China Carbon Credit Platform

Focusing on the main line of building a strong sense of the Chinese nation's community, write a new chapter in the construction of a beautiful China in Inner Mongolia

Release Time2 months ago

my country's vast and beautiful land and sea are the home for the reproduction and survival of the Chinese nation, the foundation for the inheritance and development of Chinese civilization, and the space carrier for comprehensively building a modern socialist country. The Chinese nation has always respected and loved nature. The Chinese civilization that has lasted for more than 5,000 years has nurtured ecological cultures and ecological wisdom such as "the unity of man and man" and "the Tao of nature". In history, various ethnic groups have long consciously arranged their own production and life based on the total amount of cultivated land, mountains, forests, rivers, and water resources, forming traditional ecological concepts. The Han people believe that "we must act in accordance with the laws of nature, take it sometimes and use it appropriately." The Tibetan people believe that "every grass and tree have life, and all things in the world are connected to each other." The Zhuang people believe that "protecting the soil and water is like saving life, and controlling water and soil is like governing the home." The Mongolian people respectfully respect the grassland as a "great destiny", the Hui people advocate "caring for living things with a heart of benevolence", and every household of the Uyghur people is happy to plant flowers, fruits, plants, etc. These simple concepts, regardless of ethnic regions, all emphasize the need to unify heaven, earth and man and connect natural ecology with human civilization. They have become the common cognition and spiritual wealth of the Chinese nation in handling the relationship between man and nature.

In its great journey of uniting and leading people of all ethnic groups to achieve modernization, the Communist Party of China insists on understanding the relationship between man and nature with a Marxist scientific attitude, handles the relationship between man and nature in a harmonious and symbiotic manner, and attaches great importance to the construction of ecological civilization and ecological environment protection. Since the reform and opening up, the party and the country have focused on changes in the principal contradictions in society and gradually established environmental protection as a basic national policy and incorporated it into the national economic and social development plan (plan). People of all ethnic groups have jointly faced pollution and governance issues and jointly explored development and The path of protection has laid a solid foundation for the cause of ecological and environmental protection. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has regarded the construction of ecological civilization as a fundamental plan related to the sustainable development of the Chinese nation. It has carried out a series of fundamental, groundbreaking and long-term work and proposed a series of new concepts. New ideas and new strategies have formed Xi Jinping's Thought on Ecological Civilization. The construction of ecological civilization has undergone historic, turning and overall changes from theory to practice, and the construction of Beautiful China has taken major steps. The ecological foundation for the sustainable development of the Chinese nation community has been continuously consolidated.

Ethnic areas are at the forefront of the construction of ecological civilization and have great responsibilities in the modernization process of harmonious coexistence between man and nature. The Party Central Committee has adopted a series of major measures to support the construction of ecological civilization in ethnic minority areas. Ethnic minority areas adhere to the harmonious coexistence of man and nature, firmly establish and practice the concept that clear waters and green mountains are invaluable assets, and implement the integrated protection and systematic governance of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand., formulated and promulgated laws and policy documents to strengthen the construction of ecological civilization, wrote a new chapter in the construction of ecological civilization in ethnic minority areas, and injected a steady stream of impetus into the construction of a beautiful China. Through the joint efforts of people of all ethnic groups, our motherland has bluer skies, greener lands, clearer waters, and more colorful rivers and mountains. The great practice of the Chinese nation in promoting the construction of ecological civilization fully demonstrates that ecological civilization is a cause that people of all ethnic groups participate, build, and enjoy together. Everyone is a protector, builder, and beneficiary of the ecological environment. No one is a bystander. No one, outsider, or critic can just say nothing but do nothing or stay out of the way. Only when people of all ethnic groups work together to prosper and develop together can they continue to paint a new picture of a beautiful China in which each person has its own beauty and shares the same beauty.

