China Carbon Credit Platform

Yunnan accelerates energy conservation and carbon reduction in the construction sector

Release Time1 month ago

The "Work Plan for Yunnan Province to Accelerate Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction in the Construction Sector"(hereinafter referred to as the "Work Plan") jointly issued by the Yunnan Province Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the Provincial Development and Reform Commission recently emphasized the need to solidly promote energy conservation and carbon reduction in the construction sector, strengthen source control and guidance, strengthen departmental coordination, tighten the responsibility chain of all links, and ensure that energy conservation and carbon reduction requirements are implemented throughout the life cycle of construction projects.

The "Work Plan" proposes two phased goals based on Yunnan's actual situation: by 2025, new urban buildings will fully implement green building standards, electricity consumption will account for more than 55% of building energy, and the renewable energy replacement rate of urban buildings will reach 8%., positive progress has been made in energy conservation and carbon reduction in the construction sector; By 2027, Yunnan will basically establish a regionally adaptable building energy-saving technical standard system. Building energy consumption intensity and carbon emission intensity will be at a relatively low level in the country, and remarkable results will be achieved in energy conservation and carbon reduction in the building sector.

Clearly put forward nine key tasks

The "Work Plan" proposes nine key tasks: improving the level of energy conservation and carbon reduction in new urban buildings, promoting the energy conservation and upgrading of existing urban buildings, strengthening energy conservation and carbon reduction management in building operations, and promoting the low-carbon transformation of building energy.

Improve the level of energy conservation and carbon reduction in new urban buildings. In terms of building energy conservation, based on Yunnan's unique geographical, climatic and resource conditions, we will establish and improve a regionally adaptable building energy conservation technical standard system. Actively promote the development of ultra-low energy consumption buildings. Strengthen the energy conservation review of buildings with annual comprehensive energy consumption of 1000 tons of standard coal (or power consumption of 5 million kilowatt-hours) and above. In terms of green buildings, new urban buildings fully implement green building standards; government investment in public welfare buildings, large public buildings, and affordable housing meets at least one-star standards, and super high-rise buildings meet three-star standards, and construction drawing design documents are submitted for review. Pre-evaluation of green buildings is entrusted simultaneously.

Promote the energy-saving renovation and upgrading of existing buildings in cities and towns. Each state (city) must establish a database and project reserve library for building energy-saving and carbon-reduction renovation, formulate an annual energy-saving renovation plan for existing buildings in the state (city), reasonably determine the renovation timing, scientifically determine the renovation priorities, and combine the improvement of the public environment of the community and the renovation of old communities. Work is promoted in a coordinated manner. All localities are required to actively strive for investment within the central budget and provincial financial special funds for energy conservation and consumption reduction to support energy-saving renovation of buildings.

Strengthen energy conservation and carbon reduction management in building operations. At the provincial level, it is necessary to improve the construction of the energy conservation supervision system for public buildings in Yunnan Province, formulate building energy consumption and carbon emission quota benchmarks in categories, and gradually implement building energy consumption and carbon emission quota management. All states (cities) shall establish a list of key building energy conservation and carbon reduction renovation projects; reasonably control indoor temperature and humidity, and carry out inspections on indoor temperature control, energy-using equipment and system operation in accordance with the law; select public institutions, shopping malls, and offices with great energy conservation potential. Carry out energy cost hosting services in buildings and other buildings.

Promote the low-carbon transformation of building energy. Improve the standard atlas for integrated solar building construction. Pilot projects to promote the integrated construction of building photovoltaic. Starting from both new construction and installation, we will comprehensively strengthen the management of building photovoltaic construction. Improve the level of building electrification and promote the full electrification of new public buildings.

Steadily improve the green and low-carbon level of rural houses. Adhere to the principle of farmers 'voluntariness, adapting measures to local conditions, and one household policy to promote the construction of green and low-carbon rural houses. Guide farmers to implement energy-saving standards in building houses. Accelerate the formulation of general atlas of livable rural houses and general atlas of characteristic residential houses. Carry out menu-based micro-renovations on house walls, doors and windows, roofs, floors, etc. Promote the low-carbon transformation of rural energy use.

Comprehensively improve the level of green and low-carbon construction. Construction projects invested and led by the government and state-owned enterprises should adopt prefabricated buildings or prefabricated construction methods. Strengthen the supervision and management of green building materials certification institutions and production enterprises, promote the application of green building engineering, and carry out activities of green building materials to the countryside. Promote government procurement to support green building materials and promote the construction of pilot cities to improve building quality. Promote energy-saving construction equipment, standardize construction site management, and promote source reduction, classified treatment and resource utilization of construction waste.

Strict management of building demolition. Promote the organic renewal of cities, prevent large-scale demolition and construction, adhere to the simultaneous development of "retaining, replacing and demolishing", focus on preservation, utilization and improvement, and do not demolish existing buildings on a large scale or in a concentrated manner. Strengthen dynamic management of building demolition.

Accelerate the research and development and promotion of advanced technologies for energy conservation and carbon reduction. Promote the research and development of Yunnan's characteristic building technologies and regionally adaptable building materials, and support applications in construction fields such as perovskites and cadmium telluride. Implement the energy management system certification system in the construction field. Promote the deep integration of industry, academia and research, and cultivate competitive leading enterprises in building energy conservation and carbon reduction.

Consolidate the statistical accounting foundation for energy consumption and carbon emissions in the construction sector. Build a building energy data sharing mechanism covering housing and urban construction, energy, power supply and other sectors. Carry out pilot projects for accounting for energy consumption and carbon emissions throughout the life cycle of buildings.

Highlight Yunnan characteristics based on reality

It is understood that the "Work Plan" not only comprehensively and systematically implements the requirements of higher-level documents, but also fully considers Yunnan's actual situation, reflecting three main characteristics.

The first is to take advantage of the situation and make good use of Yunnan's climate advantages. Based on the special provincial conditions of Yunnan, which is dominated by mild regions and has five climate zones, and the insufficient adaptability of current building energy conservation standards, we will carry out basic research on building energy conservation, improve the building energy conservation technical standard system adapted to Yunnan, and better serve green development and "double carbon" strategy.

The second is to adapt measures to local conditions and strengthen policy convergence and coordination. Taking into account the reality of Yunnan's mountainous and earthquake-prone areas, we will implement the technical route of "moderate prefabrication + prefabricated decoration", develop prefabricated buildings according to local conditions, and avoid "assembly for assembly's sake." In view of the large differences in demand for energy-saving renovation in various places, all localities are required to establish and improve building energy-saving and carbon-reduction renovation databases and project reserves, and to link them with the large-scale equipment updates and consumer goods trade-in actions currently being promoted to achieve consistency in policy orientation., synergy.

The third is to strengthen linkage and strengthen coordinated supervision throughout the chain. Strengthen source control and guidance, strengthen departmental coordination, and clarify that the development and reform department will conduct review and energy conservation assessment against the list requirements when project approval; the housing and urban construction department urges the construction unit to implement the project approval in terms of construction drawing review, construction permit issuance, completion acceptance and other aspects. Approval and relevant building energy conservation and carbon reduction requirements; the government procurement supervision department will strengthen supervision and inspection of the implementation of policies related to government procurement to support green building materials.
