China Carbon Credit Platform

Promoting green development of agriculture requires three focus points

Release Time1 month ago

Green and low-carbon development of agriculture aims at improving resource utilization, reducing carbon emissions, and protecting the ecological environment. It can ensure the output and quality of agricultural products supply while minimizing the negative impact on the ecological environment, thereby achieving sustainable agricultural development., to help high-quality economic development.

At present, various regions are actively promoting green and low-carbon development of agriculture. Although certain results have been achieved, they also face some shortcomings. First of all, the transformation of scientific and technological achievements needs to be "further". At present, the conversion rate of my country's agricultural science and technology achievements is only 30%-40%, and there is still a lack of disruptive technologies and practical and efficient achievements with significant influence in the field of agricultural science and technology innovation. Coupled with the poor transformation of scientific and technological achievements, such as lack of sensors, inapplicability of some intelligent agricultural machinery, insufficient application of big data, etc., resulting in low utilization rates of agricultural by-products and waste.

Secondly, the distribution of cultivated land reserve resources is "scattered and fragmented". my country's small-area cultivated land reserve resources account for 64.7% of the total cultivated land reserve resources, and the characteristics of many rocks, thin soil layers, and unequal terrain are obvious.

Third, the agricultural carbon sink market needs to be established and improved. Carbon emissions from agricultural activities account for 6.7% of the country's total carbon emissions, but agricultural carbon sinks have not yet been included in the CCER market. In addition, an agricultural carbon emission calculation system has not yet been established, lacking unified measurement, monitoring, and evaluation tools and indicators.

In view of the above problems, the author believes that we can focus on the following aspects to lead the green and low-carbon development of agriculture.

The first is to improve the efficiency of transformation of agricultural science and technology innovation achievements. Scientific and technological achievements are transformed into real productivity, in the form of spawning new industries and promoting deep transformation and upgrading of industries. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the in-depth integration of industry, academia and research led by agricultural enterprises, strengthen goal orientation, and improve the level of transformation and industrialization of scientific and technological achievements. Increase support for original innovation in key areas of agriculture, especially those agricultural science and technology projects with disruptive potential, carefully select and establish a series of agricultural science and technology research plans, promote corresponding industrialization application demonstrations of scientific and technological achievements, and cultivate and develop agriculture. Emerging industrial clusters. The agricultural industrial chain should be comprehensively transformed with the focus on digitalization, intelligence, low-carbon and green, and high value-added. Continue to promote smart agriculture construction projects, promote the deep integration of information technology and agricultural production and management, and accelerate the promotion and application of technologies such as precision sowing, variable fertilization, and precision feeding.

The second is to accelerate the breakthrough of traditional resource endowment limitations and promote the integration of emerging production factors with traditional production factors. Strengthen the protection of cultivated land, optimization of soil quality and effective utilization of resources, and truly achieve the goal of "obtaining heat and protein from cultivated land, grassland, forests and oceans, plants, animals and microorganisms, and developing food resources in an all-round and multi-channel manner." Through key scientific and technological research and major technological integration, we will improve the comprehensive utilization level of cultivated land fertility and saline-alkali land.

The third is to promote high-quality development of the agricultural carbon sink market. Promote the construction of an agricultural carbon emission statistical accounting system, an agricultural product carbon labeling and certification system, and an agricultural product carbon footprint management system, and improve the agricultural carbon market trading system. Through business innovation and technological innovation, we will increase research and development efforts, focus on key technologies for emission reduction and carbon sequestration in green organic rice fields, and at the same time encourage agricultural science and technology talents to actively participate and deeply explore key core technologies for green and low-carbon development in agriculture to achieve technological breakthroughs. innovation. Through path innovation and data innovation, we will improve the efficiency of increasing foreign exchange, improve the utilization efficiency of agricultural and sideline products and biomass energy, and improve the overall quality and added value of products. With the help of computing power innovation and market innovation, we will improve data accuracy, continue to enrich the basic data for agricultural carbon sink value accounting, and promote the realization of the value of ecological products.

Author's unit: Party School of Jiangxi Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China