Inner Mongolia is located on the northern border of the motherland, spanning the "Three Norths". It connects eight provinces and regions internally and Russia and Mongolia externally. The forest and grassland area ranks first in the country, and the water surface and wetland areas rank among the top in the country. It is the largest and most diverse ecological functional area in northern my country. It is also one of the provinces with concentrated desertification and desertified land and serious harm. The ecological status of Inner Mongolia is not only related to the survival and development of people of all ethnic groups in Inner Mongolia, but also related to the ecological security of North China, Northeast China, Northwest China and even the whole country. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has visited Inner Mongolia three times, participated in the deliberation of the Inner Mongolia delegation of the National People's Congress for five consecutive years, and delivered important speeches. Among them, the one that paid the most attention, discussed the most, and deployed the most is the construction of ecological civilization, emphasizing that "Building Inner Mongolia into an important ecological security barrier in northern my country is a strategic positioning established based on the overall development of the country, and it is also a major responsibility that Inner Mongolia must consciously shoulder." Emphasizing that "building an important ecological security barrier in northern my country is the 'biggest one in the country' that Inner Mongolia must keep in mind." From "building a barrier" to "building a strong barrier", from "major responsibilities" to "the greatest of the country", we deeply feel that the important position of Inner Mongolia's ecological security barrier in the sustainable development space of the Chinese nation and the guarantee of overall factors has become increasingly prominent.

In recent years, the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region has always kept in mind General Secretary Xi Jinping's earnest instructions and made building an important ecological security barrier in northern my country the first of the "five major tasks". It has formulated and promulgated the "Implementation Plan on Building an Important Ecological Security Barrier in Northern my country" and promoted the promulgation of the "Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region" and other regulations and policy documents have led the people of all ethnic groups in the region to help each other, work hard with gratitude, and persist in protecting the ecology, controlling pollution, Promoting transformation, grassland vegetation coverage and forest coverage have achieved "double improvements", desertification and desertified land areas have achieved "double reductions", ecological benefits and green enrichment have achieved "double results", and important ecological security barriers in northern my country have become increasingly strong. However, it should also be noted that Inner Mongolia's national key ecological function flag counties (cities, districts) account for 76% of the total area of the district, and the number accounts for 5.3% of the country's total area; the ecological protection red line accounts for 50.46% of the total area of the district, making it the national ecological protection red line The area accounts for the second largest province. At the same time, Inner Mongolia has complete natural elements of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass, sand, ice and snow, and is rich in natural resources such as scenery, electricity, oil and gas. It is an important national agricultural and livestock product production base and an important national energy and strategic resource base. It is a key source of high-quality development and high-level protection. Among the major relationships between key attacks and coordinated management, natural restoration and artificial restoration, external constraints and endogenous power,"double carbon" commitments and independent actions, there are many factors, high difficulties, and great challenges. It is by no means something that can be accomplished in one region. We must plan and promote the construction of ecological civilization in Inner Mongolia on the new journey with a higher stance, a broader vision, and greater efforts.

In June 2023, during his inspection in Inner Mongolia, General Secretary Xi Jinping, based on the overall development of the country and combined with the actual situation of ethnic areas, proposed for the first time the major conclusion that building a strong sense of the Chinese nation's community is the main line of all work in ethnic areas, and comprehensively promoting ecological civilization for us. Construction has given missions and tasks, provided paths and methods, and pointed out the way forward. In the new era, to continue to maintain the lofty honor of a model autonomous region and realize the modernization of harmonious coexistence between man and nature, we must effectively implement this main line of tangible feeling into the entire process and all aspects of the construction of ecological civilization in Inner Mongolia, and guide the people of all ethnic groups to firmly establish the concept of sharing weal and woe, sharing life and death, and sharing a shared destiny. We are tightly held together like pomegranate seeds in the big family of the Chinese nation to jointly build a beautiful China, jointly create a better life, and build a strong country. National rejuvenation makes new and greater contributions.


Build a natural ecological barrier together

In the country's major projects such as the construction of the Yellow River Key Ecological Zone, the Northeast Forest Belt, and the Northern Sand Prevention Belt, Inner Mongolia is shouldering important tasks. We must stand at the strategic level of maintaining national ecological security, seize key points, overcome difficulties, and do our best to do a good job. The Party Central Committee is concerned about major and important matters related to the overall construction of ecological security barriers, and continues to build a green foundation for the sustainable development of the Chinese nation.

