China Carbon Credit Platform

[Demonstration and Creation of Ecological Civilization] Jining District: Pursuing green and constantly planting a thick ecological background

Release Time2 months ago

Jining District is the central Urban area of Ulanqab City. It is located at the southern foot of Huitengliang in the Yinshan Mountains. It is known as the "Three Gorges in the Air and the Capital of Wind Power." It is also a veritable "Summer Capital of China's Grassland."

In recent years, the District Party Committee and Government of Jining District in Ulanqab City have thoroughly implemented Xi Jinping's Thought on Ecological Civilization, always placed ecological and environmental protection in an important position, and persisted in protecting the ecology, controlling pollution, grasping conservation, and promoting transformation, and the ecological environment has continued to improve. In November 2023, Jining District was named by the Autonomous Region Department of Ecology and Environment as the first batch of autonomous region-level ecological civilization construction demonstration zones.

Protect ecology-continue to polish the ecological background

Bawanghe Park, located in Jining District, has blue sky and clear water, beautiful trees and green scenery. Walking on the trestle bridge and breathing the fresh air, it is like being in a beautiful picture of harmony between people and water...

In the 1980s and 1990s, due to the continuous natural drought, the groundwater level dropped, artificial mining and arbitrary excavation, and garbage occupation of the river, the water resources of the Bawang River and the ecological environment on both sides of the river were seriously damaged. The entire river was dilapidated and became a barren land and smelly ditch that citizens respect. In order to improve the ecological environment and make green the main tone of Jining, the party committees and governments at the two levels of Ulanqab City and Jining District have focused on playing the three cards of "mountain, water and green" and comprehensively adopted a series of measures such as planning to build green, demolishing and illegally build green, breaking walls to penetrate green, inserting green through cracks, and expanding green through scenery, which has greatly improved the amount of urban greening and landscape effect. Up to now, the green space rate in the built-up area has reached 40.23%, the green coverage rate has reached 42.86%, and the per capita park green space area has reached 34.96 square meters. In 2010, Jining District was awarded the honorary title of "National Greening Model County"; in 2015, it successfully established a national garden city and was known as the "Garden City Built on Basalt."

Pollution control-continuously improve the quality of the ecological environment

The environment is people's livelihood, green mountains are beauty, and blue skies are happiness. Over the years, Jining District has always adhered to precise, scientific, and legal pollution control, and has continued to fight in-depth the battle to defend blue sky, clear water, and pure land. Strengthen coordinated control of pollutants and regional coordinated management, and solidly carry out actions to demolish and consolidate coal-fired boilers and rectify coal-fired scattered burning in shantytowns and villages in cities. In 2023, 15,800 residents will be treated with coal-fired scattered burning in the district, and 8 units above 65 steam tons were successfully completed. The ultra-low emission transformation of coal-fired boilers was successfully completed, and the installation of fume purification equipment in catering stores achieved full coverage of the industry. Coordinate and promote sewage treatment, drinking water source protection and black and smelly water treatment, strictly implement the river and lake chief system, and complete the water environment quality assessment goals and tasks. The groundwater quality in Jining District reaches Class III standards, and there is no inferior to Class V water bodies. The proportion of excellent water quality in centralized drinking water sources is 100%. We will do a solid job in the prevention and control of soil pollution, strictly manage the access of construction land, and strengthen the prevention and control of solid waste pollution with the goal of reduction, resource utilization and harmlessness. The utilization and disposal rate of hazardous waste is 100%. The quality of the soil environment continues to improve.

Focus on conservation-promote conservation and intensive development and utilization

Based on the actual conditions of local drought, low precipitation, large evaporation, and water shortage, Jining District has thoroughly implemented the water control ideas of "water conservation priority, space balance, systematic management, and two-handed efforts", and made careful use of water resources., strictly manage water resources, and comprehensively promote the conservation and intensive utilization of water resources. Continue to strengthen water conservation supervision and management, industrial enterprises strictly implement annual total water consumption control, agricultural irrigation wells achieve full coverage of remote metering facilities; implement reclaimed water reuse and rainwater collection projects, and build a new reclaimed water, rainwater and sewage diversion pipe network of 41 kilometers. During the year, the utilization rate of recycled water has increased to more than 80%; At the same time, we actively implement the national requirements for "green, ecological and sustainable" agricultural development, strive to create an ecological breeding model of "combining planting and breeding" and returning manure and water treatment to fields, comprehensively promote the return of straw to fields and comprehensive utilization of agricultural waste, and vigorously carry out rural living environment. Renovation, domestic waste collection coverage rate and harmless treatment rate reached 100%, and waste agricultural film recovery rate reached 85%.

Promote transformation-promote the steady development of green economy

The effective wind farm area in Jining District accounts for one-tenth of the country and one-third of that in Inner Mongolia. Relying on the advantages of open and flat terrain and good lighting conditions, it has attracted Haili Electronics, Dongyang Sunshine, Nanda Optoelectronics, Jingneng Group, etc. A number of industry leaders have gathered locally. The production capacity of lithium battery anode materials and nitrogen trifluoride are among the top in the country; the annual production capacity of high-pressure formed foils is nearly 45 million square meters, accounting for about 40% of the world's share, and the industry's output value exceeds 5 billion yuan. Vigorously promote the high-quality development of the food processing industry. Focusing on specialty products such as potatoes, yogurt, beef and mutton, the processing conversion rate of agricultural and livestock products has increased to 75%, and the output value has exceeded 1.2 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 23%. Based on its advantageous resource endowment, Jining vigorously develops all-region tourism, ecological health care, and exhibition economy, creates 6 "Traveling in Jining" high-quality tourism routes, holds a series of activities such as Summer Cultural Tourism Festival and "Love of Ice and Snow", and cultural tourism The market continues to heat up, receiving 3.53 million tourists throughout the year, and tourism revenue has increased by more than 70%.

Blue skies and white clouds are visible at the eye, and green waters and green mountains have become the norm. Over the years, Jining District of Ulanqab City has unswervingly followed a new path of high-quality development oriented by ecological priority and green development. The green family has become thicker and thicker, and the ecological and economic system has become increasingly perfect, drawing a beautiful new picture of Jining in the harmonious coexistence of man and nature.

Text: Xue Kai Picture: Ulanqab City Ecological Environment Bureau

RegionChina,Inner Mongolia