China Carbon Credit Platform

Lan Hong, Renmin University of China: Cultivating personal low-carbon behaviors is the foundation for building a beautiful China

Release Time3 months ago

On December 27, 2023, the "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Comprehensively Promoting the Construction of a Beautiful China" was released. The main goal proposed that by 2035, green production and lifestyle should be widely formed, and specific ways to carry out national actions to build a beautiful China were proposed. path. In the "Work Plan on In-depth Implementation of the" Beautiful China, I am an Actor "Series of Activities"(hereinafter referred to as the Plan), personal low-carbon behaviors are also discussed.XiHabit cultivation activities have been designed and guided in more detail.

The plan proposes to widely disseminate the concept of ecological values, and proposes a series of specific measures, including holding an ecological and cultural forum every year, encouraging literary and art workers to create ecological and cultural works carrying ecological values, and continuing to carry out the "Earth Literary Heart" ecological literature activities. Promote the "Ecological Book Fragrance" national reading activity and carry out the construction of the "Qingshan Book Corner". Every year, the ecological environment departments of all provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) organize at least one thematic social publicity activity, and produce and release no less than 5 publicity products.

Cultivating ecological culture is a personal low-carbon behaviorXiNecessary conditions for habit development

Cultivating ecological culture is a personal low-carbon behaviorXiNecessary conditions for habit development. Culture is a system and a groupXiHabit, groupXiCustoms and social practices. Culture provides people with a cognitive system that affects people's beliefs, and the beliefs people hold determine the choices they make, and these choices build changes in human behavior. Therefore, values and social norms are the core of culture.

Ecological culture refers to a culture that is characterized by advocating nature, protecting the environment, and promoting the sustainable use of resources. It can enable the coordinated development and harmonious progress of man and nature, and promote the realization of sustainable development. The formation of ecological culture means a fundamental change in the values of human rule over nature, and marks the transformation from the value orientation of anthropocentrism to the value orientation of harmonious development between man and nature. Nature is an ecosystem shared by all living things. Human beings are only one element in this ecosystem and a ring in nature's biosphere. However, the culture formed by traditional industrial civilization attributes the entire significance of nature and other species to their "usefulness" to humans. This human-centered culture believes that natural ecological resources are inexhaustible. Therefore, in order to pursue economic welfare, the ecological environment has been wantonly destroyed, leading to the deterioration of the global ecological environment. The climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, various environmental pollution, etc. have made people realize this human-centered culture that has no scruples and no respect for nature is pushing mankind into an unsustainable abyss. Various backfires from nature have caused people to begin to reflect on culture and gradually establish ecological culture. Establishing ecological culture means respecting nature and protecting nature has become people's code of conduct and value judgment. For example, traditional industrial culture in the West prides itself on extravagance and waste to demonstrate its wealth and gain social respect. Stimulated by this culture, peopleXiHe is accustomed to buying large-emission cars and competitively consuming various luxury goods. However, ecological culture is a shame in extravagance and waste. Under the cultural norms of harmony between man and nature, people take pride in saving resources and caring for the ecological environment. They will buy small electric vehicles, or take buses and subways as much as possible, believing that such green and low-carbon actions are worthy of respect.

Ecological culture is a value and social norm for caring for the ecological environment. The formation of ecological culture can enable the behavior of caring for the ecological environment to be widely respected and recognized. Human beings are social animals and have a strong need to be respected and recognized by the group. Culture represents a kind of values and social norms generally recognized by the group. Therefore, culture can guide and determine people's behavioral choices. Based on this, the establishment and formation of ecological culture is very important for people to choose and form a green and low-carbon lifestyle.

Personal low-carbon behaviorXiHabit cultivation is the guarantee to achieve the "double carbon" goal

Personal low-carbon behaviorXiHabit is a way of life that aims to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, reduce energy consumption and resource waste. It not only helps protect the environment, but also promotes personal health and sustainable development. The plan regulates personal low-carbon behaviorXiHabit, including actively implementing the "Ten Rules of Conduct for Citizens on the Ecological Environment", advocating low-carbon behaviors such as green consumption, low-carbon travel, energy conservation, and garbage classification, developing green tourism, reducing the use of plastic products and disposable items, and reducing noise generation., continue to promote the "CD-ROM Action", etc.

Personal low-carbon behaviorXiHabit cultivation is the guarantee for achieving the "double carbon" goal. The realization of the country's "double carbon" goals is closely related to everyone's life. Addressing climate change and pursuing the path of green development require the support and participation of all sectors of society, as well as the joint action of the whole people. Ecological culture regulates people's values and develops personal low-carbon behaviors for people.XiHabit has laid the cultural foundation. Personal low-carbon behaviorXiHabit cultivation can not only strengthen ecological culture, but also greatly reduce carbon emissions. For example, bike-sharing travel has become a popular green travel option, the penetration rate of the new energy vehicle market has increased year by year, energy-saving and low-carbon environmentally friendly products are more favored by young consumers, and green smart home appliances are popular in the market... Green lifestyles are rapidly Rising, the concept of green consumption has gradually gained popularity.

Green and low-carbon lifestyles are also counterproductive and leading green and low-carbon on the supply side. The packaging design of many products has more prominent logos such as "green" and "recycling". Many brands implement the "double carbon" strategy in raw material production, processing and manufacturing, product packaging and other aspects, and launch recyclable transparent packaging and unlabeled PET bottle packaging to promote the green transformation and upgrading of the industry.

Personal low-carbon behaviorXiHabit cultivation requires a diverse participatory action system

Personal low-carbon behaviorXiHabit cultivation activities require a diverse participatory action system. The plan points out that it is necessary to coordinate social resources to build a low-carbon behavior incentive and feedback mechanism. Government's role in personal low-carbon behaviorXiIt plays a vital role in habit cultivation activities. The public participation mechanisms such as "carbon inclusion" constructed by the government can use mobile Internet and big data technology to strengthen personal behaviors.XiCultivate and guide the public to actively practice a green and low-carbon lifestyle. The "Looking for Beautiful China and Low-Carbon Talents" activity is carried out every year to showcase typical practices of simple and moderate, green and low-carbon, civilized and healthy lifestyles, which can inspire social institutions, mass organizations, enterprises, residents, etc. to engage in personal low-carbon behaviors.XiPlay a greater role in habit cultivation activities and inspire everyone's love for nature. Children are our future. In their childhood, let them deeply feel and accept ecological culture and develop a green and low-carbon lifestyle. When they grow up, they will implement the concept of harmonious coexistence between man and nature in decision-making and implementation. Companies such as Meituan and Jingdong can implant green and low-carbon behavior rewards into their service links to help guide people to cultivate a green and low-carbon lifestyle. The majority of residents are practitioners of green and low-carbon lifestyles and are the key to our "double carbon" goal. Achieving the "double carbon" goal is an extensive and profound social and economic systemic change that requires the joint action of the whole people.

The earth is our common home. Facing the climate crisis, we cannot wait or hesitate. We must act and cooperate. The formation of ecological culture is an individual's low-carbon behaviorXiCultural foundation cultivated by habit, personal low-carbon behaviorXiHabit cultivation is the path and content of common action, and the establishment of a diversified participation system is an individual low-carbon behavior.XiThe guarantee of habitual cultivation. Building Beautiful China, Personal Low-Carbon BehaviorXiHabit cultivation is the foundation, the path and the content. Let us act together immediately!

The author is a professor and doctoral supervisor at the School of Environment, Renmin University of China
