China Carbon Credit Platform

Grace Record | Cultivate and develop new quality productivity and set a benchmark for the green development of the industry

Release Time4 months ago

Tangshan Jidong Cement Sanyou Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Sanyou Company) is located in Guye District, Tangshan City. As the low-alkali cement clinker production base of Jinyu Jidong Cement and the leader of high-quality low-alkali cement products in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, Sanyou Company has always adhered to strict quality control in production and operation, and the quality of the products is stable and reliable, which is widely used in many national key projects such as Beijing Metro, Caofeidian Port Project, Beijing-Shenyang Expressway Reconstruction and Expansion Project, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Military and Civil Airports.

In recent years, Sanyou has accelerated the green and low-carbon transformation, striving to be a "city purifier, a good helper of the government", and has achieved remarkable results. It has been successively rated as "National Green Factory", "National Solid Waste Resources Comprehensive Utilization Backbone Enterprise", "Cement Industry Performance A-level Enterprise", "Hebei Province Green Supply Chain Management Enterprise", "Hebei Province Waste-free Factory" and other honorary titles.

Under the guidance of BBMG Group's work goal of "integrated development, suitable development, innovative development and high-quality development", Sanyou Company firmly establishes and practices the concept that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets, constantly changes the concept of environmental protection, demonstrates the responsibility of state-owned enterprises, integrates the requirements of "supporting high-quality development with high-quality ecological environment" into the whole process of production and operation, further promotes the company's green and low-carbon development, comprehensively improves the level of comprehensive utilization of resources, and takes a new step in the construction of a beautiful China.

Panoramic view of the factory

Take multiple measures to dig deep into the space for pollution reduction and carbon reduction

As a major consumer of fossil energy, Sanyou's energy utilization efficiency has been benchmarking against the international advanced level, vigorously developing green and low-carbon technologies, and reducing coal consumption by leading the realization of the "double carbon" goal with innovative demonstration and leadership. Invest more than 200 yuan to upgrade the pulverized coal upgrading technology for a cement kiln production line, reduce the dust content of the hot air entering the coal mill system, improve the calorific value of pulverized coal entering the kiln, reduce the coal consumption in the cement clinker production process, reduce carbon dioxide emissions in the flue gas, improve the thermal energy utilization efficiency of fuel, and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 5,000 tons per year.

At the same time, Sanyou Company has mastered the core technology of using bulk solid waste to produce cement, selected technology-leading production process equipment, and is committed to the field of comprehensive utilization of bulk solid waste, that is, the use of coal gangue, fly ash, smelting slag (powder) and other cement production, the company's annual comprehensive utilization of bulk solid waste resources reaches 444,400 tons, saving 3.2 million yuan in costs, and reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 380,000 tons per year. In the face of the pressure and challenges brought about by the "dual carbon", Sanyou Company actively opens up new tracks, explores fuel alternatives suitable for cement production, increases the proportion of substitution, digs deep into the space for green and low-carbon cost reduction, and uses a total of 8,000 tons of various alternative fuels in 2023, reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 22,000 tons.

In October 2022, the Tangshan Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment issued the "Notice on Carrying out the In-depth Remediation of Enterprises in the Coking, Cement, Glass, and Coal-fired Power Generation Industries", requiring that by the end of May 2023, "existing enterprises in the cement clinker and waste incineration power generation industries should build SCR (selective catalytic reduction) denitrification facilities on the basis of the existing SNCR (selective non-catalytic reduction) denitrification facilities" and "the ammonia escape of the SCR denitrification process shall not be higher than 2.5mg/nm".3”。 In order to meet the local government's environmental protection flue gas ultra-low emission stability requirements, reduce the amount of ammonia water, avoid the risk of ammonia escape, and further improve the environmental protection indicators of cement kiln operation, Sanyou Company invested 36 million yuan to implement the ultra-low emission upgrading and transformation project of the second-line cement rotary kiln clinker production line, that is, the SCR denitrification facility construction project. The system was put into use in September 2023 and is currently running stably, with ammonia escape and nitrogen oxide emissions meeting standards.

On the basis of the successful completion of the ultra-low pollutant emission upgrading and transformation project, Sanyou Company actively carried out the performance grading work of the cement industry. A total of 30 million yuan has been invested to complete the beautification and lighting of the factory, paint the buildings on the production site, and use waste materials to carry out three-dimensional greening of the factory. With an investment of more than 20 million yuan, the new energy substitution of road transport vehicles and non-road mobile machinery in the plant area has been completed, and at the same time, all the goods transport vehicles in and out of the factory have adopted vehicles in the emission stage of China VI and above or new energy vehicles, which has promoted the transformation of road transport modes.

In November 2020, Sanyou Company was rated as an A-level enterprise in environmental performance in key industries of heavily polluted weather in Hebei Province, becoming one of the A-level cement enterprises with performance, and passed a new round of review of A-level cement enterprises in July 2023.

Cement depot

Build a demonstration enterprise for resource utilization

In November 2023, Sanyou Company was selected into the list of demonstration enterprises for comprehensive utilization of industrial solid waste in Hebei Province, and took this opportunity to further assume the responsibility of ecological protection. With low-carbon utilization as the main line and scientific and technological innovation as the core, we will continuously improve the comprehensive utilization efficiency, and focus on the efficient, low-carbon and large-scale utilization of typical bulk solid wastes such as fly ash, coal gangue, metallurgical slag, industrial by-product gypsum, and tailings. In 2023, Sanyou's bulk solid waste utilization will reach 444,400 tons.

Sanyou Company has also implemented a number of key projects, further expanded the scale of comprehensive utilization, innovated and upgraded technology and equipment, expanded product application channels, etc., continuously expanded the high-end cement market in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, formed a demonstration and guidance, injected new vitality into the promotion of quality and efficiency of the industry, and provided new momentum for improving the level of comprehensive utilization of bulk solid waste.

Through the establishment of a demonstration enterprise for the comprehensive utilization of industrial solid waste, Sanyou Company has greatly improved the comprehensive utilization capacity and resource utilization efficiency of bulk solid waste, significantly reduced pollutant emissions, and reached the industry-leading level of energy saving, environmental protection and comprehensive utilization of resources, thereby driving the economic, social and environmental benefits of Sanyou Company to be significantly improved. Sanyou Company proposes that by 2025, it will strive to build Sanyou Company into a modern demonstration enterprise for comprehensive utilization of bulk solid waste with scientific development, independent innovation, resource conservation and environmental friendliness, and become a well-known green factory in China with the characteristics of clean production, waste recycling, low-carbon energy and high-value products.

In the future, Sanyou will continue to strengthen the responsibility of state-owned enterprises, actively fulfill corporate environmental social responsibility, effectively promote the implementation of various environmental policies, and continuously improve the level of pollution prevention and comprehensive utilization of resources. At the same time, we will carry out innovative practices in pollution reduction and carbon reduction in an all-round way, open up new fields, activate new kinetic energy, explore new advantages, accelerate the cultivation of new quality productivity in the industry, and inject fresh blood into the high-quality development of the "Capital Economic Circle".

Published in the sixth edition of China Environment News on May 15, 2024
