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Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region held a press conference to introduce the fight against pollution and other work conditions

Release Time3 months ago

Since 2023, the Department of Ecology and Environment of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region has unswervingly implemented the new development concept, better coordinated high-quality development and high-level protection, coordinated promotion of carbon reduction, pollution reduction, green expansion, and growth, and made every effort to promote the rectification of the central ecological and environmental protection inspection and the autonomous region's ecological and environmental protection inspection have continued to fight the tough battle against pollution, and achieved new progress and new results in various ecological and environmental protection work.

On June 6, the Information Office of the People's Government of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region held a press conference. Tian Feng, member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the Autonomous Region's Department of Ecology and Environment, answered questions from reporters on the autonomous region's in-depth battle against pollution, orderly promotion of the development of the carbon emission market, and the construction of an ecological environment monitoring system over the past year.

Deepen air pollution control in the "Wu-Chang-Shi" region

According to reports, 2023 is the year for the most significant improvement in environmental air quality in the "Wu-Chang-Shi" region in the past 10 years, but the improvement in air quality is not the best, only better. In 2024, the autonomous region will continue to deepen pollution control on the basis of significant improvements in ambient air quality in the "Wu-Chang-Shi" region. The specific measures are as follows:

Strictly control the increment. Adhere to the synergy and efficiency of pollution reduction and carbon reduction, accelerate the development of green and low-carbon industries, resolutely curb the blind development of "two highs and one low" projects, strictly control new production capacity such as steel, cement, coking, and coal chemical industry; accelerate low-carbon energy Transformation, vigorously develop new energy and clean energy, and significantly increase the installed capacity of photovoltaics and wind power; Vigorously develop the green transportation system, the Manas-Shihezi special railway line has been completed and put into operation, railways will be given priority to medium and long-distance transportation of bulk goods such as coal and ore, and clean energy vehicles such as electric heavy trucks will be promoted for short-distance transportation.

Emission reduction stocks. We will continue to promote 135 key enterprises to implement the "one enterprise, one policy" governance measures, accelerate the clean heating transformation of rural bulk coal users, clean energy transformation of agricultural production coal-fired facilities, ultra-low emission transformation of key industries, comprehensive management of volatile organic compounds, and accelerate the elimination of major governance tasks such as obsolete national III and below, and use greater emission reduction results to offset the adverse effects of extreme meteorological conditions.

Continue to increase supervision and assistance. In conjunction with the meteorological department, we will conduct joint discussions and issue early warnings for heavily polluted weather in autumn and winter to improve the ability to judge and judge the situation of heavily polluted weather and accurately issue early warnings. Strengthen the regional emergency linkage mechanism of the urban agglomeration on the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountains, include gas-related enterprises within the jurisdiction into the list for unified management, formulate differentiated control measures based on different categories of enterprises, and provide joint supervision and assistance for gas-related enterprises in key areas. At the same time, we will also use various technical means such as drone patrols and mobile navigation monitoring to provide early warning information for supervision and law enforcement to strengthen the informatization and law enforcement supervision capabilities of ecological and environmental protection administrative law enforcement.

Do a good job in the rectification of central ecological and environmental protection inspectors

According to reports, the party committee and government of the autonomous region regard inspection rectification as an important political task, pay close attention to implementation and comprehensively promote it, ensure that the feedback issues from the second round of central ecological and environmental protection inspections are completely rectified, and formulate rectification plans and related systems. So far, 25 of the 45 rectification tasks have been completed, and other tasks are being advanced in an orderly manner. Of the 1755 letters and visits transferred to the autonomous region by the Fifth Central Ecological and Environmental Protection Inspection Group, 1744 have been completed, and 8 have been completed in stages, with a completion rate of 99.83%.

As an extension and supplement to the central ecological and environmental protection inspection, the autonomous region's ecological and environmental protection inspection plans to fully cover 14 prefectures (prefectures and municipalities) in Xinjiang in five years (2021 - 2025). From 2021 to 2023, the autonomous region has completed the inspection of the first batch of Urumqi City and Changji Prefecture, the second batch of Ili Prefecture and the "Kui-Du-Wu" region, the third batch of Tacheng Prefecture and Bazhou, and the fourth batch of Hami City, Kashgar Prefecture, Turpan City, Aksu Prefecture, and 2 key regional county-level cities (districts), transferred 10 accountability issues, disclosed 9 typical cases, verified and promoted the solution of a number of outstanding ecological and environmental issues.

This year, the autonomous region will carry out inspections in five prefectures (prefectures and cities): Karamay City, Hotan Prefecture, Altay Prefecture, Bozhou and Kezhou. By then, the autonomous region will achieve full coverage of the first round of ecological and environmental protection inspections. At present, various tasks of inspectors stationed in Karamay City and Hotan Prefecture have been completed.

Ensure the healthy and orderly development of the carbon market

The national carbon emissions trading market is an important policy tool to control greenhouse gas emissions and help my country achieve its carbon peak and carbon neutrality goal. Since the launch of online trading in the national carbon emissions trading market on July 16, 2021, on the basis of consolidating the carbon emissions trading of enterprises in key industries in the autonomous region, the autonomous region has organized eight major industries, including power generation, petrochemicals, chemicals, building materials, steel, nonferrous metals, papermaking, and civil aviation. Key emission units in industries prepare annual greenhouse gas emission reports. Completed the performance and payment of about 80 power generation companies in the autonomous region's two performance cycles that were included in the national carbon emissions trading market. During the two performance cycles, the cumulative online transaction volume of carbon emission quotas for key emission units in the autonomous region was 2 billion yuan, and the cumulative performance volume was 997 million tons.

In the later period, the autonomous region will continue to strengthen the quality supervision of carbon emission data to ensure the healthy and orderly development of the carbon market. Organize key emission units in the autonomous region's power generation industry to do a good job in monthly information storage and certification every month, implement a three-level "national-province-municipal" joint review, and carry out annual carbon emission data quality management supervision and assistance to effectively improve the quality of carbon emission data.

Ecological environment monitoring capabilities have been comprehensively improved

According to reports, in accordance with the "14th Five-Year Plan" ecological environment monitoring plan, the autonomous region has arranged a total of 68 projects related to monitoring capacity building of special funds such as water, gas, soil, energy conservation and emission reduction, and invested a total of 290 million yuan in special funds to continuously improve ecological environment monitoring network system.

At present, there are more than 14500 ecological and environmental quality monitoring points in the district, more than 4800 pollutant discharge units carry out self-monitoring, 1039 automatic environmental quality monitoring stations (including 718 air monitoring micro-stations), and 2793 sets of automatic pollution source monitoring facilities have been installed., basically established an ecological and environmental monitoring network system in key areas and river basins in the district. The timeliness of routine monitoring, ecological environment monitoring and emergency monitoring capabilities have been continuously improved, and the monitoring business has also expanded from current routine monitoring to early warning, forecast and monitoring.

In the next step, the autonomous region will improve and optimize ecological environment quality monitoring points, promote the improvement of various ecological environment monitoring stations and network systems, gradually extend the monitoring scope to uncovered areas, and promote automatic monitoring of water quality and noise in urban surface water drinking water sources., encrypt and build automatic air monitoring stations in key areas, promote the networked operation of various monitoring stations, improve the level of automated informatization of ecological environment monitoring, and gradually expand the number of greenhouse gases, new pollutants, Monitoring services such as water ecology will make up for the shortcomings of some monitoring services in a targeted manner and improve forecasting and forecasting capabilities.
