China Carbon Credit Platform

Optimize the layout of new energy according to local conditions

Release Time4 months ago

At present, in the context of accelerating the green and low-carbon transformation of energy, it is worth in-depth thinking about how renewable energy and new energy can forge a "long board" of new quality productivity, how to do a good job in industrial layout according to local conditions, and provide a new engine for high-quality development.

In recent years, China's renewable energy and new energy industries have developed rapidly. In 2023, the installed capacity of renewable energy in China will exceed 1.5 billion kilowatts, accounting for more than 50% of the country's total installed power generation capacity, historically surpassing the installed capacity of thermal power, and photovoltaic modules and wind power equipment will account for 70% and 60% of the world's total, respectively, leading the new energy industry system in the world. At the same time, China's new energy investment in enterprises covers major countries and regions, forming an integrated model of "capital + equipment + construction + operation and maintenance", which is an indispensable force for global new energy development and utilization.

However, the high-quality development of the new energy industry is also facing many pressures and challenges. First, it is still necessary to continue to break through technical bottlenecks and lead the global new energy technology revolution in terms of new high-efficiency photovoltaic cell technology, research and development of large-capacity grid-based wind turbines, low-cost off-grid hydrogen production, and efficient and safe energy storage. Second, the development of wind power, photovoltaic and other industries has seen the phenomenon of "real estate" in attracting investment, and problems such as "blossoming everywhere" and "enclosure development" and high-end deficiencies coexist in industrial development. Third, the overall level of digitalization and intelligence in the new energy industry is still low, and the high-end development model of production, operation and management relying on digital technology and platforms has not yet been fully formed. Recognizing the current situation will help all localities to proceed from reality, establish first and then break, adapt measures to local conditions, and provide classified guidance, selectively promote the development of new industries, new models and new kinetic energy according to local resource endowments, industrial foundations, scientific research conditions, etc., transform and upgrade traditional industries with new technologies, and actively promote high-end, intelligent and green industries.

Specifically, scientific and technological innovation resources should be integrated, and technological breakthroughs in key links of the new energy industry chain and innovation of the whole industry chain should be vigorously promoted. Accelerate the cultivation and expansion of new energy industries dominated by wind power and photovoltaics, build and extend new industries, new formats and new models such as hydrogen energy, green electricity and green certificate trading and carbon trading, actively carry out research and development and large-scale application of new energy storage technologies, carry out carbon capture, utilization and storage and renewable energy substitution technology research and pilot demonstration, lead the development of the future energy industry, and accelerate the formation of new quality productivity.

Rational deployment of regional layout for renewable energy development. On the one hand, it is necessary to do a good job in the layout of renewable energy and the new energy industry itself. Comprehensively consider factors such as land resources, water resources, channel resources, and environmental carrying capacity, and promote the construction of large-scale wind power and photovoltaic bases and transmission channels focusing on deserts, Gobi, and desert areas. Relying on the hydropower resources in southwest China, the construction of large-scale hydropower bases will be promoted in a scientific and orderly manner. Coordinate and promote the comprehensive development of water, wind and solar integration bases, and build a number of large-scale clean energy bases that adapt to new industrial economic organization models such as "Eastern Data and Western Computing" and "Green Electrolysis". At the same time, we will promote the cluster development of offshore wind power in the southeast coastal area and the development of distributed renewable energy nearby. On the other hand, it is necessary to strengthen the collaborative coupling layout of the steel, non-ferrous metals, petrochemical industries and renewable energy industries. Encourage enterprises to transfer to renewable energy-rich areas in an orderly manner under the premise that resources and environment can be carried, and encourage the coupling development of petrochemical industry, metallurgy, building materials, chemical fiber and other industries to achieve agglomeration development and improve resource conversion efficiency. Guide high-energy-consuming enterprises to make full use of large-area high-quality roof resources to invest in the construction of distributed photovoltaic power generation projects in the form of self-construction or leasing.

Coordinate and promote the optimization of the development layout of the new energy industry chain. Relying on the construction of large-scale clean bases such as "Shagehuang" and the integration of water, wind and solar, we will expand the scale of downstream applications, give priority to the use of Xinjiang silicon materials and related products in large-scale base projects, and improve the construction of the internal circulation system of the new energy industry market. Based on the resource endowment, industrial base and market demand of various regions, optimize and adjust the spatial layout of the domestic new energy industry chain, and accelerate the elimination of backward production capacity while increasing polysilicon production capacity in Inner Mongolia, Sichuan, Yunnan, Ningxia and other regions. Reasonably guide market expectations, increase market access supervision, set rolling update technical index requirements, prevent the blind expansion of backward production capacity, and prevent vicious competition with low quality and low price.

Accelerate the innovation and application of digital and intelligent technologies. Promote the integrated development and comprehensive empowerment of digital intelligence, artificial intelligence and the energy and power industries, and build an industrial circle and urban agglomeration of "renewable energy and new energy + digital intelligence". Explore and promote the construction of national energy big data center cities, and actively promote the diversified collection, development and utilization of energy data resources. Focusing on industrial parks and large-scale public buildings, we will promote the exploration of comprehensive smart energy service scenarios and model innovation, and use digital technology to improve the green and low-carbon benefits of comprehensive energy services. 

RegionInner Mongolia,Sichuan,Yunnan,Ningxia,Xinjiang