China Carbon Credit Platform

Establish a "personal carbon account" to play a "symphony" of carbon reduction

Release Time1 month ago

A person's strength may be limited, but as long as you multiply it by the base number of more than 1.4 billion, you can add up to a mickle and gather sand into a tower. Make good use of innovative mechanisms and practices, including carbon accounts, so that the people can benefit and enjoy convenience, consciously participate in green and low-carbon development, and form a civilized and healthy lifestyle, which will surely bring together a strong synergy for energy conservation and carbon reduction.

When it comes to achieving the "double carbon" goal, many people will think of how to reduce carbon emissions in the production field. In fact, energy conservation and carbon reduction are not a "two-person turn" between the government and enterprises, but a "chorus" among the whole people. In recent years, driven by policies,"personal carbon accounts" promoted by major companies and platforms have mushroomed. Garbage sorting, green travel,"CD-ROM operations"... these small things in daily life can all be recorded in personal carbon accounts and exchanged for income.

"Personal carbon account" is an important tool and means of the carbon inclusive mechanism. It can visualize individual emission reduction contributions, help ordinary people calculate carbon accounts, and is the basis for providing individuals with carbon reduction incentives. Research results from the Chinese Academy of Sciences show that among my country's total carbon emissions, production accounts for 47% and consumption accounts for 53%. In this sense, personal carbon accounts are necessary to adapt to the carbon reduction situation. They can not only inspire more people to practice green and low-carbon lifestyles, but also help open up personal carbon reduction space in the consumption field. They can also guide production emission reduction forces upstream manufacturers to accelerate green development.

In recent years, many places in my country have carried out useful explorations and accumulated a lot of experience in promoting and implementing personal carbon accounts. For example, Luzhou, Sichuan has launched the "Green Bud Points" Mini programs to quantify individuals 'low-carbon emission reduction behaviors. For example, participating in CD-ROM check-ins can record 144 grams of carbon emission reduction and earn 5 points. The personal carbon account has become a "carbon wallet" and carbon assets visible to everyone; Mini programs such as Beijing's "Green Life Season", Harbin's "Carbon Ice City", Heilongjiang's "Low Carbon Planet" in Shenzhen, Guangdong have developed a series of convenient services and public welfare activities around personal carbon accounts, becoming a fulcrum for residents to participate in green and low-carbon development.

However, it should also be noted that compared with the production end, the carbon emissions from the consumer end are scattered and cover a wide range of areas, and there are still some shortcomings. For example, there is a lack of unified standards for carbon measurement and carbon accounting, a lack of interconnection mechanisms between different carbon accounts, insufficient emission reduction scenarios, and data security needs to be strengthened. These have also led to low carbon account utilization rates for many individuals. For example, many financial institutions have established "personal carbon account" services, but they are "independent". There are differences in the carbon account service content and point redemption of each financial institution. This also results in the points accumulated in each carbon account being used separately."The points are too few to meet the redemption threshold" situation often happens. As the expiration period expires, these sporadic points will eventually be cleared, which will inevitably affect the enthusiasm of users.

Building ecological civilization is a revolutionary change involving production methods, lifestyles, ways of thinking and values. Only by the joint efforts of the government, enterprises, individuals, etc. can we play the "symphony" of energy conservation and carbon reduction in the whole society. On the one hand, it is necessary to speed up the development of carbon inclusive standards and emission reduction scenarios, improve and enrich the carbon inclusive incentive and consumption system, so that every low-carbon action taken by the people can be recorded and recognized. On the other hand, it is necessary to strengthen the compliance sharing of carbon account data, deeply integrate carbon accounts into daily life, and enhance individuals 'enthusiasm to participate in emission reduction. At the same time, personal carbon accounts involve the collection of personal information, and it is necessary to further improve relevant laws and regulations to prevent excessive collection of personal information.

"Mountains accumulate high, and marshes accumulate long." A person's strength may be limited, but as long as you multiply it by the base number of more than 1.4 billion, you can add up to a mickle and gather sand into a tower. Make good use of innovative mechanisms and practices, including carbon accounts, so that the people can benefit and enjoy convenience, consciously participate in green and low-carbon development, and form a civilized and healthy lifestyle, which will surely bring together a strong synergy for energy conservation and carbon reduction.
