China Carbon Credit Platform

Jiaojiang carried out a joint inspection of "one thing" in the supervision of marine litter

Release Time5 months ago

In order to continuously improve the ecological environment of the coastal waters of Jiaojiang District, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province, recently, the departments of marine fishery, ecological environment, comprehensive law enforcement, and maritime affairs in Jiaojiang Port and Dachen Island have carried out a joint inspection of marine garbage supervision in the coastal waters of Jiaojiang Port and Dachen Island.

In Jiaojiang Port, the marine fishery, ecological environment, maritime affairs, and comprehensive law enforcement departments carried out law enforcement inspections on illegal dumping and illegal stacking of construction waste and domestic garbage on the shore.Law enforcement officers carry out boarding inspections for ships in the port, focusing on domestic sewage disposal, garbage classification and disposal, and pollutant discharge from docks, and issue notices of correction within a time limit and provide on-site technical guidance for those who are not in place or discharge up to standard, so as to ensure that garbage from rivers and beaches does not enter the downstream or sea, and further strengthen the source control of marine garbage.

In Dachen Town, the marine fishery department and the comprehensive law enforcement department carried out administrative inspections on the discharge of pollutants from fishing port ships and yellow croaker breeding areas, and the pollution of fishing port waters, and required the construction and improvement of garbage collection and transfer facilities, and supervised and guided the collection of fishery production and domestic waste at sea and centralized disposal on shore.

In recent years, Jiaojiang District has vigorously promoted the supervision, law enforcement and recycling of marine litter, continuously improved the modernization level of the marine ecological environment governance system and governance capacity, and pioneered the "Blue Cycle" project of marine plastic waste management, which won the 2023 United Nations "Champions of the Earth Award".Since the beginning of this year, relying on the geographical endowment of embracing the river to the sea, and according to the requirements of the administrative law enforcement reform of "comprehensive integration" in Zhejiang Province, Jiaojiang District has innovated the "one thing" scenario of marine litter supervision, built a closed-loop supervision of the whole chain before, during and after the event, and continued to improve the level of cross-departmental comprehensive supervision.

In view of the four sub-scenarios of marine garbage supervision, land-based garbage supervision, river supervision into the sea, and "blue cycle" supervision, the list of matters in marine fisheries, ecological environment, comprehensive law enforcement, agriculture and water, maritime affairs and other departments was sorted out, involving a total of 46 inspection items, forming a "one table" of supervision, law enforcement, and recycling, and building a closed-loop administrative law enforcement system of "approval-supervision-punishment-supervision", so as to effectively solve the problems of difficult supervision, collection, utilization, and transaction of marine garbage.

In the next stage, Jiaojiang District will further promote the implementation of a series of standards and systems such as source management of marine garbage, regulatory law enforcement, recycling, and carbon trading rules, build a working situation in which each performs its own duties, cohesion, and concerted efforts, and continues to improve the quality of the ecological environment in coastal waters through typical guidance, point-to-area, and steady progress, so as to create Zhejiang standards for marine garbage management to empower the people and the industrial chain to achieve common prosperity, promote the opening of the international trading market for recycled plastic products, and promote marine plastic waste management to the world." The practice of the new model of "blue circulation".
