China Carbon Credit Platform

Hulunbuir City has steadily promoted the construction of ecological civilization and promoted the harmonious coexistence of man and nature

Release Time6 months ago

"The towering Xing'an Mountains, the rolling Hulun water, the thousands of miles of grassland paved with jade, the swans fly and don't want to go back. "The green here is endless, imprinted with the blue sky and clear water, connected with the white clouds and sheep, and the harmony between man and nature. This is the "Northern Xinjiang Jasper" Hulunbuir.

"Take care of ecology and the environment as much as you protect your eyes". In recent years, Hulunbuir has accelerated the construction of "two barriers", "two bases" and "one bridgehead", and unswervingly followed a new path of high-quality development oriented by ecological priority and green development, so that the concept and practice of ecological civilization can better benefit the people.

The living environment continues to improve the happiness indexKeep improving

Overlooking the central city, the streets are clean and tidy, the buildings are lined up one after another, and the rows of vehicles are moving in an orderly manner. In the evening, the lights of thousands of homes and the street lamps and car lights on the street are intertwined and echoed, painting a colorful picture. This magnificent and rich northern Xinjiang city weaves a happy life in a livable environment.

Hulunbuir City has made overall plans and adapted measures to local conditions, and has carried out the construction of "beautiful series" such as beautiful Inner Mongolia Pilot Zone, beautiful cities, beautiful villages, and beautiful rivers and lakes in an all-round and multi-level manner, focusing on the problem of "dirty, chaotic and poor" residential communities, benefiting 17,900 residents and realizing the transformation from "living in a home" to "living in a livable place".

Hailar District highlights the key points, focuses on the cleaning of the 33,000-square-meter backfill mound on the north side of the Jinshui'an Community, and transforms this area into a green space for the rest activities of the surrounding residents; Yakeshi City comprehensively optimizes the community grid management path, and enters the staff information into the "Love in Lindu" party building to lead the comprehensive information platform of rural governance to ensure that the feedback problems of the masses are solved in a timely manner; Zhalantun City takes streets, commercial districts, squares and outdoor public places as the basic units, scientifically divides the street and grid areas, and implements the "AB Gang" Staggered work responsibilities, so that the city management is fully covered and there are no dead ends......

Iron-fisted pollution control has achieved remarkable results, and man and nature coexist in harmony

Hulunbuir is synonymous with "Paradise Grassland" and the "Secret Exploration Place" of the primeval forest.

Hulunbuir has made great efforts to build a "big ecology" work pattern, fully implemented the requirements of the autonomous region's "three stand-ups" and "two overall plans", grasped ecological construction with one hand and pollution prevention and control with the other, and continuously improved the modernization level of the ecological environment governance system and governance capacity with an iron fist.   

In the past year, a total of 252 cases of straw burning have been found and stopped; all 22 problems in the spring investigation and rectification action in the Hulun Lake basin have been rectified in place, and the early warning, prevention and control of Hulun Lake blooms have been smoothly completed; 36 construction land have carried out soil pollution surveys, and 27 enterprises in production have completed self-monitoring of soil and groundwater and hidden danger investigations; and the Manzhouli Solid Waste and Ecological Environment Emergency Technology Center has been established to supervise the transfer of more than 60,000 tons of hazardous waste throughout the year......

"The sky is bluer, the water is clearer, and the mountains are greener!" is the voice of everyone living in Hulunbuir.

Policies and regulations have been continuously improved, and the fruits of development have been shared by the people

Hulunbuir in winter is white and beautiful. With the success of the "14th Winter", the romance, enthusiasm and charm of Hulunbuir will be passed on to the world.

"Hold a good meeting, improve a city. "Hulunbuir vigorously implements the project of protecting lucid waters and lush mountains, and continuously promotes the construction of ecological security barriers. The frequency of inspections of enterprises in key industries has been encrypted, and special law enforcement inspections have been carried out in key guarantee areas, and enterprises that have discharged pollutants exceeding standards have been rectified in accordance with the law, and hidden dangers of pollution have been resolutely removed......

In 2023, Hulunbuir City's blue sky, clear water and pure land defense campaign has achieved remarkable results, and the quality of the ecological environment is stable and improving. A set of data is particularly eye-catching: the proportion of days with good air quality has reached 100%, the average concentration of PM2.5 has been stable and decreasing, the proportion of water bodies above excellent has reached 71.4%, an increase of 4 percentage points over the previous year, the proportion of inferior Class V water bodies has reached 5.7%, the same as that of the previous year, the safe utilization rate of key construction land and polluted cultivated land in the city has reached 100%, and the risk of soil pollution is safe and controllable......

Live up to the lucid waters and green mountains, and get the gold and silver mountains. The 2.2 million cadres and people of all ethnic groups in Hulunbuir are bravely acting as pathfinders for green and low-carbon development with practical actions, taking the construction of a beautiful China as the guide, jointly promoting carbon reduction, pollution reduction, green expansion and growth, continuing to overcome difficulties, and working together to build a clean and beautiful Hulunbuir where man and nature coexist in harmony.   

RegionChina,Inner Mongolia