China Carbon Credit Platform

Ji'an, Jiangxi: Green Ecology Cultivates "Green Home"

Release Time6 months ago

Walking in the green water and green mountains of Ji'an, Jiangxi, the mountains are gorgeous and warm, the water is beautiful and smart, the sky is blue and high, and a picturesque ecological picture scroll jumps in front of you.

Behind the good looks is absolute hard power: in January 2024, the proportion of good days in the central urban area of Ji'an is 87.1%. The city's 37 national and provincial examination surface water assessment sections have an excellent water quality rate of 100%, 13 sections of the main stream of the Ganjiang River have stably maintained Class II water quality, and the comprehensive water quality index of the national and provincial examination sections ranks first in the province. The city's forest coverage rate is 67.7%, ranking among the top in the province.

The sky is blue, the ground is green, and the water is clear, so that the people of Ji'an have always been proud of the green ecology, is continuing to cultivate Ji'an's "green foundation", release strong green kinetic energy, cultivate and expand green industries, and promote high-quality economic development.

Implement ecological governance and consolidate the green foundation

......Recently, after dinner, Mr. Song, who lives in Xinghong Kong and Macao Park in Jizhou District, asked a few old friends to go for a walk in the Luozi Mountain River Long Theme Park. ”

There are large parks 1,000 meters away and small leisure parks at 500 meters, all over the large and small ecological parks in the central urban area of Ji'an, so that citizens can see green all year round, enjoy flowers all year round, and relax in leisure and entertainment. "At present, the service radius coverage rate of green park activity venues within the built-up area of Ji'an city center has reached more than 90%, and the per capita park green space area has reached 22.2 square meters. The relevant person in charge of the Ji'an Landscaping Center said.

A good ecological environment is the most inclusive of people's livelihood and well-being. In recent years, Ji'an has adhered to the governance of the whole basin, the guarantee of all factors, and the integration of ecological environmental protection, continuously improved the quality of the ecological environment, and constantly polished the green ecological background, so as to make the ecological environment of urban and rural human settlements in Ji'an more beautiful.

Taking 2023 as an example, Ji'an City will thoroughly implement the "1+4" project of pollution control in the Yangtze River Economic Belt, accelerate the construction of Xingfu River and Lake in the central city section of the Ganjiang River, complete the remediation of 28 illegal wharves, and close down and withdraw 21 chemical enterprises; carry out comprehensive soil erosion control, with an additional treatment area of 190.2 square kilometers, and the city's soil and water conservation rate will reach 85.8%; 18 demonstration sites for the protection and utilization of small and micro wetlands will be built, and the National Wetland Park of Xiajiang Yuxia Lake will complete the national acceptance; 330,000 mu of artificial afforestation will be completed. 356,000 acres of degraded forests were restored, and special actions were carried out for mine ecological protection and restoration, with 29 "small scattered" mines or mining rights expired and 2 new green mines closed.

In the spring season, walking into the ecological restoration project site of the abandoned quarry mine in Shikou Village, Sanwan Township, Yongxin County, there is a vibrant scene of greenery everywhere. "A few years ago, it was an abandoned quarry. Nowadays, after comprehensive soil treatment and restoration, it has achieved a gorgeous transformation and has become an Internet celebrity check-in place, and many people come to play and shoot short videos on Douyin on weekends and holidays. The village cadres of Shikou Village, Sanwan Township, Yongxin County said happily.

From the mountains to the mountains, from the water to the shore, from the city to the countryside, today, the land of Ji'an is full of beautiful mountains and rivers, the city is suitable for living and working, the rural idyllic scenery, and the people's sense of gain, happiness and security for the beautiful ecological environment has been continuously enhanced.

"At present, we have successfully built a number of high-quality ecological parks such as Luling Cultural and Ecological Park, Houhe Dream Back to Luling Scenic Area, Shengang Mountain, etc., the 'most beautiful shoreline' of the 500-mile Ganjiang River and the Suichuan Millennium Bird Road have become landmark ecological business cards in Ji'an, and the development results of ecological cultural tourism such as Ciping Town in Jinggangshan, Jizhou Diaoyuan Ancient Village, and Anfu Wugong Mountain have been praised by CCTV, and Ji'an has been awarded the title of '2021 Most Ecologically Competitive City'. The relevant person in charge of the Ji'an Municipal Bureau of Culture, Broadcasting and New Tourism introduced.

Adhere to the priority of ecology and develop green industries

In 2023, the establishment of the Ecological Civilization Construction Demonstration Zone (Ecological Industrial Park) in Jinggangshan Economic and Technological Development Zone will successfully pass the national acceptance, which is a full recognition of the country's commitment to promoting green, low-carbon and circular development of Jinggangshan Economic and Technological Development Zone Industrial Park, and also a strong confirmation of the effectiveness of the green, low-carbon and circular development of Jinggangshan Economic and Technological Development Zone Industrial Park.

In recent years, Jinggangshan Economic and Technological Development Zone has been dominated by the product chain, vigorously implementing the construction of four major projects: green manufacturing demonstration and leading, green industrial chain optimization, green management and energy saving, and green project foundation building, and building five circular economy industrial chains of electronic information, biomedicine and health, machinery and equipment manufacturing, new energy, and comprehensive utilization of resources, and 4 enterprises have been approved as national green factories, 4 enterprises have been approved as provincial green factories, and 33 enterprises have passed the cleaner production audit and completed the clean transformation.

