China Carbon Credit Platform

The Ministry of Ecology and Environment released the National Carbon Market Development Report (2024)

Release Time2 months ago

In order to promote all sectors of society to better understand the development of the national carbon market, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment organized the compilation of the "National Carbon Market Development Report (2024)", which was officially released at the "China Carbon Market Conference 2024" in Wuhan on July 21.

The "National Carbon Market Development Report (2024)" systematically summarizes the latest construction progress of the national carbon emissions trading market and the national voluntary greenhouse gas emission reduction trading market, comprehensively demonstrates the effectiveness of market construction and operation, and looks forward to the future development of the national carbon market. direction, is the latest progress report on the national carbon market released by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment following the 2022 "National Carbon Emissions Trading Market First Performance Cycle Report".

Read the full text:National Carbon Market Development Report (2024)
