China Carbon Credit Platform

PetroChina Changqing Oilfield No. 1 Gas Production Plant: Wherever the gas field is built, the green will be extended

Release Time5 months ago

"The goal has been achieved!" At 16:12 on December 24, 2021, the bright red data of the annual natural gas production of 10 billion cubic meters jumped on the big screen of the production command center of the first gas production plant in Changqing Oilfield. Every time he recalls this moment, Wang Bing, director of the No. 1 Gas Production Plant of Changqing Oilfield, still can't hide his excitement.

A green gas field in the Ordos Basin.

As the "vanguard" of natural gas production in Changqing Oilfield, the first gas production plant of Changqing Oilfield undertakes the task of supplying gas to more than 10 large and medium-sized cities across the country. Through natural gas pipeline networks such as the West-to-East Gas Pipeline, the Shaanxi-Beijing Pipeline, and the Jingxi Line, natural gas is continuously transported to Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningbo and other regions, which has played an important role in improving local ambient air quality and optimizing the energy structure.

From the annual output of 98 million cubic meters of natural gas when the plant was built to the current breakthrough of 10 billion cubic meters, the first gas production plant of Changqing Oilfield is not only galloping in the "fast lane" of production and construction, but also erecting a "viaduct" for green development, vividly interpreting the commitment of "extending green wherever the gas field is built" with practical actions.

From less than 100 million cubic meters to breaking through the 10 billion cubic meter mark

In June 1989, the discovery well of Jingbian Gas Field, Well Shaanxi Shen 1, obtained high-yield industrial gas flow, realizing the transformation of Changqing Oilfield from simple oil search to "simultaneous development of oil and gas, coordinated development" strategic pattern.

In accordance with the overall deployment of China National Petroleum Group, the natural gas exploration work integrates seismic, drilling, logging, acidizing fracturing, and comprehensive geological research for comprehensive exploration and development, and the Jingbian gas field was born.

Jingbian gas field is the largest world-class gas field on land in China discovered in the late 80s of the 20th century. After hearing the news, geologist Weng Wenbo said: "The geological significance of the discovery of an atmospheric field in the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningbo Basin is no less than that of the Daqing Oilfield. ”

Jingbian gas field is a typical "three low" gas field with low permeability, low pressure and low abundance, which is called "marginal gas field", and it is very difficult to develop economically and effectively. Since 1991, Changqing Oilfield has carried out a number of studies on gas field geology, gas reservoir engineering, gas production technology, and surface production system in accordance with the requirements of the CPC Central Committee on accelerating natural gas development, relying on scientific and technological research and innovation.

Wang Bing said that under the idea of "emphasizing economic benefits, making full use of exploration wells to form a production scale, minimizing the initial investment in development, and recovering the exploration investment as soon as possible", the No. 1 Gas Production Plant of Changqing Oilfield implements the development principle of "fewer wells and high production" to achieve the goal of relatively high yield and efficient development of low permeability gas fields. Through exploratory well test production, the understanding of the geology of the gas field was deepened, and the process flow of "multi-well high-pressure gas gathering" with Changqing characteristics was formed after the "single-well medium-pressure gas gathering" in the Sichuan gas field.

The Shaanxi-Beijing pipeline that supplies gas to Beijing.

After continuous exploration and bold innovation, the No. 1 Gas Production Plant of Changqing Oilfield has broken the construction mode of domestic gas fields, introduced and digested foreign advanced experience, simplified the technological process, reduced the construction cost, and adhered to the adoption and integration of advanced and applicable technologies such as downhole throttling technology, comprehensive evaluation technology of low permeability gas reservoir reservoir, cluster horizontal well development, gas testing "factory" operation, volume fracturing, etc., opened up the "seepage channel" of the gas reservoir, turned the "sheep intestine path" into a "highway", and conquered the world-class "three-low gas field" The technical bottleneck of effective development has formed the first supporting development and process model of Jingbian gas field with Changqing characteristics in China.

Wang Bing said that the "Jingbian model" has achieved many new breakthroughs in the development of gas fields and models, and provides a useful reference for the development and construction of the same type of gas fields in China.

In the 21st century, China's natural gas market has entered a stage of rapid development, and natural gas consumption has grown at a double-digit rate every year. In order to solve the problem of "gas shortage" and ensure the safe and stable supply of gas to more than 10 large and medium-sized cities such as Beijing, Xi'an, Yinchuan and Hohhot, the No. 1 Gas Production Plant of Changqing Oilfield took the initiative to shoulder the glorious mission of "ensuring gas supply and people's livelihood", conscientiously fulfilled the political, economic and social responsibilities of the enterprise, overcame the difficulties of declining grade of remaining resources in the gas field, increasing development difficulty and increasing cost, and took the initiative to increase production and increase gas supply.

From the annual output of 98 million cubic meters of natural gas when the plant was established to breaking through the 10 billion cubic meter mark now, the first gas production plant of Changqing Oilfield has always inherited the "spirit of oil", "Daqing spirit" and "iron man spirit", and carried forward the "five spirits" of gas field battles warm heart", contribute "clean air" to defend the clear water and blue sky.