Protect the grasslands and forests. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that protecting grasslands and forests is the primary task of ecosystem protection in Inner Mongolia. We must continue to insist on "paid vacations" in the vast grasslands and "hanging axes and stopping sawing" in the Xing 'an Forest, fully implement systems such as basic grassland protection, balance between grass and livestock, ban on grazing, and natural forest protection and restoration, and effectively solve the problem of overloading and overgrazing, promote the recuperation of grasslands, accelerate the management of degraded grassland forests, strengthen the protection of natural forests in mountainous areas such as the Daxinganling Mountains, Yinshan Mountains, and Helan Mountains, and increase the coverage of natural forest vegetation in the Yellow River, Nenjiang River, and West Liaohe River basins. Continue to give full play to the basic strategic role of grasslands and forests in maintaining national ecological security, create a super "carbon bank" and pure "oxygen bar" for the people of the country, and make beautiful grasslands and northern forests the most eye-catching green in the northern border of the motherland.

Fight three landmark battles well. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that deepening the construction of key ecological projects such as the "Three Norths" is related to my country's ecological security, the construction of a strong country, and the sustainable development of the Chinese nation. It is a noble undertaking that will contribute to the present and benefit the future. Inner Mongolia is my country's main battlefield for desertification control and the main line of defense against sandstorms. The "two and a half" main battlefields of the three landmark battles of the "Three North" Project are in Inner Mongolia. We must have the "greatest person in the country" in mind, lead the people of all ethnic groups to show the spirit of "general war", gather the forces of all parties to jointly play a "chorus", solidly promote the integrated protection and systematic management of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand, and carry out in-depth Implementation of sand prevention and control and wind power and photovoltaic integration projects, concentrate our efforts on fighting the "few bend" of the Yellow River, the annihilation battle of Horqin and Hunshandak Sandlands, and the interception battle of the Hexi Corridor-Taklimakan Desert edge. Ensure that all tasks of the "Three Norths" Project are completed as scheduled, and build the Green Great Wall of Northern Xinjiang into a more functional and unbreakable place.

Protect the mother river of the Chinese nation. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that protecting the Yellow River is a long-term plan related to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The Yellow River flows through Inner Mongolia for 843 kilometers, accounting for nearly one-sixth of the total length of the Yellow River, and its basin area accounts for nearly one-fifth of the total area of the Yellow River Basin. We must firmly establish the concept of "drinking from one river together, and the nation is one family", unify the sense of building a strong Chinese nation's community with the ecological protection work of the Yellow River Basin, adapt measures to local conditions, implement classified policies, and make overall plans for upstream and downstream, main and tributary rivers, and left and right banks. We must jointly do a good job in large-scale protection and coordinate the promotion of large-scale governance. Accelerate the river management project for the Inner Mongolia section of the Yellow River and the comprehensive management of soil erosion in the ten major holes to ensure the long-term stability of the Yellow River. Make every effort to promote high-quality development in the entire basin, improve people's lives, protect, inherit and carry forward the Yellow River culture, and make the Yellow River a happy river that benefits people of all ethnic groups.

Build a pioneer area for beautiful China. General Secretary Xi Jinping requires us to implement the new development concept, coordinate the relationship between economic development and ecological and environmental protection and construction, and strive to explore a new path of high-quality development that is in line with strategic positioning, reflects Inner Mongolia's characteristics, and is guided by ecological priority and green development. The "Opinions of the State Council on Promoting High-Quality Development in Inner Mongolia and Striving to Write a New Chapter in Chinese-Style Modernization" clearly proposes to support Inner Mongolia in building a national ecological civilization pilot zone. Inner Mongolia takes building a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation as the main line of work to build a beautiful China pioneer area. It has important reference significance for ethnic areas to realize green and low-carbon transformation of economic and social development mode, build an important ecological security barrier in northern my country, and realize the modernization of harmonious coexistence between man and nature. On the basis of the current 13 national ecological civilization construction demonstration zones and the 10 "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets" practice and innovation bases, we must continue to give full play to local initiative and carry out pioneering trials to accelerate the construction of grasslands, forests, rivers, The overall ecological security pattern integrating lakes, wetlands, deserts and sandy lands is the first to explore green development highland in resource-based areas, vigorously promote the fundamental improvement of the ecological environment, and actively explore new paths for coordinated development and protection of ecological civilization construction. Efforts will be made to form a number of replicable and replicable reform measures and demonstration models, and contribute more Inner Mongolia wisdom and experience to promoting the construction of ecological civilization.


