China Carbon Credit Platform

Emissions reduction is effective! The total surplus of carbon emission quotas in Zhanjiang City reaches a new high

Release Time1 month ago

Recently, the Zhanjiang City Ecological Environment Bureau announced carbon reduction data, and more than 70% of the emission control enterprises showed a surplus in quotas, an increase of 40 percentage points compared with 2020. The city's total quota surplus hit a record high, reaching 1.6062 million tons, a year-on-year increase of 36.92%. The economic benefits of selling carbon at the current market price can be approximately 80 million yuan.



The relevant person in charge of the Zhanjiang City Ecological Environment Bureau said that since the first time carbon trading turned a profit in 2021, Zhanjiang has once again reached a new level in the province's carbon market, with a compliance rate of 100% for six consecutive years.

Multi-department coordinated implementation of emission reduction and carbon control
Since the "14th Five-Year Plan", all relevant departments have taken pollution reduction and carbon reduction as the overall starting point, striving to find a green, low-carbon, high-quality development path.
Eight departments including the Zhanjiang City Ecological Environment Bureau jointly issued the "Zhanjiang City Collaborative Implementation Plan for Pollution Reduction and Carbon Reduction", deploying four key tasks: strengthening source control, emission reduction in key areas, in-depth pollution control, and innovation demonstration. 17 projects have been arranged around key directions such as pollution control, new energy construction, carbon sequestration and enhancement, and low-carbon pilot demonstrations to fully implement them.
In order to better promote the implementation and efficiency increase of key pollution reduction and carbon reduction projects, the ecological environment department went deep into enterprises to "deliver policies, technologies, and services", strengthened publicity, allowed enterprises to maximize the dividends of environmental protection policies, and actively applied for central and provincial funds. Assistance in enterprises to implement pollution reduction and carbon reduction transformation projects has greatly increased enterprises 'enthusiasm for emission reduction.
In order to reduce the burden on enterprises, the ecological environment department took the initiative to carry out many communications and exchanges with key enterprises, guided Baosteel to successfully apply for more than 46 million yuan in central ecological environment special funds, subsidizing enterprises to complete the fully enclosed transformation of raw material yards, new denitrification facilities for sintering, and ultra-low emission transformation projects such as furnace flue gas desulfurization and coke removal from coke ovens have reduced carbon emissions per ton of steel by 14.4%. Baosteel has become the province's first A-level enterprise involving industrial furnaces.
When Zhongke Refining and Refining was first included in the Guangdong carbon market, the ecological and environmental department took the initiative to invite provincial experts to Zhanjiang to hold a climate school to teach enterprises hands-on understanding the key industry carbon emission reports and verification points. Zhongke Refining and Chemical has applied its knowledge. By blending biomass fuels and chemical polyols, the power supply energy consumption of the whole plant has been reduced to 288 grams of standard coal/kWh, and the consumption of thermal coal has been reduced by 161,400 tons/year. Zhongke Refining and Chemical has also cooperated with downstream enterprises in the park to capture approximately 100,000 tons of carbon dioxide per year, creating economic benefits of 1.92 million yuan.

Zhanjiang City Development and Reform Bureau has accelerated the pace of developing clean energy and large-scale energy storage facilities. As of the end of June this year, the total grid-connected scale of centralized photovoltaic projects in the city reached 2.501 million kilowatts, and the grid-connected scale of centralized onshore wind power was approximately 1.486 million kilowatts, ranking first in the province.
The ecological environment department acted as a radiation environmental assessment attendant, intervened in advance, followed up and guided Leizhou Yingli Centralized Shared Energy Storage Power Station to pass the approval in a timely manner, so that the project was successfully completed and put into operation this year. Yingli Energy Storage Power Station became the first "super charging treasure" in western Guangdong., effectively ensuring the use of green electricity in industrial parks and reducing carbon dioxide emissions by about 237,000 tons per year.
The industry and information technology department actively cooperates with the ecological environment department to promote clean production transformation in key energy-using industrial enterprises. At the same time, it carries out energy efficiency benchmarking in key industries such as cement, papermaking, steel, and petrochemicals, and promotes key enterprises to implement energy-saving technological transformation projects. The city has promoted a total of 9 parks at or above the provincial level to complete the recycling transformation, cultivating and building 1 green park, 4 green factories, and 1 green supply chain management enterprise.
The carbon intensity of key industries in the city generally declined
Since 2021, Zhanjiang has taken the lead in the province in completing ultra-low emission transformation in the steel industry, promoting the completion of low-nitrogen transformation of 87 gas boilers, completing hierarchical management and control of 114 VOC-related enterprises, and Zhanjiang Port Petrochemical Terminal, Dongfang Shipping, Haisheng Shipping, etc. Enterprises have completed the construction of oil and gas recovery systems. The city has reduced a total of 3,550.81 tons of nitrogen oxides and 757.07 tons of volatile organic compounds, exceeding the annual emission reduction tasks assigned by the province.
In addition, Zhanjiang City vigorously promotes the "coal-to-gas" of Bohai Agriculture and SDIC Bioenergy, the "coal-to-biomass" of Jicheng Electric Power, and key enterprises such as Zhongke Refining and Chemical, Chenming, and Guanhao Co-burning Biomass. Fengcheng Cement Co-burning Solid Waste has been completely eliminated. Coal-fired boilers in the built-up area have been completely eliminated and carbon dioxide emissions have been reduced by approximately 2 million tons/year.
In the past four years, carbon emissions per unit of output value in key industries in Zhanjiang City have generally shown a downward trend. Among them, the papermaking industry has dropped by more than 30%, the cumulative decline rates in the power, cement and petrochemical industries have exceeded 20%, and the cumulative decline rate in the steel industry has exceeded 5%.

In the next step, Zhanjiang plans to focus on strengthening the quality management of carbon emission data of emission control enterprises, carry out on-site spot checks and assistance guidance, organize training for grassroots managers and emission control enterprises to improve the quality management capabilities of carbon emission data, and scientifically guide key emission units to proactively adopt emission reduction measures such as low-carbon technology transformation and production process optimization, so that the next round of carbon market compliance cycle will generate more surpluses and better benefits.
