China Carbon Credit Platform

Increase transformation efforts to improve the "green power" Yuhuan industrial enterprises "carbon" new path

Release Time2 months ago

In the past few days, at Zhejiang Shengli Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. located in Ganjiang Bingang Industrial City, Yuhuan City, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province, medical syringe pistons have been continuously "baked" from fully automatic cooking pots, and the driving force behind them comes from the photovoltaic panels on the roof of the factory.

"Our photovoltaic power generation capacity can fully meet one day's production, which not only saves energy and reduces emissions, but also saves power costs." Yu Huaxin, general manager of the company, said that the company has been watching photovoltaic projects for many years. With the development of the photovoltaic industry, input costs have been continuously reduced. Taking advantage of the opportunity of building a new factory this year, they have installed photovoltaic power generation equipment.

In recent years, Yuhuan has solidly promoted the "double carbon" action, vigorously implemented the "double scenery" project, increased the green transformation of key industries and key areas, and enhanced the green driving force. Industrial enterprises are the main force in this "green transformation".

Walking into Zhejiang Futenbao Household Products Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Zhejiang Supor Co., Ltd., six brand-new parking sheds come into view. The roofs of the sheds are covered with blue photovoltaic panels. The roofs of the two factories are also covered with 37,800 square meters of photovoltaic panels, which are expected to deliver 4.3 million kilowatt-hours of "green electricity" to the factory a year.

Choosing photovoltaic power generation is not only the need of the times, but also the trend of the situation. "The country has put forward the goal of 'achieving carbon peak by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060'. Our group headquarters has also issued requirements to reduce carbon emissions. The use of photovoltaic power generation is a very necessary and effective measure." Xu Shipeng, manager of Supor's equipment power department, said.

Xu Shipeng calculated this "carbon reduction ledger" and found that by prioritizing the use of photovoltaic power generation, the company can reduce carbon emissions by about 2800 tons a year, equivalent to planting 150,000 trees, and the cumulative carbon emission reduction will be 70,000 tons in the next 25 years.

"The current cumulative usage is 238.8 kilowatt hours, and the cumulative carbon reduction is 1,463.6 tons..." In the corporate office building, two "New Energy Smart Platform" displays display daily power generation, monthly power generation, utilization rate, environmental protection contribution, etc. Data. This is the photovoltaic digital management platform introduced by Futenberg. By installing an energy monitoring system, it can monitor and manage photovoltaic power station data in real time.

Enterprises are the key entities in achieving the "double carbon" goal. From enterprises to industrial parks, investing in photovoltaic power generation projects has become a "new consensus" for building factories.

At East Railway Group Yuhuan Datie Transportation Equipment Co., Ltd., a "East Railway Photovoltaic Station" is set up at the entrance. In 2022, the company will settle in Ganjiangbin Port Industrial City. They will incorporate photovoltaic projects into the construction plan and realize grid-connected power generation before it is put into production.

Ganjiangbin Port Industrial City actively encourages enterprises to use clean energy and create a "green park" when attracting investment. At present, among the enterprises that have been put into operation, the photovoltaic coverage rate reaches 70%, and the total installed capacity exceeds 30,000 kilowatts. "At present, our photovoltaic power generation self-use rate has reached 87% per month, which can replenish 30% of our electricity. The electricity price of using photovoltaic has been reduced by about 10% per kilowatt hour, which can save 200,000 yuan a year, bringing it to enterprises. It has brought considerable economic benefits." Xiao Yong, manager of the company's security department, said.

It is reported that as a pilot county (city) and a provincial low-carbon pilot county (city) to promote distributed photovoltaic development across the country, currently, the number of distributed photovoltaic households in Yuhuan City has increased from 227 at the end of 2021 to 752, with a total installed capacity. Up to 260,000 kilowatts.