Build an ecological civilization system together

During his inspection in our district in 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out that there are two main ways out for the construction of ecological civilization in Inner Mongolia. One is to continue to organize and implement major ecological restoration projects, and the other is to actively explore and accelerate the construction of ecological civilization systems. We must keep in mind General Secretary Xi Jinping's expectations and instructions, take building a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation as the main line of work, deepen mechanism reform and institutional innovation, and accelerate the establishment and improvement of a more systematic and complete ecological and environmental protection system.

Improve the institutional system. Improve the main functional area system, the land and space use control system, and the nature reserve system with national parks as the main body, strictly implement the ecological protection red line system, build a multi-dimensional and three-dimensional law enforcement and supervision system, and protect the "lifeline" of the Chinese nation's ecological construction. The "happiness line" to enhance the green ecological well-being of people of all ethnic groups. Improve the property rights system of natural resource assets, establish an ecological protection compensation system and an ecological product value realization mechanism, improve the market-oriented allocation system of resource and environmental factors, accelerate the exploration and research of cross-regional and cross-basin ecological compensation systems, and promote national forest resource value accounting and grassland ecology The trial calculation of the system's GDP and the pilot work of the principal-agent mechanism for the ownership of natural resource assets owned by the whole people will benefit protectors and contributors. Stimulate the endogenous motivation of the whole society to jointly care for the ecological environment. When formulating laws and regulations for the construction of ecological civilization and major ecological and environmental protection policies and measures, building a strong sense of the Chinese nation's community is regarded as a pre-review condition. Development planning and urban planning departments at all levels must strengthen their supervision of various plans and major engineering projects in the field of ecological and environmental protection. Implement the review and control of building a strong sense of the Chinese nation's community.

Strengthen responsible supervision. Compile and improve the natural resource balance sheet, deepen the audit system for leading cadres 'natural resource assets after leaving office, strictly hold accountable and lifelong accountability for blind decisions regardless of the ecological environment and causing serious consequences, and establish and improve the scientific evaluation system for ecological civilization construction with the main line of work to build a strong sense of the Chinese nation's community., and promote leading cadres to proactively seek to increase ecological assets and reduce environmental liabilities. Deeply implement the river and lake chief system and the forest chief system, and accelerate the improvement of the target responsibility system with the main line of work to build a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation. Optimize the ecological and environmental protection inspection mechanism and methods, and incorporate the main line of building a strong sense of the Chinese nation's community into the ecological and environmental protection inspection work. Strictly implement the compensation system for ecological and environmental damage to make those who destroy the ecological environment pay the price. Make good use of the supervision and coordination platform of the autonomous region party committee, strengthen the supervision of the work of building a strong sense of the Chinese nation's community in the ecological and environmental field, form a joint supervision and joint force of multiple departments, and safeguard the ecological rights and interests of people of all ethnic groups.

Encourage diverse participation. Improve the social participation mechanism, vigorously promote the decision-making consultation system and social hearing system in the field of ecological environment, establish ecological environment information disclosure and public supervision, reporting and feedback mechanisms, guide people of all ethnic groups to change from "I want to participate" to "I want to participate", and enhance Public awareness of ecological and environmental protection. Give full play to the role of "two representatives and one committee member" and mass organizations in building a strong sense of the Chinese nation's community in the construction of ecological civilization, promptly reflect and actively respond to the people's thoughts, expectations, and urgent needs, and fully protect when formulating ecological and environmental protection policies. Rights and interests of the people and solve people's problems when implementing policies. Give full play to the role of various entities such as the government, enterprises, social groups, and the public, promote institutional integration and mechanism innovation in an integrated manner, establish and improve the corporate responsibility system, national action system, market system, credit system, laws and regulations and policy system for environmental governance, and continuously improve the ecology. The level of legalization of environmental governance stimulates the enthusiasm and initiative of the whole society for joint construction and co-governance.


Create a green and low-carbon life together

In the final analysis, ecological and environmental issues are issues of development methods and lifestyles. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that we must adhere to green and low-carbon development as the fundamental solution to ecological and environmental problems and accelerate the formation of green production methods and lifestyles. We must thoroughly implement the new development concept, base ourselves on Inner Mongolia's resource endowments and development conditions, promote positive interactions with high-level protection, high-quality environment, and high-quality development, and allow people of all ethnic groups to enjoy a green and low-carbon beautiful life in the harmonious coexistence of man and nature.