A green gas field in the Ordos Basin

As the first 10 billion cubic meter gas production plant built in the Ordos Basin, the No. 1 Gas Production Plant of Changqing Oilfield has firmly established the concept that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets, and has always adhered to the idea of "development in protection and protection in development", strictly abiding by the ecological red line, and striving to be the guardian of the pure land with clear water and blue sky.

"When natural gas development conflicts with ecological protection, we must not hesitate to make way for ecology, no matter what the cost. Wang Bing said that the 22 gas wells of the first gas production plant of Changqing Oilfield were withdrawn from the Inner Mongolia Mu Us Sandy Cypress Nature Reserve, and the desert well site was re-covered with patches of Sandy Cypress, and the political responsibility of the 10 billion cubic meter plant was practiced with practical actions.

At present, green and low-carbon development has become a new mission for the development of traditional energy enterprises, which is not only a difficult challenge, but also a track full of opportunities. The No. 1 Gas Production Plant of Changqing Oilfield focuses on technological innovation, gives full play to the advantages of new processes and technologies, vigorously promotes the construction of ecological gas fields, and explores a new path for green and low-carbon development.

Promote technological innovation and win the battle to defend the blue sky, clear water and pure land. It took the lead in building 5 sets of sulfur recovery units and two sets of alkali washing units, realized the tail gas treatment of "incineration oxidation + single alkali absorption", and completed a total of 28,000 tons of sulfur recovery and 55,000 tons of sulfur dioxide emission reduction during the "13th Five-Year Plan" period. For the first time in the Yulin area, 8 on-site tests of the filter press process were carried out, and 800 tons of clean water were reused, fulfilling the "zero discharge" commitment of "waste gas does not go to the sky and wastewater is fully utilized".

Pay attention to green and efficient development, and integrate ecological protection into the whole process of construction. Implement the development model of large well cluster horizontal wells, optimize the combination of well sites, and save 1,275 acres of land and reduce land demand by 3/4 through advanced technologies such as cluster mixed well groups and rational planning of pipeline network connections. Carry out the "non-ignition gas test" natural gas recovery test, and the annual natural gas recovery volume can reach 31 million cubic meters, achieving a win-win situation of economy, environmental protection and safety.

Eliminate high-energy-consuming equipment and adopt new measures for energy conservation and emission reduction. By simplifying and optimizing the technological process, 86 heating furnaces and 11 horizontal steam boilers were dismantled, saving 2.66 million cubic meters of natural gas annually, and gradually replacing high-energy-consuming equipment year by year, effectively reducing gas and water consumption. Successfully completed the temperament improvement project of the first purification plant, dismantled 3 sets of purification devices with small processing capacity, and integrated 1 set of new large equipment, saving 1.87 million cubic meters of natural gas annually.

Wang Bing calculated that the first gas production plant in Changqing Oilfield has supplied more than 140 billion cubic meters of natural gas over the years, and if all of it is converted into heat, it is equivalent to the total heat generated by the average annual power generation of 11 Three Gorges power stations, which can replace 180 million tons of standard coal and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 200 million tons.

It can be said that in terms of promoting the construction of ecological civilization and the ecological and environmental protection of the Yellow River Basin, as the "vanguard" of natural gas production in Changqing Oilfield, Changqing Oilfield No. 1 Gas Production Plant has always adhered to ecological priority and green development, and practiced the concept of "extending green wherever the gas field is built" with practical actions, so as to contribute to the realization of the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality.

Today, along the north-south line of the gas field, spanning 14,200 square kilometers, a beautiful picture of "wells in the scenery and wells in the scene" is slowly unfolding. In the former sandy land, 6 Qidi friendship forests have been built successively, the well site grows the national second-class protected plant sand reed, and the national second-class protected animal demoiselle crane has also increased from the initial 25 to more than 200 now.

"Zero accidents" in safety production since the establishment of the factory

"Natural gas extraction and purification are high-risk operations, and safe production is the eternal theme. In Wang Bing's view, managing safety is managing risk, and the core of risk management is risk identification and prevention and control.

According to reports, the first gas production plant of Changqing Oilfield will take risk identification and prevention and control as the top priority of the construction of the dual prevention mechanism, set up a special work leading group, formulate a promotion plan, highlight the identification of hazards, risk scoring, formulate risk control measures, and decompose the target responsibility 4 key tasks, and carried out a comprehensive identification and assessment of the risk level of more than 1,500 operation units involved in the development and production of gas fields, determined nine categories of risk lists and prevention and control measures, and realized the risk control of operation activities in place, feasible measures, The responsibility is assigned to the person, and the "double insurance" has been established from the operation mechanism.

"We have made full use of the results of risk identification and evaluation, established a hidden danger investigation and elimination mechanism from horizontal to edge and vertical to the end, implemented a three-level governance model of 'factory-operation area-class station' for hidden danger management projects, supported the incentive and accountability mechanism, strengthened the implementation of the main responsibility, and realized the 'two rises and two drops' for hidden danger investigation. Wang Bing said that the construction and effective implementation of the dual prevention mechanism have steadily improved the level of risk management and control of the whole plant, and the ability of all employees to perform their duties safely has been significantly enhanced.

