China Carbon Credit Platform

Take action! Energy conservation and carbon reduction focus on practical results

Release Time3 months ago

The theme of the 34th National Energy Conservation Publicity Week, which has just passed, is "Green Transformation, Energy Conservation". This year's publicity week was brought forward to May, which to some extent reflects the need for early mobilization and deployment of energy conservation and carbon reduction work in the later stage of the 14th Five-Year Plan. To achieve the energy-saving goals proposed in the "14th Five-Year Plan", all regions, departments and even the whole society need to further increase their efforts in understanding and action, and unify their thoughts and actions on the main line of energy conservation.

Resource conservation is the basic national policy of China, and comprehensive resource conservation and improving resource output efficiency are the internal requirements of high-quality development. Practice has fully proved that by strengthening the control of energy intensity, forcing the optimization and adjustment of economic structure, industrial transformation and upgrading, is an important driving force for the continuous improvement of the quality and efficiency of China's economic development. In the process of accelerating the construction of a modern industrial system and cultivating and developing new quality productive forces, it is necessary to maintain and implement energy-saving and low-carbon constraints such as energy intensity per unit of GDP and carbon emission intensity control per unit of GDP, so as to play its due role in promoting high-quality economic development.

At present, there are still some places where there is inertia and path dependence, blindly launching high-energy-consumption, high-emission, low-level repetitive construction projects, while energy consumption is growing rapidly, the economic benefits are not fully revealed, affecting the energy efficiency of the whole society. In this regard, we should accelerate the change of concepts, get rid of inertia in thinking, and promote energy conservation, carbon reduction and industrial upgrading.

Energy conservation and carbon reduction are inseparable from pragmatic actions. The industrial field is the main battlefield of energy conservation and carbon reduction, and it is also the main force of energy conservation. It is necessary to combine large-scale equipment renewal actions, carry out in-depth energy efficiency diagnosis of key energy-using units, continue to improve the quality and efficiency of manufacturing development, and further increase the green and low-carbon transformation of traditional industries. Actively implement the "Work Plan for Accelerating Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction in the Building Sector" to improve energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions in the building sector. Accelerate the promotion of energy conservation and carbon reduction in the field of transportation, make concerted efforts in terms of transportation equipment, infrastructure and transportation organization, promote new energy vehicles, and expand and strengthen the "new business card" of Made in China. Relevant enterprises should pay attention to energy efficiency and carbon emission constraints, replace old energy-using equipment, adopt more energy-saving and low-carbon production processes, use cleaner and environmentally friendly raw materials and fuels and more energy-saving and efficient machinery and equipment, and promote the rejuvenation of traditional industries in the new era. In the field of life, we advocate a thrifty and moderate lifestyle, starting from small things such as turning off the lights and turning off the electricity, everyone should do their part to save resources.

Energy conservation and carbon reduction work has obvious economic externalities, and to play its positive role, it needs to continue to exert efforts from both incentives and constraints. Government funds should increase support for energy-saving and carbon-reduction transformation, equipment upgrading, etc., and guide more social capital to invest in green transformation. Give full play to the leading role of ultra-long-term special treasury bonds and local government special bonds, and appropriately tilt towards the field of green transformation and upgrading. We will further give full play to the supporting role of transition finance such as carbon emission reduction support tools, green credit, and green bonds, and better implement the purpose of financial services for the high-quality development of the real economy. Strictly implement laws and regulations such as the Energy Conservation Law and the Measures for the Management of Energy Conservation of Key Energy-using Units, continue to consolidate the basic work of energy conservation such as energy audits, energy metering, and energy utilization status reports, strengthen the training and interpretation of policies and regulations, and accurately pass the system provisions to each enterprise.