Vigorously promote industrial ecology. Comprehensively implement the ecological environment zoning control requirements, implement list management, classified disposal, and dynamic supervision, resolutely curb the blind launch of high-pollution projects, resolutely abandon the short-sighted approach of sacrificing the ecological environment in exchange for temporary and local economic growth, and resolutely refrain from doing it for the sake of "three melons"."Two dates harm long-term interests and eat the food of ancestors and destroy the bowls of future generations, making the concept of green development deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Make every effort to develop new productive forces with green and low-carbon characteristics, promote the deep integration of industrial digitalization, intelligence and green, develop strategic emerging industries, high-tech industries, green environmental protection industries, and modern service industries, and promote traditional industrial processes and technologies., equipment upgrades, and build a green, low-carbon circular economy system. Carry out carbon peak and carbon neutrality trials first, insist on establishing first and then breaking, develop new energy with greater efforts, strive to build a national new energy and advanced high-energy industries integrated development cluster, focus on controlling coal and other fossil energy consumption, and actively Explore the path to realize the value of forest and grass wet carbon sinks and public participation mechanisms such as "carbon inclusion", and strive to achieve the coordination and unification of ecological, economic and social benefits.

Vigorously promote ecological industrialization. Make every effort to open up channels for the transformation of green waters and green mountains into invaluable assets, scientifically develop ecological agriculture and animal husbandry such as grass industry, under-forest economy, and characteristic species breeding, accelerate the cultivation of ecological and cultural tourism such as forest health care, ice and snow tourism, and desert tourism, and make every effort to promote Sand industries such as photovoltaic desertification control and the integrated development of "under-board" economy, continue to promote the creation of regional public brands in "Ecological Inner Mongolia, Green and Good Taste", and cultivate a large number of ecological products to market. Let ecological advantages continue to be transformed into industrial development advantages and people of all ethnic groups becoming rich. Vigorously promote the practice of replacing relief with work, replacing compensation with awards, and building first and then making compensation, establish and improve the interest linkage mechanism of "party branch + enterprise + cooperative + base + farmers and herdsmen", effectively organize and mobilize people of all ethnic groups, and Share ecological dividends in jointly building ecological industries.

Vigorously promote resource conservation and intensive utilization. Deeply implement the comprehensive conservation strategy, guide people of all ethnic groups to establish the concept that "conservation means growth and development", continue to promote the "Five Major Starting Points" special action, comprehensively revitalize various idle, wasted, low-quality and inefficient resource elements, and promote the whole people Energy conservation, water conservation, land conservation, material and grain conservation, cultivate and expand the solid waste recycling industry, accelerate the construction of comprehensive utilization of bulk solid waste such as fly ash and coal gangue, and decommissioning power batteries, photovoltaic modules, Waste recycling systems for emerging industries such as wind turbine blades strive to maximize resource utilization benefits. Actively advocate simple, moderate, green, low-carbon, civilized and healthy lifestyles and consumption patterns, develop green tourism, encourage green travel, promote the "CD-ROM Action", stop catering waste, improve the level of garbage classification management, and achieve full coverage of garbage classification in urban residential areas, deepen the demonstration and creation of green families, green schools, green communities, green shopping malls, etc., and make green and low-carbon lifestyles a common custom.


Sharing ecology, people's livelihood and well-being

General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out that the ecological environment is a major political issue related to the party's mission and purpose, and is also a major social issue related to people's livelihood. At present, the people's need for a beautiful ecological environment has become an important aspect of the main contradiction in society. People of all ethnic groups are eager to accelerate the improvement of the quality of the ecological environment. This requires us to regard ecological and environmental protection and governance as a priority area for people's livelihood and continuously meet the people's growing needs for a better life.

