China Carbon Credit Platform

The 2024 "Basic Four Countries" Ministerial Conference on Climate Change was held

Release Time1 month ago

Recently, the 2024 "Basic Four Countries" Ministerial Conference on Climate Change was held in Wuhan, Hubei. Huang Runqiu, Minister of Ecology and Environment, attended the meeting, delivered a speech and delivered a keynote speech. Zhao Yingmin, Vice Minister of Ecology and Environment, presided over the meeting. George, Minister of Forests, Fisheries and Environment of South Africa, Tony, Deputy Minister of Environment and Climate Change of Brazil, attended the meeting, and Nilesh, Joint Secretary of the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change of India, attended the meeting online.

Huang Runqiu said that the "Basic Four Countries" are an important force in responding to the climate crisis, promoting the multilateral process of climate governance and international cooperation. They are the mainstay of promoting the implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement. They are instrumental in building consensus among all parties and deepening Practical cooperation has played an important role.

Huang Runqiu emphasized that climate change has evolved into a real and urgent crisis, posing severe challenges to the survival and sustainable development of all mankind. Only by adhering to multilateralism and strengthening unity and cooperation can we effectively respond to it. The Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China proposed to coordinate efforts to promote carbon reduction, pollution reduction, green expansion, and growth, and actively respond to climate change. China will continue to adopt proactive climate policies and actions and continue to make greater contributions to global climate governance. China attaches great importance to the "Basic Four Countries" mechanism and is willing to work with India, Brazil, and South Africa to strengthen unity and coordination, deepen dialogue and cooperation, continue to safeguard and practice multilateralism, and jointly build a beautiful home on earth where man and nature coexist harmoniously.

Huang Runqiu pointed out that the goals, principles and institutional arrangements of the Convention and the Paris Agreement are the greatest certainty for addressing the challenge of climate change. We should continue to adhere to the principles of fairness, common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities, carry out pragmatic actions, and stabilize the climate. The multilateral process of governance has achieved positive and balanced results in areas such as mitigation, adaptation, and finance.

India, Pakistan and South Africa all actively echoed China's statement and expressed support for the "Basic Four Countries" mechanism to play a greater role in the multilateral process and safeguard the overall unity of developing countries.

At the meeting, the "four basic countries" held in-depth discussions on key issues such as environment and climate cooperation and the 29th Conference of the Parties to the Convention, and jointly negotiated solutions to deal with the climate crisis and promote the multilateral process of climate governance.
The meeting adopted in principle the "Joint Statement of the Climate Change Ministerial Conference of the Four Fundamental Countries".
After the meeting, Huang Runqiu also held bilateral talks with George to exchange views on China-South Africa cooperation in the field of climate change.
