xinjiang, said that the "complementary animal husbandry and light" model allows herdsmen to no longer rely on traditional aquaculture as the main source of income, but can also benefit from the photovoltaic power generation industry.

It is reported that China Green Power Nilek's 4 million-kilowatt wind power and photovoltaic integrated project is expected to generate electricity at full capacity by the end of next year. After the project is fully put into operation, it can provide 8 billion kilowatt-hours of clean electricity every year, save 2.2943 million tons of raw coal, and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 6.266 million tons, which plays an important role in improving the local energy supply structure.
