China Carbon Credit Platform

Sing the "chorus" of green and low-carbon development (new theory)

Release Time2 months ago

Choosing "no tableware" when ordering food on the takeout platform can display the amount of carbon reduction and earn corresponding points; when traveling by bicycle, the carbon reduction amount can also be counted into the account, and can be redeemed for green travel benefits after certain conditions are met... Nowadays, Driven by a series of incentives, green products and green services are becoming the choice of more and more consumers.

When it comes to achieving the "double carbon" goal, many people often think of how to reduce carbon emissions in the production field. Energy conservation and carbon reduction are not a "two-person turn" between the government and enterprises, but a "chorus" for the whole people. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "We must advocate a simple, moderate, green, low-carbon, civilized and healthy lifestyle, guide green and low-carbon consumption, encourage green travel, carry out demonstration and creation of green and low-carbon social actions, and enhance national awareness of conservation and ecological and environmental protection." A report from the Chinese Academy of Sciences shows that residential consumption accounts for 53% of the total carbon emissions. How to stimulate endogenous motivation and enable more than 1.4 billion people to better practice green and low-carbon concepts is an important and urgent issue.

By establishing personal carbon accounts, it is convenient for the public to make efforts and benefit in the process of energy conservation and carbon reduction, which is conducive to mobilizing the enthusiasm of all parties to participate. At present, some local governments, online platforms, financial institutions, etc. in my country have successively carried out practical exploration of carbon accounts and achieved certain results. For example, Mini programs such as Beijing's "Green Life Season", Harbin's "Carbon Ice City" in Heilongjiang, and Shenzhen's "Low Carbon Planet" in Guangdong. These platforms have the function of opening carbon accounts for individual users, and have developed a series of convenient services and public welfare activities around the accounts, becoming a fulcrum for leveraging residents to participate in green and low-carbon development. However, it should also be noted that there are obvious shortcomings in my country's current carbon account construction. For example, there is a lack of unified standards for carbon measurement and carbon accounting, there is a lack of interconnection mechanisms between different carbon accounts, and data security needs to be strengthened. This has also led to low utilization rates of many carbon accounts and the inability to expand new functions and application scenarios.

To better play the role of carbon accounts, carbon accounts can be deeply integrated into daily life by strengthening data connectivity and using credit system empowerment. For example, the "Green Bud Points" Weixin Mini Programs in Luzhou, Sichuan, open up WeChat campaigns and multiple platforms such as public transportation and banks, allowing low-carbon behaviors in walking, taking public transportation, and green finance to be collected in real time, centralized storage and rapid analysis to convert corresponding carbon emission reductions. The more carbon emission reductions, the higher the points you will get. Residents can use points to redeem gift certificates or goods on the platform, which is convenient, affordable and fast. For another example, you can also associate a carbon account with a credit account. Whether individuals or companies, as long as they participate in green and low-carbon development actions, the corresponding carbon emission reductions can be converted into credit points. The higher the credit score, the more public and financial services individuals or businesses can enjoy. A series of measures are to truly connect the carbon account with daily production and life, giving everyone a real sense of gain.

The earth is the common home of mankind, and low-carbon life is an effective way for us to protect our homeland. To build a green home together, we need to take action and work in the same direction. Making good use of innovative mechanisms and practices, including carbon accounts, so that the people can benefit and enjoy convenience, and consciously participate in green and low-carbon development will surely gather strong synergy for energy conservation and carbon reduction and make greater contributions to achieving the "double carbon" goal.

(The author is a researcher at the Credit Legislation and Credit Evaluation Research Center of Capital Normal University)