In recent years, with the development and growth of Jingbian Gas Field and the continuous extension of the management area, the No. 1 Gas Production Plant of Changqing Oilfield has taken risk management as the core, focused on the intrinsic safety management system of "man, machine, environment and pipe", and strived to block "unsafe behaviors of people, unsafe state of things, unfavorable factors of the environment and management defects", and built a solid foundation for the intrinsic safety of the gas field by adopting the internationally accepted advanced management practice - QHSE management system.

Changqing Oilfield No. 1 Gas Production Plant will organize and revise and improve the QHSE management system in a timely manner every year to make it meet the requirements of laws and regulations and seamlessly connect with the system management of the superior company. At the same time, adhere to a ruler to measure to the end, constantly explore and improve the QHSE management system audit, make full use of the results of internal audit, superior audit and external audit, comprehensively diagnose and evaluate the level of QHSE management system, find shortcomings and loopholes and intervene and improve in a timely manner, and promote the closer integration of QHSE management system with production reality.

"The QHSE management system has provided strong support for production and supply, and has achieved a record of zero control of three indicators of industrial accidents, personal injuries and environmental pollution since the establishment of the factory. Wang Bing said that standing at a new starting point, the first gas production plant of Changqing Oilfield will keep in mind the mission of safety and environmental protection, stick to the bottom line, do not cross the red line, and contribute to the construction of a century-old Changqing with an evergreen foundation.

The "red engine" empowers the high-quality development of gas fields

To build the first 10 billion cubic meter gas production plant in Changqing Oilfield and achieve green, low-carbon and high-quality development, the fundamental thing is to adhere to the leadership of the party. Wang Bing said: "The development history of building a 10 billion cubic meter modern gas production plant is a history of struggle to build a solid soul and fight for the country, and it is also a history of entrepreneurship led by the banner and commanded by the party." Wherever the gas field is developed, the party's leadership will be extended. ”

The "red engine" empowers the high-quality development of gas fields.

In the course of the development of the enterprise for many years, the Party Committee of Changqing Oilfield No. 1 Gas Production Plant attaches great importance to laying a foundation at the grassroots level, strengthening management with systems, stimulating enthusiasm with responsibility, and promoting responsibility with assessment, so that the combat effectiveness and cohesion of grassroots party organizations and the execution of party members and cadres have been continuously improved.

On the one hand, vigorously promote the development of grassroots party organizations and activate "red cells". Implement the assessment and evaluation of party branches and the management of standard grading, and build 12 standardized party branches, 6 red flag party branches and 3 demonstration party branches by classification and grading. Benchmarking against world-class enterprises, promoting the intelligent and in-depth application of the "Grassroots Management Manual" and "Grassroots Operation Manual", and achieving double breakthroughs and double improvements in the construction and management efficiency of grassroots organizations. Three party branches of the plant have won the honorary titles of "National May Day Labor Award", "National Youth Civilization", "Youth Civilization of Central Enterprises", and "Hundred Red Flags" for grassroots party building of China National Petroleum Group.

On the other hand, we should hold the bull's nose of the "party building responsibility system" and weave a dense "responsibility network". The Party Committee of Changqing Oilfield No. 1 Gas Production Plant has made precise efforts to promote the implementation, deeply integrated the party building goals and tasks into the construction of the 10 billion cubic meter natural gas production demonstration zone, compiled the "Party Building Work Responsibility System Guidance Manual", established 33 action plans by post, formed a party building responsibility system evaluation system of "clear responsibility + performance + accountability + supervision", established a "big party building" work pattern featuring plan management, and effectively solved the "what to do, who will do it, and how to do it" of the grassroots party branch to ensure the implementation of the task of stable production and production development of the gas field.

In addition, we will continue to innovate the practice carrier and grasp the "pulse" of development. The whole plant carried out the grassroots foundation and management improvement activities, "three bright four to one creation" continued to go deeper and more practical, "no accidents, no hidden dangers, no violations" around party members, party member points management and other characteristic carriers glowing with new vitality, party members backbone "double training" mechanism so that the proportion of party members in high-skilled talents climbed from 25% to 86%; Organizing and implementing 18 key party building projects, and implementing 109 projects such as "small innovation", "small transformation" and "small invention".

"The integration of party building work and production and operation is deeper, the planning of grassroots party building and grassroots management is more practical, the political and organizational functions of grassroots party organizations have been effectively played, and we have more confidence to promote high-quality development. Wang Bing said that the "10 billion cubic meters" fruit condenses the responsibility of the Party Committee of Changqing Oilfield No. 1 Gas Production Plant to set the direction, manage the overall situation, and promote the implementation, showing the dedication of more than 2,000 cadres and employees to fight for the country, and also make the high-quality party building the thickest background for the high-quality development of the gas field, and write the vivid practice of high-quality party building leading high-quality development.

RegionChina,Beijing,Inner Mongolia,Sichuan