China Carbon Credit Platform

Shenzhen's 34 ecological environment measures promote green, low-carbon and high-quality development

Release Time1 month ago

The Ecological Environment Bureau of Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province recently issued "Several Measures for Shenzhen to Comprehensively Strengthen Ecological Environmental Protection and Promote High-quality Economic Development (2024-2027)"(hereinafter referred to as "Several Measures").

The "Several Measures" closely follow the core essence of coordinated promotion of high-level protection of the ecological environment and high-quality economic development. It focuses on consolidating the green background of high-quality development through high-level green transformation and providing a good ecological environment for high-quality development through high-level protection. Environment, providing a strong impetus for high-quality development through ecological and environmental services, and continuously strengthening organizational implementation guarantees. Comprehensively improve Shenzhen's ecological and environmental policy supply capacity for high-quality development and help achieve the city's green, low-carbon and high-quality development goals.

The "Several Measures" focus on development needs, enterprises 'urgent needs, and environmental protection capabilities, and actively promote governance efficiency improvement, service quality improvement, and reform improvement.

In terms of policy measures, we will take the lead in promoting dual control of total carbon emissions and intensity, and establish and improve industrial access and exit mechanisms oriented to improving environmental quality and achieving carbon peak and carbon neutrality goals. Strengthen the comprehensive management of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) throughout the process and all links. Promote water purification plants to coordinate the treatment of industrial wastewater with good biodegradability such as the food industry, and support enterprises to apply sludge reduction technology. Actively create "quiet communities" and create a model of high-density and ultra-large quiet cities. Explore the establishment of an environmental leader system and carry out voluntary environmental governance pilots for enterprises, and encourage and support enterprises to carry out environmental compliance construction. Encourage the creation of a "smart low-altitude + governance + service" model and fully launch a "comprehensive inspection once" ecological environment law enforcement. Explore the Shenzhen model of eco-environment-oriented development (EOD).

In terms of incentive measures, we will carry out ecological and environmental management in industrial clusters, support pilot projects to build near-zero carbon emission zones, and fund outstanding and pilot projects in categories. Provide funding to enterprises that carry out advanced technology demonstrations and pilot projects for the management of new pollutants. Provide funding to project owners included in the promotion library and development library of Shenzhen Climate Investment and Financing Project Library, and key emission units that carry out carbon emission financing business and complete carbon market performance on time. Encourage the development of methodologies, applications and low-carbon scenarios under the carbon inclusive system, and provide funding to development institutions respectively.

According to relevant persons from the Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment, after the implementation of the "Several Measures", it will effectively ensure the supply of ecological and environmental resource elements, comprehensively develop new productive forces, and promote comprehensive green transformation and upgrading of the economy and society; At the same time, we will increasingly improve the positive incentive mechanism for pollution control, strengthen the responsibility of enterprises and other entities to strengthen environmental governance, further improve the modernization level of Shenzhen's ecological and environmental governance, narrow the gap between the quality of the ecological environment and the international advanced level, and support high-quality ecological environment. Quality development.
