China Carbon Credit Platform

Car and Internet Integration Salon: Homogeneous and equal rights stimulate enthusiasm for integration

Release Time3 months ago

The second phase of the "Vehicle and Network Integration" series salons jointly launched by the China Electric Vehicle 100 and the Natural Resources Defense Association (NRDC) was recently held in Beijing.

Focusing on the commercial supporting prices and power market mechanism of vehicle-network interaction, experts from Tsinghua Sichuan Energy Internet Research Institute Optical Storage Direct Soft Application Technology Institute, Aodong New Energy Center, Natural Resources Defense Association (NRDC) Clean Power and other units spoke freely.

Vehicle-network integration is still in the exploration and pilot stage

At the beginning of this year, the National Development and Reform Commission, the National Energy Administration and other departments jointly issued the "Implementation Opinions on Strengthening the Integration and Interaction of New Energy Vehicles and the Power Grid", aiming to consolidate and expand the development advantages of new energy vehicles and support the construction of new energy systems and new power systems.

"At present, various fields of automobiles, transportation, and energy have a deeper understanding of the potential and importance of integrated development of vehicle-energy. Commercial supporting prices and power market mechanisms have become core issues that need to be discussed and solved urgently in the industry." Liu Xiaoshi, executive deputy secretary-general of the China Electric Vehicle 100-member Association, said that on the basis of respecting the demands and interests of all parties, a reasonable interactive commercial relationship between the vehicle network, a benefit sharing price mechanism and a market mechanism should be established to stimulate multiple interests in a value-driven manner. The enthusiasm of the main body forms a more effective business model and a good application atmosphere.

Li Lili, deputy director of the Institute of Optical Storage, Direct and Soft Applied Technology of Tsinghua Sichuan Energy Internet Research Institute, emphasized that the current integration of international vehicle loading and network is still in the exploration and pilot stage. Although major breakthroughs have been made in policy mechanisms, the overall progress is still far from large-scale commercial use. There is a certain distance. "On the one hand, my country can learn from international useful experience. On the other hand, it also needs to combine the requirements of national top-level design documents and the construction of vehicle-network interactive demonstration cities to further strengthen overall planning at the local government level."

my country's vehicle-network integration still needs to resolve relevant pain points

Liu Bing, director of the R & D Department of Aodong New Energy Electric, said that my country's vehicle-network integration method should have both planning and market attributes. From the perspective of power grid security, power grid support services must be provided very quickly and with high certainty. At this time, charging and replacing resources can be dispatched in accordance with plans and instructions; from a market perspective, it is hoped to optimize resource allocation and achieve a long-term balance of supply and demand. At this time, it is possible to use price leverage to guide charging and replacing resources to participate in peak shaving and match with new energy power generation characteristics. He emphasized that compared with electrochemical energy storage, today's electric vehicle power exchange stations have no essential differences in grid-connected characteristics and energy value. It is recommended to open the capacity market and auxiliary service market to all resources to achieve homogeneity, equal rights and equal prices. Promote the healthy development of the industry and fully tap the resource potential of new energy vehicles in vehicle-network integration. In addition, drawing on international experience, he suggested that my country disclose the carbon emission intensity factor of electricity in real time to guide society to actively participate in carbon reduction.

"At present, my country has issued top-level documents to support the market-oriented development of vehicle-network integration and interaction." Li Peijun, an interactive expert on the Internet of Smart Vehicles of the State Grid, said that however, as the market mechanism is still in the process of construction and improvement, there are still many pain points in the integrated development of vehicle-network, such as low marketization activity, low frequency of organizational transactions, and poor reflection of the value of mobile energy storage in electric vehicles.

Wang Wanxing, senior consultant of clean power at the Natural Resources Defense Association, said that the integrated development of vehicle-network has reached an important stage, and productivity is basically met. The key lies in reconstructing production relations and establishing a price mechanism and business model that adapts to productivity. my country is at the forefront of the world in the development of electric vehicles, and vehicle-network interaction has also made positive progress. At present, an open and fair market environment should be formed from the perspective of multiple stakeholders such as new energy vehicle suppliers, electric vehicle users, power grids, and aggregators while ensuring safe and stable operation of power grid dispatch. The international experience of legislation first is worth learning from.

Strengthen resource integration and settlement capacity building

Li Peijun emphasized that in order to further promote vehicle-network integration, it is necessary to clarify the aggregation and adjustment capabilities, market adjustment capabilities and dispatch adjustment capabilities of vehicle-network integration resources, strengthen collaborative research on vehicle-pile network technology, and realize "people-vehicle-pile-road-network" Information efficient circulation and deep value mining.

Li Peijun called for further improvement of existing market policies in view of the characteristics of mobile loads and discrete load resources such as electric vehicles, clarifying the operating rules for vehicle-network interactions and virtual power plants to participate in power grid balancing, and stimulating load aggregators and virtual power plant operators to participate in power market operation. Enthusiasm for market operations, guide the high-quality development of vehicle-network interactions, and contribute the power of electric vehicles to the construction of new power systems.

"The market needs for the integrated development of vehicle-network are clear and the technical conditions are basically available. The key point is to fully consider the willingness of car owners to participate and the differences in demands of multiple stakeholders." Zhao Yu, deputy general manager of Shenzhen Vehicle Power Network Co., Ltd., proposed that the battery used to only face the driving function, but now the battery has to face the vehicle-network interactive function, which also consumes battery life. "At present, the revenue ratio between discharge and charging can reach up to 8-10 times, which is still very attractive to qualified car owners and industries. Therefore, more research should be conducted on suitable scenarios (public, residential, special) and key models (online ride-hailing, private cars, operating cars)." In terms of application scenarios, dedicated parking lots have stronger regularity than public and residential parking lots, and are highly applicable to vehicle-network interactions; in terms of key vehicle models, regularly operated vehicles (buses, school buses) are compared to online ride-hailing and private vehicles. Car routes and times are more fixed, and vehicle-network interactions are highly applicable. At this stage, precise commercial pilots can be carried out for specific scenarios and specific models to play a demonstration role.

Wu Yongchao, general manager of Energy Chain Intelligent Power, believes that the biggest problem with vehicle-network interactive participation in the market is settlement. Due to the lack of independent account numbers, users cannot meet the requirements of electricity market transactions. "Therefore, during the transition period, it is recommended to charge at centralized stations and settle with the State Grid through unified power supply orders to achieve market-oriented benefits. On the other hand, the current benefit distribution mechanism for vehicle-network integration is not perfect enough. Car owners play more of the role of contributors. The income from charging stations participating in transactions is not transmitted to users. Therefore, the benefit distribution mechanism should be improved to protect car owners 'participation rights and enhance car owners' willingness to participate."

Wu Yongchao also said that my country's electricity market is generally in a state of "filling valleys in the north and cutting peaks in the south." The great development of new energy in the north requires electric vehicle charging to meet the demand for filling valleys. Therefore, the peak-shaving market in North China is relatively mature; while Shenzhen spot market There are many varieties of market transactions and large space for participation in electric vehicles, so Guangdong's peak-cutting market is relatively mature. We should summarize the good successful experiences of the integrated development of vehicle networks across the country, such as Shenzhen virtual power plants, Shanghai demand response, and North China auxiliary service markets.