Make every effort to promote pollution prevention and control. Adhere to precise pollution control, scientific pollution control, and legal pollution control, fight the battle against pollution with higher standards, and maintain the momentum of continuous improvement of the ecological environment. Strengthen the coordination between source control and terminal control of air pollution, vigorously promote joint prevention and control of air pollution in key areas such as Hohhot, Baoe, Wuhai and surrounding areas, solidly promote clean heating transformation, and protect the beautiful blue sky. Adhere to the co-management of water environment, water resources, and water ecology, promote the management of key lakes such as "one lake, two seas" and Chahannaoer with high quality, protect Wuliangsuhai, the "pearl outside the Great Wall", and strive to promote "harmony between people and water". Solidly promote the prevention and control of soil ecological and environmental risks across the region, implement classified policies for different pollution sources, effectively prevent and control agricultural non-point source pollution, ensure soil safety from the source, and allow people of all ethnic groups to share a beautiful home with blue sky, green land, and clear water.

Make every effort to solve problems around the masses. Focus on the urgent, difficult and anxious issues of the people in the ecological and environmental field, and concentrate on making up for the shortcomings of infrastructure in the ecological and environmental field. Implement special environmental pollution control actions to focus on rectifying urban residents "doorsteps" problems such as cooking fumes, stench, black and smelly water bodies, and noise pollution. Implement the urban heating and warming project, increase the renovation and upgrading of the heating pipe network in old communities, and focus on solving the heating problems that the masses have strongly reported, so that the warming project can truly warm people's hearts. Make every effort to promote the improvement of the living environment in rural and pastoral areas, solidly promote the toilet revolution in rural and pastoral areas, continue to improve the collection, transportation and disposal of domestic waste, harmless treatment of manure, and domestic sewage treatment systems in rural and pastoral areas, and continuously enhance the sense of gain, happiness, and security of people of all ethnic groups.

Make every effort to build beautiful urban and rural homes. Adhere to the principle of building people's cities for the people and people's cities for the people, guided by green and low-carbon, beautiful environment, ecological livability, safety, health, wisdom and efficiency, accelerate the construction of green buildings, green transportation, and waste-free cities, promote urban renewal in an orderly manner, and create A more complete inter-embedded development demonstration community where people of all ethnic groups live, learn, build and share, and work together to better promote extensive exchanges, exchanges and integration among people of all ethnic groups in the construction of beautiful cities in the new era. Adhere to the principle of taking farmers and herdsmen as the main body, allow farmers and herdsmen to participate extensively in the entire process of planning, decision-making, construction, and supervision of beautiful villages, explore new paths for rural development according to local conditions for each village, and focus on strengthening the protection and utilization of traditional villages and rural style guidance, so that people of all ethnic groups can see the mountains, see the water, remember their homesickness, and share the beauty of nature, life, and life in their beautiful homes.


Co-education ecological and cultural system

Ecological culture is the living force in the construction of ecological civilization. To grasp the construction of ecological civilization, we must rely on both material and spirit. General Secretary Xi Jinping clearly proposed to speed up the establishment and improvement of an ecological cultural system based on ecological values. We must regard ecological culture as an important content and important support for the construction of ecological civilization, and lay a solid spiritual and cultural foundation for building a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation.

Cultivate civilized concepts with ecological culture. In-depth study and practice Xi Jinping's Thoughts on Ecological Civilization, organize the Inner Mongolia Forum on Xi Jinping's Thoughts on Ecological Civilization, and let Xi Jinping's Thoughts on Ecological Civilization penetrate into the minds and hearts of people of all ethnic groups. Vigorously cultivate and promote the mainstream values of ecological civilization, tap China's excellent traditional cultural thoughts and resources, firmly establish the concept of ecological civilization of respecting nature, complying with nature, and protecting nature in the whole society, and accelerate the formation of national ecological consciousness. A number of educational and practice bases for building the consciousness of the Chinese nation's community have been named in the main battlefields of desertification prevention and control and the main battle areas of ecological management such as Mu Us, Kubuqi, Horqin, and Hunshandake. Through immersive, experiential, and interactive teaching, the concepts of "three inseparable","four common","five identities","five views" and "seven models" have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Carry out mass education and practice activities on a regular basis to "feel the favor of the Party, listen to the Party, and follow the Party" to clearly explain the country's implementation of reward policies on the grasslands and forests of our region and other benefits to the people, and promote the unity and spiritual cohesion of people of all ethnic groups.

