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State Council Information Office: The beauty of Taihu Lake in Jiangsu adds color to the "water charm of Jiangsu"

Release Time5 months ago

On April 2, the State Council Information Office held the fifth press conference on the theme of "Promoting High-quality Development". Xu Kunlin, Deputy Secretary of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and Governor, Hu Guangjie, Vice Governor of Jiangsu Province, and Fang Wei, Vice Governor of Jiangsu Province, introduced the topic of "striving to write a new chapter in the modernization of Jiangsu, which is strong, rich, beautiful and high", and answered questions from reporters.

Add more beautiful colors to Taihu Lake

"There are red lings underwater, reeds at the water's edge, and fish and shrimp fat at the bottom of the water", a song "Taihu Lake Beauty" is fascinating. Taihu Lake is beautiful, and the beauty is beautiful in the water of Taihu Lake. Since 2007, Jiangsu provincial finance has invested a total of 34 billion yuan, driven by financial and social investment of more than 300 billion yuan, the implementation of various types of Taihu Lake governance projects nearly 8,000, through 15 years of efforts, the ecological environment of Taihu Lake has been significantly improved, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment in the first half of last year for the first time to Taihu Lake as a "good" lake.

"Everyone is very concerned about Taihu Lake, paying attention to Taihu Lake, and it is Jiangsu's responsibility to 'add more beautiful colors to Taihu Lake'. Fang Wei said at the press conference.

He said that from the monitoring data, the total phosphorus and total nitrogen concentration, the occurrence of blooms, the number of cyanobacteria and the maximum area of cyanobacteria in Taihu Lake last year were the best since 2007. For example, in 2023, Taihu Lake will have 0.052 mg/L total phosphorus and 1.09 mg/L total nitrogen, down 48% and 61% respectively compared to 2007.

Lake governance has always been a world-class problem, Taihu Lake is a large shallow water lake, Taihu Lake basin is densely populated, dense towns, dense industries, Jiangsu Taihu Lake area accounts for 20% of the entire land area of Jiangsu, carrying more than 30% of the population and more than 40% of the total economic output. Therefore, the governance of Taihu Lake is not only a technical issue, but also a fundamental change in the concept and mode of development.

"At present, we are carrying out a new round of comprehensive management of Taihu Lake, and strive to use about another 10 years to make qualitative changes in the ecological environment of Taihu Lake, and build Taihu Lake into a world-class ecological lake area and an innovative lake area. Fang Wei said.

The problem is in the water, but the root is on the shore. In the new round of governance, Jiangsu adheres to the combination of "point, line and surface", extends the focus of governance from the "lake" to the "upstream", and makes greater efforts to "embroider" in the water and on the shore.

Last year, Jiangsu renovated and upgraded more than 4,500 "dangerous, polluted, scattered and low" enterprises in Wuxi's Yixing, Changzhou Zhuhu and Taohu areas, reduced the discharge of major pollutants by more than 1,500 tons, and revitalized and utilized more than 30,000 acres of construction land. In the work, Jiangsu highlights the synchronization of "addition and subtraction": one hand controls the increment and reduces the stock, and the other hand expands the amount and increases the amount of green. For example, in the basin, 20,282 phosphorus-related enterprises have established a "phosphorus ledger", the urban sewage collection rate has accelerated at a rate of 5% per year, and a total of 49 million cubic meters of ecological dredging has been implemented, and more than 30 million cubic meters of dredging are planned to continue to reduce the pollution load. At the same time, Jiangsu has implemented the restoration of polders to the lake, built wetlands around the lake, cultivated "underwater forests", and continued to expand ecological capacity.

At present, Jiangsu is moving towards the common prosperity of "People's Lake City", adding "water charm to Jiangsu" with the beauty of Taihu Lake and supporting green development.

"We use a better ecological environment and more advanced development quality to interpret the 'light of Taihu Lake' of new quality productivity. We believe that through our continuous efforts, Taihu Lake governance will be able to accumulate experience for 'deep management of shallow lakes and permanent governance of large lakes', and set a benchmark for lake governance in China." Fang Wei said.

Promote it to become an important position for the development of new quality productive forces

Jiangsu is a major manufacturing province, covering all 31 categories, with 6 industries exceeding one trillion yuan, 10 national advanced manufacturing clusters, and the scale of integrated circuits, marine engineering equipment and biomedicine ranks first in the country.

"While our total economic output has nearly doubled, energy consumption per unit of GDP and carbon emission intensity have decreased by about 26.4% and 30.9% respectively, reaching the second-level standard of ambient air quality for three consecutive years, the water quality of the Jiangsu section of the main stream of the Yangtze River has maintained Class II for six consecutive years, and Taihu Lake has been safe for 16 consecutive years, and the water quality has reached the best level in 16 years. Xu Kunlin said at the press conference.

Jiangsu is taking sticking to the real economy and building a modern industrial system as the key to strengthening the province, further promoting the high-end, intelligent and green development of the manufacturing industry, and practicing this "housekeeping skill" to be stronger and more resilient.

First of all, it is to let traditional industries "sprout". It is reported that the Jiangsu Provincial Finance Department has specially arranged 200 million yuan in awards and subsidies to start the implementation of the renovation of old equipment in chemical enterprises, and promote the renewal of traditional industries with digital intelligence and green technology.

For example, there is a traditional foundry enterprise in Suzhou, through big data decision-making analysis, intelligent transformation, etc., the degree of automation of the intelligent casting demonstration workshop exceeds 90%, the cycle of product customization is reduced from 7 days to half a day, and the per capita production efficiency has increased by 221%.

"We will take the implementation of the national large-scale equipment renewal policy as an opportunity to implement a series of policies such as loan discounts for industrial enterprises and special loans for technological transformation projects, and vigorously promote the continuous increase in the proportion of advanced production capacity in traditional industries such as steel, petrochemical and building materials. Hu Guangjie said.

Jiangsu has good conditions and capabilities for the development of new quality productive forces. In this regard, Xu Kunlin said that Jiangsu will adhere to the principle of establishing first and then breaking down, adapting measures to local conditions, and providing classified guidance, so as to build an industrial science and technology innovation center with global influence as the traction to promote the deep integration of scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation.

"From the perspective of industrial upgrading, on the one hand, we will vigorously promote the development of strategic emerging industrial clusters, focus on building a future industrial system, and seize the commanding heights in new fields and new tracks. On the other hand, we will vigorously promote the intelligent transformation, digital transformation and networked connection of the manufacturing industry, and strive to consolidate and expand the advantages of traditional industries. Xu Kunlin said.

In addition, Jiangsu will also give full play to the role of enterprises as the main body of innovation. In 2023, Jiangsu has specially formulated policies such as the implementation plan for the improvement of enterprises' technological innovation capabilities, several measures to support private enterprises to participate in major scientific and technological innovation, and added 5,000 new high-tech enterprises, bringing the total number to 51,000. In the next step, Jiangsu will also study and introduce a number of incremental policies to accelerate the construction of an enterprise-led industry-university-research deep integration system, and strive to reach 55,000 high-tech enterprises and 100,000 technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises this year.
