China Carbon Credit Platform

Pingshan District, Shenzhen builds an ecological city and paints a new picture of mountains and seas, green and beautiful Pingshan Mountain

Release Time3 months ago

The long Pingshan River and the majestic Maluan Mountain. Strolling along the river, you will see the picturesque scenery with clear water and green banks and flying egrets.

Half of the mountains and rivers and half of the city, surrounded by mountains and rivers naturally blend with each other. Pingshan District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province has all along thoroughly implemented Xi Jinping's thoughts on ecological civilization and actively practiced the concept that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets. It is based on ecology and nature as the root, nurtures all things for life, and interacts with nature. It draws a blueprint to improve quality, connect ecology, stabilize dual carbons, promote development, and gradually builds a new pattern of mountains and seas and beautiful and livable spaces intertwined with ecology and Urban area.

Ecological attack, quality ecology supports high-quality development

Looking at today, Pingshan District has become an important carrier of high-end industries in Shenzhen. With the Pingshan River as the main axis, it connects natural ecology and cultural historical landscapes to synergistically achieve high-quality economic development.

In 2023, the district's AQI excellent rate will be 97.3%, reaching the best level since the "14th Five-Year Plan". The PM10 concentration was 33.2 micrograms/cubic meter, the first improvement in the city. Pingshan River is the only river with excellent water quality among the city's five major rivers. Its river regulation project has won seven national honors including the National Dayu Award and the Zhan Tianyou Award. The acoustic environment quality of functional areas has reached the standard for five consecutive years, and the remote stop mode has been selected as an excellent case of the Digital China Construction Summit. Under the excellent environmental quality, people have encountered new friends such as Castelli's Fumpina (a new record species in Shenzhen), macaques, and brown fishing owls in Pingshan, and have also made "rare guests" such as Chinese pangolin, young civet, and Japanese bee monkeys."Frequent visitors".

While environmental quality continues to improve and natural beauty continues to bloom, Pingshan District's GDP growth rate of 18% continues to lead all districts in the city, completing the "14th Five-Year Plan" regional GDP target of 125 billion yuan two years ahead of schedule, and being shortlisted for the first time in the country. Top 100 competitive areas have achieved win-win development of high ecological environment and high quality economic development.

Ecological city construction, protection and maintenance of natural habitats and homes

Under the general pattern of "one ridge, one belt and twenty corridors", Pingshan District not only actively protects biodiversity from a macro perspective, builds a regional trail system in Maluan Mountain, and builds an ecological bridge between the city and nature to integrate and coexist. It also takes a unique approach to focus on the protection and improvement of micro-habitats.

In unnoticed corners, there are scratching marks from small animals struggling on the walls of the water collection well, and there are dried corpses of Hong Kong paramesus salamicus in the interception ditch next to the reservoir road... Many wild animals accidentally drop these drainage facilities or during feeding and moving. In closed spaces, they are often unable to escape. Coupled with the lack of food sources and long-term exposure to the sun, they can only tragically wait for death.

Nature is ours and theirs. In order to cope with various micro-ecological dilemmas and traps and build a more complete ecological spatial pattern of mountains, seas and cities at the micro-level, Pingshan District creatively proposed the "Ten Thousand Bridge Plan".

So, what is "Wanqiao"? According to the staff: "The so-called bridge is to use stones, wood, nets, ropes and other materials to build friendly facilities for trapped animals in existing ditches, pools, etc., while not affecting the safe use of existing facilities, try to ensure that animals can climb and pass easily."

Pingshan hopes to use this bridge to widely spread the concept of biodiversity to the public, call on everyone to jointly protect wild animal and plant habitats, promote harmonious coexistence between cities and nature, man and nature, and jointly create safe, resilient, and naturally wild landscape habitats.

Ecological carbon reduction fuels the power of green development engines

In recent years, Pingshan District has continuously strengthened the top-level design of "double carbon" work, painted with ecological green to develop, decorated new urban construction with low "carbon +", transformed ecological advantages into economic advantages and development advantages, and coordinated promotion of high-quality ecological Pingshan Urban area construction.

It is worth mentioning that Pingshan District has gathered international leading new energy storage companies such as BYD and Jiejia Weichuang to build Shenzhen's first "industrial upstairs" advanced energy storage industrial park. The output value of new energy storage enterprises above the standard increased by more than 50 year-on-year. %. In addition, focusing on new fields of photovoltaic equipment and combining the advanced technology of "optical storage direct and soft", we launched 20 key projects for the integration of optical storage and charging, continuously built a global demonstration Urban area for the integration of optical storage and charging, and promoted optical storage and overcharging, vehicle-network interaction, wireless charging, etc. Technology demonstration application.

At the same time, BYD was used as the first "zero-carbon park" to pilot the construction of a number of near-zero carbon emission zones in the entire district. Guided by the "circular economy" concept, it promoted the innovative application of low-carbon, zero-carbon-negative carbon technologies and guided the industrial park to carry out low-carbon and clean transformation, and promoted 100% compliance by key carbon emission enterprises in the jurisdiction. It is expected to reduce carbon emissions by 3255 tons throughout the year. A green manufacturing system with green factories, green products, etc. as the core has been built. Many companies have obtained national-level green factory certification, adding 2 million square meters of green buildings.

Ecological protection, go to the beautiful Pingshan Mountain together

In June 2024, member units of the Pingshan District Ecological and Environmental Protection Committee, representatives of environmental education bases, and enterprise representatives gathered in Pingshan to grandly hold the June Five-Year Environment Day theme event of "Comprehensively Promoting the Construction of Beautiful China".

At the event site, through rich and diverse forms of artistic performance, the ecological concept of harmonious coexistence between man and nature was conveyed. Through the release of the "Ten Thousand Bridge Plan" partnership initiative and the "Ten Thousand Bridge Plan" guided tour activities, the public was called on to work together to create safety and resilience., natural and wild natural habitat home. The Pingshan Administration Bureau also issued the "20 Articles on Pingshan Ecological Civilization", advocating that the public start from daily necessities and work together to build a modern and beautiful Pingshan where man and nature coexist harmoniously.

A meeting between mountains and rivers, beautiful Pingshan. In 2023, Pingshan District will unswervingly implement Xi Jinping's Thought on Ecological Civilization, fully implement relevant decisions and arrangements of the central government, provinces and cities, and make every effort to fight the battle against pollution. The city ranks first in 7 environmental quality indicators, the city ranks first in 10 ecological resource indicators, the city ranks first in 8 pollution prevention and control indicators, the city ranks first in 10 ecological restoration and green and low-carbon indicators, and the GDP growth rate ranks first in the city...... The quality of the ecological environment has delivered high scores, and the economic growth trend has continued to be stable and improving. It has been awarded two awards: "Outstanding Area for Urban High-Quality Development" and "Lucid Water and Green Mountains are Outstanding Areas for Practice" by Xinhuanet Green Development Forum. It shows the moving charm of Lvmeiping Mountain.

A good ecological environment is the most universally beneficial welfare for people's livelihood. Looking at the construction of ecological civilization and green development in Pingshan District, the beautiful and livable ecological blueprint has gradually turned into a vivid reality on this soil. Next, Pingshan District will adhere to the idea of "one game of chess" in the whole district, support high-quality development with high-level protection and high-quality ecology, write a Pingshan chapter for comprehensively promoting the construction of a beautiful China, and make Pingshan a model for creating a beautiful China in which man and nature coexist harmoniously, and jointly draw a new picture of the Urban area of "Mountains and Seas Link Green and Beautiful Pingshan".

RegionChina,Guangdong,Hongkong SAR