Gather spiritual strength with ecological culture. Actively cultivate and carry forward ecological culture, strengthen the construction of the "Dadi Wenxin·Inner Mongolia Ecological Literature Creation Base", launch a number of excellent works of ecological literature, ecological film and television, tell the story of Inner Mongolia's ecological civilization well, and form a strong spiritual bond that unites the hearts of all ethnic groups, unites and forges forward. Continue to promote the integrated development of red culture and grassland culture, farming culture, Yellow River culture, and Great Wall culture, and create a cultural brand based on the exchanges, exchanges and integration of all ethnic groups, mutual assistance, jointly promoting the Mongolian Horse Spirit and the "Three North Spirit", and building a strong sense of the Chinese nation's community. We will host activities such as the "Wenrun Northern Xinjiang" Inner Mongolia Ecological Literature Week and the "Bright Northern Xinjiang in Words" Inner Mongolia Ecological Literature Works Exhibition to promote the prosperity and development of ecological culture. Inject strong spiritual power into comprehensively promoting the construction of beautiful Inner Mongolia.

Create a good atmosphere with ecological culture. It is necessary to enrich communication content, expand communication channels, and continue to carry out activities such as National Ecological Day and June Five-Year Environment Day for people of all ethnic groups, especially young people, and make full use of museums, exhibition halls, science and education museums, etc., vigorously promote the vivid practice of building a beautiful China. It is necessary to focus on publicizing the experience, practices, outstanding results, and advanced models in the construction of beautiful Inner Mongolia, vigorously promote world-renowned desertification control experiences such as the "Dengkou Model" and "Kubuqi Model", and vigorously promote the "Model of the Times" Su He,"the Most Beautiful Nature""Protector" Dong Hongru, winner of the "China Environment Award" Yin Yuzhen, winner of the "July 1st Medal" Ting Batter and other heroic and exemplary deeds, vigorously promote the hard work, selfless dedication, perseverance, and generations of sand control people. The long-term "Three North Spirit" has continuously enhanced the sense of identity and pride among people of all ethnic groups in the construction of ecological civilization of the Chinese nation, and created a good atmosphere for jointly building ecological civilization in the whole society.


Seeking common paths of ecological cooperation

The construction of ecological civilization is related to the future of mankind, and building a green home is the common dream of mankind. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has closely followed the times and looked to the world, shouldering the responsibilities of a major country and demonstrating its responsibilities, and has made China's contribution to promoting the joint construction of a global environmental governance system and building a clean and beautiful world. From the perspective of Inner Mongolia, we must also actively integrate into and serve the new development pattern, deepen regional cooperation, expand international cooperation, work together and make Inner Mongolia's contribution to open cooperation in the construction of ecological civilization.

Comprehensively deepen regional cooperation. Inner Mongolia's ecological functions radiate to many provinces across the country. It is necessary to actively strengthen coordinated development, coordinated development and common development with brother provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, and promote all ethnic groups to live in harmony and be close to each other as one family. It is necessary to focus on the national regional coordinated development strategy, and comprehensively strengthen cooperation with adjacent regions and provinces along the Yellow River in new energy industries, clean corridor channels, natural gas pipelines, and water rights trading in the implementation of the large-scale development of the western region, comprehensive revitalization of the Northeast, ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin. It is necessary to actively integrate into the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, deepen and expand Beijing-Mongolia cooperation, and innovate cooperation models in green and low-carbon industries, green agricultural and livestock product trading, and green electricity supply guarantee. It is necessary to comprehensively strengthen cooperation in the fields of joint protection and management of the ecological environment, water pollution control, and desertification prevention and control, strengthen joint prevention and control of air pollution with Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei and surrounding areas, strengthen protection and cooperation with Jilin Province and the Nenjiang River Basin in Heilongjiang Province, and increase joint prevention and control in Mu Us Sandy Land, Tengger Desert, and the southern edge of Hunshandak-Horqin Sandy Land. It is necessary to explore and expand carbon sink trading and strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation with the Yangtze River Delta, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and the three northeastern provinces. It is necessary to actively promote extensive cross-regional exchanges and interactions in the ecological field between governments at all levels, departments, universities, scientific research institutes, public welfare organizations, and individual enterprises, and demonstrate the cohesion and appeal of the Chinese nation's community in joint participation, joint protection, and joint restoration.

