China Carbon Credit Platform

In 2024, Wuwei will comprehensively carry out the demonstration of national and provincial ecological civilization construction

Release Time4 months ago

On May 7, the 20th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Fifth People's Congress of Wuwei City, Gansu Province, listened to and reviewed the report of the municipal government on the city's environmental status and the completion of environmental protection goals in 2023. The director of the Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment is entrusted by the municipal government to make a report to the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress.

In 2023, under the strong leadership of the Municipal Party Committee and the strong supervision of the Municipal People's Congress and its Standing Committee, the city's ecological and environmental protection work will adhere topracticeNear-flatGuided by the idea of ecological civilization, it will be thoroughly implementedpracticeNear-flatThe spirit of the important instructions and instructions of the general secretary on Gansu's important speech and the spirit of the National Conference on Ecological and Environmental Protection, resolutely shouldering the political responsibility for the construction of ecological civilization, the city's environmental quality assessment indicators have all reached the standard, the assessment of pollution prevention and control and the assessment of ecological environmental protection in Qilian Mountain are all excellent, and positive progress has been made in key work, and new breakthroughs have been made in some key areas.

In 2023, the city's environmental quality will be stable and improving. After excluding the impact of sand and dust weather, the ratio of good days and PM in 4 counties and districts10、PM2.5and 4 gaseous pollutants (SO2、NO2、CO、O3The annual average concentration has reached the national standard, and the target tasks issued by the province and the city have been completed. The water quality of the city's 9 state-controlled and provincial-controlled surface water sections is all in Class II and above, and the excellent water quality rate is 100%; The water quality of 8 centralized drinking water sources at and above the county level is at Class III and above, the water quality of 7 groundwater monitoring points in the national examination has reached the requirements of the assessment target, and the water quality compliance rate of 84 township-level water sources is 97.6%, and there is no black and odorous water body in the city's urban and rural areas. There is no polluted cultivated land in the city, all key construction land is used safely, and the soil environmental quality is generally good. The city has completed the cumulative emission reduction of key projects of major pollutants (chemical oxygen demand, ammonia nitrogen, nitrogen oxides, and volatile organic compounds) in the 14th Five-Year Plan two years ahead of schedule.

In 2024, Wuwei City will adhere topracticeNear-flatSocialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, in particularpracticeNear-flatGuided by the idea of ecological civilization, we will conscientiously implement the deliberations and suggestions of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, continuously improve the modernization level of the ecological environment governance system and governance capacity, and support high-quality development with a high-quality ecological environment. Resolutely shoulder the political responsibility for ecological protection. Further consolidate the main responsibilities of all levels and departments and the responsibility of industry supervision, coordinate resources in various fields, gather forces from all sides, promote ecological and environmental protection with strong joint efforts, and resolutely build an important ecological security barrier in the western part of the country. Comprehensively promote the construction of beautiful Wuwei. Strictly implement the "Decision on Further Strengthening the Construction of Ecological Civilization" of the Beautiful China, Beautiful Gansu and Provincial Party Committees and the "Implementation Opinions on Further Strengthening the Construction of Ecological Civilization" of the Municipal Party Committee, formulate and implement the "Implementation Opinions on Comprehensively Promoting the Construction of Beautiful Wuwei", and promote the construction of Beautiful Wuwei to achieve substantial results. Coordinate and promote the comprehensive management of ecological and environmental protection. Promote the high-quality development of the whole chain of green ecological and environmental protection industries, fully implement the key tasks of the Yellow River national strategy, consolidate the effectiveness of rectification and remediation in the Qilian Mountains, strengthen the supervision of solid waste and new pollutants, resolutely adhere to the bottom line of environmental safety, and comprehensively carry out the demonstration and creation of national and provincial ecological civilization construction. We will make every effort to ensure high-quality economic development. We will build a synergistic work system for pollution reduction and carbon reduction, and accelerate the transformation from "dual control" of energy consumption to "dual control" of carbon emissions. Strictly implement the requirements for ecological environment zoning control, make full use of the "three lines and one order" ecological environment zoning management and control results, and "draw a boundary" for the development of a "clear bottom line". Rectification highlights ecological and environmental problems. "Look back" at the feedback problems of previous inspectors to prevent the rebound and decline of rectification results.
