China Carbon Credit Platform

Chasing the "wind", pursuing the "sun" and locking the "water", Wan'an has the advantages of green development

Release Time1 month ago

Wan'an County, located in south-central Jiangxi Province, has many mountains, water, good sunshine and rich ecological resources. How to seek benefits from ecology and transform ecological advantages into development advantages? It is a difficult problem facing the people of Wan'an.

In recent years, Wan'an has focused on building the province's largest clean energy base, a national comprehensive energy demonstration base for wind and solar storage in the central region and a national-level new energy demonstration county, accelerating the complementary and integrated development of water, wind and light multi-energy, and continuously Strengthen the advantages of green development and open up the "two mountains" transformation channel. At present, the county's total installed capacity of clean energy has reached 1.07 million kilowatts.

Chasing the "wind" to generate electricity

During the summer season, drones were used to overlook the Gaoshanzhang Wind Farm in Wan'an County. Wind turbines were slowly rotating, contrasting with the surrounding green mountains and clear waters, forming a magnificent picture of green energy.

It is reported that the Gaoshanzhang Wind Power Project is a key construction project in Jiangxi Province, with a total investment of 980 million yuan. The altitude of the equipment layout area is 520 to 980 meters. 65 wind turbine generator units with a single unit capacity of 2 MW are installed, with a total installed capacity of 130 MW. After the wind farm is put into operation, it saves 141,900 tons of raw coal every year and reduces carbon dioxide emissions by 67.9 tons per year.

The completion and commissioning of the Gaoshanzhang Wind Power Project has opened the curtain for Wan'an to pursue "wind" power generation. "We are making every effort to promote the pre-bomb wind power project with an installed capacity of 120,000 kilowatts, actively planning projects such as wind power in Xiazao Town, Wailong pumped storage in Shaping Town, and integration of source, network and load storage in the park, and continue to make efforts in the field of clean energy." Qiu Dezhang, deputy director of the Development and Reform Commission of Wan'an County, said that as of now, a total of 8 wind power projects in the county have been included in the provincial new energy planning library, with a total installed capacity of 751,000 kilowatts.

Electricity generation by day

Walking into the Shaokou Yuguang Complementary Photovoltaic Power Station, on the open water, pieces of blue solar photovoltaic power generation panels are neatly arranged, continuously generating clean electricity under the sun.

"The project generates an average of 110 million kilowatt-hours of electricity annually, saves 33,600 tons of standard coal, and reduces emissions of greenhouse gas carbon dioxide by approximately 97,000 tons." Li Fanghai, person in charge of Shaokou Yuguang Complementary Photovoltaic Power Station, introduced.

The project uses more than 1800 acres of idle water surface and surrounding fields to lift more than 1800 acres of farmland to build a 54-megawatt "floating" fishing and light complementary photovoltaic power generation area and a 38-megawatt "pile-mounted" agricultural and light complementary power generation area. "The total power generation capacity of the project in the full cycle reaches more than 2.6 billion kilowatt hours, with an estimated total tax payment of 105 million yuan and land transfer costs of 16.12 million yuan." Li Fanghai said.

Wan'an not only makes good use of idle water surfaces, but also makes full use of idle roofs. The entire county promotes the construction of a rooftop distributed photovoltaic pilot county, utilizing a roof area of approximately 71,400 square meters and an installed capacity of 7.63 MW. After full capacity is put into operation, it is expected that the average annual average on-grid electricity reaches 7.7946 million kilowatt-hours, which saves 2,385.15 tons of standard coal every year and reduces carbon dioxide emissions by 4,528.66 tons.

Lock "water" to generate electricity

At the foot of the majestic Jinggang Mountains and in the middle reaches of the surging Ganjiang River, Wan'an Hydropower Plant is located here. A dam is like a blue dragon lying across the beach of fear, locking up a river's water, generating electricity and benefiting the people.

Wan'an Hydropower Plant is a water conservancy hub project mainly focusing on power generation, flood control, irrigation, breeding, shipping, etc. "Wan'an Reservoir Dam is currently the largest reservoir dam in Jiangxi and is known as the' first dam of Qianli Ganjiang'." Qiu Maosheng, head of Wan'an Hydropower Plant, said that the dam has a total length of 1104 meters, a height of 68 meters, a control area of 36900 square kilometers, and a total storage capacity of 2.216 billion cubic meters.

Qiu Maosheng said that Wan'an Hydropower Plant designed and installed five axial-flow paddle hydroturbine generator units. The first unit was connected to the grid in November 1990 to generate electricity, and the first phase of #1-4 units was all put into operation in December 1992. In August 2002, Unit #5 was renewed using the reserved pit and put into operation in February 2006.

As of now, the total installed capacity of Wan'an Hydropower Plant is 533,000 kilowatts, and the annual average power generation has reached 1.385 billion kilowatt hours, effectively improving the power consumption conditions of local and surrounding counties.
