China Carbon Credit Platform

Yinzhou strives to build a high-value green ecological first good area, and uses ecological "green content" to enhance the "gold content" of development

Release Time6 months ago

Walk through the bustling neighborhood and enter Yunda Road, surrounded by green water, lush trees, new homes, and egrets...... Walking in the fields of Yunlong Town, Yinzhou District, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province, walking through the streets and alleys of the villages, you can feel the pleasant environment of Yunlong's poetic habitat everywhere.

The poetic dwelling Yunlong is just the epitome of Yinzhou's firm practice of the concept of "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets". In recent years, under the guidance of the concept of "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets", Yinzhou has continued to make efforts in the three major fields of ecological environmental protection, industrial transformation and upgrading, and harmonious coexistence between man and nature, striving to climb higher and build a high-value green ecological first district.

Guarding the lucid waters and lush mountains paints a beautiful ecological picture

In the scorching summer, walking into Wandi Village, Yinzhou District, the green trees on both sides of the road are shaded, the melons and fruits in the plantation are fragrant, the lotus flowers in the Tiangong Manor Scenic Area are blooming one after another, and the tourists are endless, just like a beautiful rural green picture. 

Like many villages in Yinzhou, Wandi Village has experienced "growing pains": every household in the village raises poultry and dumps sewage at will, and in order to develop the village economy, factories are set up to develop the village economy, industrial sewage is directly discharged into rivers, domestic waste is widely landfilled, and the land is compacted, and environmental problems are becoming more and more prominent.

Under the guidance of the concept of "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets", the development direction of the bay has been clarified: to relocate the factory and move it away from the village area, and vigorously develop rural tourism. After more than 20 years of efforts, the economy of the bay bottom has taken off, and the construction of ecological civilization is also obvious to all.

The butterfly change at the bottom of the bay is a silhouette of Yinzhou's practice of the concept of "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets". In recent years, Yinzhou has comprehensively renovated livestock and poultry breeding, continued to strengthen the prevention and control of soil and groundwater pollution, promoted the construction of a "zero-waste city" in the whole region, and carried out garbage classification in the whole region. At present, ecological towns are emerging in the region, and there are 8 national ecological towns, 1 provincial ecological town, and 1 national ecological village.

Protecting the ecological environment means developing productive forces

The electroplating process is a rigid need for industrial manufacturing, but it is also the focus of ecological and environmental supervision. Yinzhou Electroplating Cluster was built in 2002, and with the aging of pollution prevention and control facilities, the hidden dangers of the ecological environment are becoming more and more prominent.

In order to continuously improve the green development level of the electroplating industry, Yinzhou launched the reform of the "631" green wisdom management model in the electroplating agglomeration area and carried out a comprehensive transformation of the park. After the transformation, the park has realized the full diversion of rain and sewage, the full collection of sewage, the discharge of all standards, the full coverage of monitoring, and the visualization of water, gas and solid pollution sources.

Pollution control on the one hand, and green and low-carbon development on the other. At present, 17 enterprises in the park have installed photovoltaic roofs, which can save 960,000 kWh of electricity per year and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 1,435.14 tons per year.

Pollution prevention and control, green and low-carbon development, and now Yinzhou's high-level ecological environmental protection supports high-quality development.

In recent years, Yinzhou has deepened the comprehensive treatment of pollution, continuously promoted the improvement of the quality of the ecological environment, and continued to carry out a number of remediation work such as the remediation of key gas-related industries, the treatment of waste gas in industrial parks, and the in-depth treatment of volatile organic compounds-related enterprises; completed the remediation of 720 "low, small and scattered" enterprises, eliminated 260 high-polluting fuel boilers, and achieved energy saving of 133,900 tons of standard coal; comprehensively carried out industrial transformation and upgrading with low-carbon, green, and digital as the main characteristics, and currently has a total of 38 digital factories and intelligent factory projects in the region.

Optimize the protection of natural ecology and biodiversity

Last year, Yinzhou launched a biodiversity background survey, and after a year of survey, a total of 2,616 species were investigated. A number of precious species, such as black-browed woodpecker, brown forest owl, pine sparrowhawk, common buzzard, wild macaque, and yellow-throated marten, have been discovered one after another during the investigation.

"Some plants and animals may have been growing in our area, but due to a period of history, the lack of protection of the ecological environment, the ecosystem was destroyed, and these plants and animals are on the verge of disappearing, so they have not been found and recorded by the survey. Shang Kankan, a senior engineer from the Chenshan Botanical Garden in Shanghai, participated in the background survey of Yinzhou's biodiversity. He said that with the adoption of a series of ecological and environmental protection measures such as mountain closure and afforestation, in recent years, Yinzhou's ecological environment has continued to improve, and animal and plant resources have become increasingly rich. "Some of the plants in the area may not have existed in the first place, but when the ecological environment improves, the seeds brought by birds and other migratory birds fall here and take root. ”

"Plant the plane tree, and there will be a phoenix. It is the continuous optimization of the natural ecological environment that has attracted more and more wild animals and plants to settle in Yinzhou.

In addition to closing mountains for afforestation, Yinzhou has also continued to carry out the construction of "forest Yinzhou", delineated ecological protection red lines, implemented a supervision system for nature reserves, continuously strengthened the ecological protection and restoration of important ecological conservation areas such as Hengxi Reservoir, Meixi Reservoir, Sanxipu Reservoir, Tiantong Forest Park and Dongqian Lake, established the country's first county-level (district) level green carbon special fund, and completed seven carbon sink forest projects, including Tiangong and Jiangshan. Last year, it also took the lead in compiling the "Five-Year Implementation Plan for the Precise Improvement of Forest Quality of 10 Million Mu in Yinzhou District", which aims to improve forest stands, enhance carbon sink capacity, beautify the natural environment, enhance ecological security, and build efficient and stable forest and wetland ecosystems.

In the next step, Yinzhou will continue to adhere to the concept of "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets", persistently vigorously promote the construction of ecological civilization, promote green development, and strive to build a modernization of harmonious coexistence between man and nature.
