China Carbon Credit Platform

Shengquan Group: "Green" moves Qilu,"carbon" road to the future

Release Time2 months ago

Shenzhou spacecraft, rail transit, chip photoresist... a small grain of phenolic resin can develop and produce new materials that can penetrate the sky and the earth; a seemingly useless straw can extract products that are closely related to people's food, clothing, housing and transportation. On July 19, the online themed publicity activity "'Green 'moves the future of Qilu's' Carbon 'Road "came to Jinan Shengquan Group Co., Ltd. to explore the rise code of" Shengquan Manufacturing "-green and low-carbon development.

Shengquan is one of the first batch of national-level "green factories" and one of China's top 500 private manufacturing enterprises. It is a global leader in green and energy-saving comprehensive utilization of straw and a manufacturer of insulation raw materials for the return capsule of the "Shenzhou" spacecraft. Since the "Shenzhou"-8 spacecraft, it has continuously assisted China's aerospace industry. The production and sales scale of its leading products, furan resin and phenolic resin, ranks first in the world. Various products such as resin for chip photoresist, electronic resin for 5G communication PCB, and Shengquan Light Core Steel have broken foreign monopolies.


Develop the biomass industry and empower rural revitalization

The biomass industry is an excellent fit and entry point for green and low-carbon development and clean energy substitution. Shengquan has been deeply engaged in the field of comprehensive utilization of biomass straw for more than 40 years. The world's first "Shengquan Method" integrated biomass refining technology has achieved efficient separation of the three components of lignin, hemicellulose and cellulose in biomass straw, and is based on the three components. It processes and produces high-value series of products such as biomass aviation kerosene, surfactants, functional sugars, cellulose products, and hard carbon anode materials. The biomass resin carbon produced using this technology can be used as a precursor of hard carbon materials for sodium electricity and lithium electricity modification. It has high controllability, uniformity and stability, and greatly promotes the development of new energy vehicles, energy storage and other industries.

At present, the first phase of the "500,000 tons/year Biomass Refining Integrated Project" invested by Shengquan in Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province has been officially put into operation. While helping the "double carbon" goal and achieving green development, it has solved problems such as pollution, safety, and resource waste caused by the accumulation of agricultural and forestry waste, and used industrial development to increase farmers 'income and promote rural revitalization.


Innovate green technologies to achieve energy conservation and emission reduction

Shengquan continues to increase green technology innovation and drive economic development with large investment in environmental protection. Actively benchmark regulations, policies, and standards, develop and introduce advanced environmental protection technologies, invest nearly 400 million yuan to carry out environmental protection work in wastewater, waste gas, solid waste, soil, etc., and implement ultra-low emission transformation of boiler flue gas, coal-fired boiler projects such as elimination and substitution, comprehensive utilization of fly ash, extraction and recycling of high-concentration wastewater, wastewater evaporation, concentration and desalination, hazardous waste disposal, and efficient treatment of organic waste gas to achieve both economic and environmental benefits.

In 2022, Shengquan will make full use of the factory buildings and idle open space to invest in the construction of a 14MW distributed photovoltaic power generation project. At present, the first phase of 8.7MW construction has been completed, and the second phase of 5.3MW construction is expected to be completed within the year. After all construction is completed, photovoltaic power generation can be achieved by 16.8 million kW·h per year, and carbon dioxide emissions can be reduced by 9760 tons. In addition, Shengquan has also invested 3 million yuan to build the "South Heat to North" project. By recycling the waste heat of circulating water in the formaldehyde workshop, it is used for boiler feed water heating and winter heating in the factory and heat demand for bathhouses. The annual waste heat is recycled by 53,000 GJ, reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 4717 tons. Investing 847,000 yuan to implement energy-saving technical transformation measures for circulating water pumps, measured through electricity meters, it can save 1.1 million kW·h of electricity every year and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 639 tons. Jinan Xingquan Energy Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the group, blended a total of 22,000 tons of biomass fuel in boilers, equivalent to 12,000 tons of standard coal, reducing carbon dioxide emissions by about 32,000 tons.


Innovate green management and comprehensively clean production

Shengquan attaches great importance to the management and construction of energy environmental protection systems and has successively passed ISO14001 environmental management system certification and ISO50001 energy management system certification. Taking the implementation of cleaner production as the focus of environmental management, in strict accordance with the requirements of the "Cleaner Production Promotion Law of the People's Republic of China," we proactively carried out cleaner production audits and implemented a number of targeted improvement and transformation work, achieving annual economic benefits of 13.3972 million yuan, annual electricity savings of 10.08 million kW·h, annual recycling of 990,000 cubic meters of reclaimed water, and saving 45339 tons of steam.

While strengthening investment in energy conservation and emission reduction, Shengquan is the first in the same industry to implement the "double control" goal of energy consumption per unit of 10,000 yuan of output value and comprehensive energy consumption. In view of the particularity of the company's unit production, multiple varieties and multiple specifications, and small-batch production, the implementation of "minimum economic unit accounting" is implemented, energy consumption and employee wages are further linked to assessment, and the responsibility pressure of departments, workshops, sections, and individuals will be strengthened. 25% of the saved amount is used as incentive funds to directly reward employees, mobilizing the enthusiasm and initiative of all employees.


In the future, Shengquan will continue to adhere to the drive of innovation, strive to move towards high-end, functionalization, refinement, and high-performance, and continue to increase investment in electronic chemicals, biomedicine, nanomaterials, carbon materials, composite materials, new energy and other fields. Invest in technological innovation and strive to build a low-carbon, ecological, and circular high-quality development system.
