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Jiangsu: The local environmental protection law, which has added the word "ecology", was voted and passed

Release Time5 months ago

The old is scrapped and the new is established, and the word "ecology" is added to the name of the ordinance. The reporter learned from the WeChat public account of the Jiangsu People's Congress that the eighth meeting of the Standing Committee of the 14th Provincial People's Congress unanimously passed the "Jiangsu Provincial Ecological Environmental Protection Regulations" (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations"), which will be implemented on June 5 this year.

The Jiangsu Provincial Environmental Protection Regulations (repealed), formulated in 1993, were repealed in 2018 because they were inconsistent with the laws and regulations in the field of environmental protection that had been successively formulated and revised by the state and the new situation of ecological and environmental protection. Since then, Jiangsu Province has lacked a comprehensive regulation in the field of ecological and environmental protection. For economically developed coastal provinces, it is necessary to formulate new regulations to promote the construction of a modern ecological and environmental governance system with the rule of law thinking and rule of law, and to comprehensively promote the modernization of harmonious coexistence between man and nature with the construction of a beautiful Jiangsu. The Standing Committee of the Jiangsu Provincial People's Congress and the Provincial Government attach great importance to legislative work, and regard it as one of the important legislative items of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, and it is also a major legislative matter included in the annual work points of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee.

The name of the ordinance passed this time is more than the repealed "Jiangsu Provincial Environmental Protection Regulations", which has been repealed. The addition of these two words is not a simple name change. The relevant person in charge of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress said that from the perspective of the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee, from the establishment of the "Two Mountains Theory" of "insisting that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets", to the people's livelihood concerns of "insisting that a good ecological environment is the most inclusive people's livelihood and well-being", and then to the institutional requirements of "insisting on protecting the ecological environment with the strictest system and the strictest rule of law", "ecology" is a major proposition. From the perspective of Jiangsu's green, low-carbon and high-quality development practice, while maintaining steady economic development, the province has continuously strengthened high-level protection, focused on building a green and low-carbon development highland, and the quality of the ecological environment has steadily improved, and "ecology" has increasingly become a distinctive background color of Jiangsu's high-quality development.

According to the person in charge, the legislation focuses on the systematic system design of ecological protection and restoration, requiring the establishment of ecological status investigation and assessment, water ecological monitoring, ecological quality assessment, ecological status disclosure, biodiversity conservation related directory list, ecological protection and restoration standards and specifications, ecological product value accounting, ecological product operation and management, financial transfer payment, ecological environmental damage compensation investigation and evaluation and other series of institutional systems, support qualified areas to carry out carbon sink trading, and strengthen ecological protection, ecological restoration, Ecological compensation, compensation for ecological and environmental damage, etc.

The "Regulations" have carried out institutional design for the outstanding problems in the current practice of pollution prevention and control.

In terms of pollution prevention and control measures, the "Regulations" stipulate that environmental pollution prevention and control shall adhere to key problems and coordinated governance, clarify the main responsibility of pollutant dischargers for environmental protection, strengthen the management of pollutant discharge permits, and implement a paid use and trading of pollutant discharge rights and a reserve management system for total pollutant discharge indicators. Strengthen the prevention and control of pollution such as ship pollutants and dust from construction sites, and clarify the requirements for the use of coatings with low volatile organic compound content. Improve the use of reflective materials on the exterior walls of buildings, as well as the management measures for outdoor lighting advertisements and lighting equipment.

The Regulations stipulate that local governments at or above the county level should accelerate the establishment of low-carbon industrial systems, energy systems and transportation systems to effectively control greenhouse gas emissions. Strengthen the supervision and management of the settlement of carbon emission allowances, and promote the trading of carbon emission allowances. Adopt differentiated price policies to guide the conservation and rational use of resources and energy, and clarify the application of punitive electricity price policies。 

In response to the problem of fraud by third-party institutions, the "Regulations" stipulate the implementation of "double penalties", which punish both institutions and individuals, and comprehensively use punishment methods such as warnings, fines, confiscation of illegal gains, and revocation of qualification certification certificates to severely crack down on fraud.