"By the end of 2022, the relevance of the circular economy industrial chain in the park has reached 68%, an increase of 18 percentage points compared with 2014, and the 'green content' of the industry is getting heavier and heavier. Zhu Rongmao, member of the Party Working Committee and deputy director of the Management Committee of Jinggangshan Economic Development Zone, said.

Because of the beauty of green and the strength of green, the green economy has quietly become a new growth pole for the development of Ji'an.

The person in charge of the Ji'an Municipal Development and Reform Commission said that in recent years, Ji'an has anchored the "three zones" strategy, fought the decision-making and deployment of the "ten tough battles", coordinated the promotion of carbon reduction, pollution reduction, green expansion and growth, promoted the transformation of ecological advantages into development victories, and promoted the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development.

In 2023, Ji'an is expected to account for 36% and 59.5% of large-scale industries in strategic emerging industries and high-tech industries, respectively, the electronic information industry demonstration base will be rated as a four-star national new industrialization industry demonstration base, with an estimated revenue of 160 billion yuan, the installed capacity and proportion of non-fossil energy generation will remain the leading in the province, and the city's unit energy intensity and carbon emission intensity will remain the lowest in the province, and the energy consumption per 10,000 yuan of GDP is expected to decrease by 0.3% compared with the previous year.

Nowadays, the construction of "zero-waste city" is advancing rapidly, Jinggangshan red training and research is becoming more and more prosperous, the scenery of Anfu Yangshi Mu is wonderful, and the regional public brand of "Jinggangshan" agricultural products is constantly launched...... Green has become the brightest background color of Ji'an's economic development, and it is also the comparative advantage of Ji'an's development.

People do not live up to Qingshan, and Qingshan will not live up to people. "Ji'an's successful experience in green development is not only a criterion for dealing with the relationship between man and nature, but also the true meaning of dealing with the relationship between social and economic development and ecological and environmental protection, and it is also the last word that demonstrates high-level protection to promote high-quality development. The person in charge of the Ji'an Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment believes.

Innovate systems and mechanisms to unleash green kinetic energy

According to the data, at the end of 2023, the balance of green loans in Ji'an reached 54.6 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 64.46%. "Make good use of green financial policy tools to help the green development of the industry and promote the realization of the value of ecological products. The person in charge of the Ji'an Municipal Development and Reform Commission said.

In recent years, Ji'an has adhered to the new momentum of green development with green finance to activate new momentum for green development, accelerated the opening of the transformation channel between "lucid waters and lush mountains" and "golden mountains and silver mountains", and deeply fought the battle of "two mountains" transformation breakthroughs.

-- Establish an ecological value accounting and evaluation system. Comprehensively promote the investigation and confirmation of natural resources registration, establish a mechanism for the application of GEP accounting statistical reports and accounting results, take the lead in the province to realize the integration of GEP accounting into planning and assessment, and incorporate GEP growth targets into the national economic planning indicators and comprehensive evaluation system.

-- Exploring market-oriented mechanisms for the development of ecological industries. Set up a "1+13" state-owned "two mountains" operating company, and take the lead in realizing full coverage of cities and counties in the province. In 2023, Wan'an County "Liangshan" Company will achieve revenue of about 130 million yuan and profit of more than 1,100 yuan, Jinggangshan "Liangshan Village Investment" Company will achieve revenue of about 600 million yuan, Jizhou District and Wan'an County will be approved as provincial-level demonstration (creation) bases for the reform of ecological product value realization mechanism, promote the market-oriented circulation of water resources use rights, and complete 3 cases of water intake right transactions in China's water rights trading market, explore forestry carbon sink pilots, and complete transactions of Ji'an County Forest Management Carbon Sequestration Project on the provincial carbon neutrality platform.

– Innovating green financial services. We will further promote the reform and innovation of green finance, create 17 outlets of green financial institutions, hold a "two mountains" transformation of green finance in 2023, release 10 typical cases of green finance, and innovatively launch more than 60 green financial products such as carbon emission reduction loans and selenium-rich loans.

By the end of 2023, Ji'an City has guided the Municipal Urban Investment Company and Xinluling Company to issue 3.6 billion yuan of green bonds to effectively solve the financing needs of green projects. The city's financial institutions used carbon emission reduction support tools to issue loans of 1.376 billion yuan and support 17 enterprises. Set up special funds to encourage social capital to support the construction of low-carbon development capacity system, the creation of low-carbon demonstration zones, low-carbon technology research and development, demonstration project construction, demonstration project construction, forestry carbon sink and other fields, and leverage more than 16 billion yuan of social funds.

The person in charge of the Ji'an Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment said that in the next step, Ji'an will focus on the goal of "going ahead, striving for the first, and doing good deeds", firmly establish and practice the concept of "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets", unswervingly follow the path of ecological priority and green development, coordinate the promotion of high-quality development and high-level protection, and deeply fight the battle of "two mountains" transformation and breakthrough, and strive to be at the forefront of building a national ecological civilization construction highland, and build a beautiful China "Ji'an model" with higher standards.