Vigorously expand international cooperation. Inner Mongolia is an important bridgehead for my country's opening to the north. It is necessary to participate in cross-border ecological environment protection and desertification prevention and control cooperation with a more active attitude, strengthen cooperation with Mongolia, Japan, South Korea, etc. in the field of sandstorm prevention and control, and support Mongolia in implementing the "Planting One Billion Trees" plan to jointly respond to sandstorm disaster weather. Actively participate in the joint construction of the Green Silk Road, deepen green and low-carbon practical cooperation with Russia and Mongolia and other countries, and support Erenhot and other places to pilot cooperation with adjacent areas of Mongolia in carrying out scenery projects and other cooperation. Encourage advantageous enterprises in Inner Mongolia to go global and carry out international cooperation in ecological, green and low-carbon fields through various methods. Explore cooperation, dialogue and information sharing in the ecological field through foreign affairs channels, and vigorously promote the beautiful vision of the Chinese nation and people around the world to join hands to build a community with a shared future for mankind. Make every effort to run the Kubuqi International Desert Forum well, actively publicize and introduce Xi Jinping's thoughts on ecological civilization to foreign countries, tell the story of China's ecological civilization well, and help the Chinese concept, Chinese plan, and Chinese actions of ecological civilization go global.


Together guard the ecological security defense line

Ecological and environmental security is an important part of national security and an important guarantee for sustained and healthy economic and social development. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that we must implement the overall national security concept, actively and effectively respond to various risks and challenges, and ensure that the natural environment and conditions on which we rely for survival and development are not threatened or destroyed. As a "double barrier" for ecological security, security and stability, Inner Mongolia must put ecological and environmental security in a prominent position, effectively prevent and resolve various risks and hidden dangers that may spread from the ecological field, and resolutely guard the "northern gate" of the motherland. The "moat" of the capital.

Maintain the bottom line in the ecological field. Adhere to prevention first, improve ecological security monitoring, early warning, emergency response and response capabilities, and form a global linkage, three-dimensional and efficient ecological security protection system. Strengthen the investigation of environmental hazards such as hazardous wastes, tailings ponds, chemicals, and persistent pollutants, and strive to prevent and resolve major ecological security risks. Implement major projects for biodiversity protection, increase biosafety management, strengthen inspection and quarantine of entry animals and plants, and prevent infringement by alien species. Make every effort to prevent and resolve major risks of forest and grassland fires, strengthen climate risk management and the construction of disaster prevention and reduction systems, and enhance the ability of key areas such as water resources, terrestrial ecosystems, agriculture and animal husbandry, cities and living environment to effectively respond to the adverse impacts and risks of climate change. Ensure the safety of lives and property of people of all ethnic groups.

Maintain the bottom line in the political field. Adhere to the prevention and resolution of major risks in the ecological and environmental field as an important political responsibility, enhance the political awareness of the responsibility to defend the territory and the awareness of danger in times of peace, strengthen daily supervision and source management, properly handle cases and incidents in the ecological and environmental field in accordance with the law, and insist on handling problems according to what problems are, strictly prevent and resolutely crack down on domestic and foreign hostile forces engaging in infiltration and destruction activities under the pretext of ecological and environmental protection issues, and resolutely prevent the transmission and transformation of ecological problems to the ethnic and political fields. Strengthen public opinion work in the field of ecological environment, actively respond to and solve ecological and environmental issues reported by people of all ethnic groups, strengthen the management of Internet issues related to ecological and environmental fields in accordance with the law, resolutely resist malicious attacks and smears by hostile forces, and form a conducive foundation in cyberspace. Strengthen the positive energy and good voice of the Chinese nation's sense of community.

Maintain the bottom line in the social field. Strictly implement the social stability risk assessment mechanism for major decisions in the field of ecological environment, regard building a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation as an important consideration, and effectively control social stability risks that may arise during the implementation of major policies, major projects, etc. We will solidly carry out the investigation and resolution of conflicts and disputes in the field of ecological environment, work together, prevent and treat them, and promote the resolution of conflicts and disputes at the grassroots level and in the bud. Give full play to the petition agency system and the role of petition agents in solving petition issues in the environmental field, regard building a strong sense of the Chinese nation's community as an important responsibility, make every effort to open up the "last meter" of serving people of all ethnic groups, and continuously consolidate the social foundation of harmony and stability.

RegionChina,Inner Mongolia,Jilin,Heilongjiang