China Carbon Credit Platform

Opinions on fully mobilizing the enthusiasm of all parties and working together to fight the tough battle of the "Three Norths" Project

Release Time2 months ago

Recently, the General Office of the Party Committee and the General Office of the Government of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region issued the "Opinions of the General Office of the Party Committee of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and the General Office of the People's Government of the Autonomous Region on Fully Mobilizing the enthusiasm of all parties to work together to fight the tough battle of the" Three Norths "Project. The full text is as follows.

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on strengthening comprehensive prevention and control of desertification and promoting the construction of key ecological projects such as the "Three Norths", we will focus on building a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of all parties to work together to fight the "Three Norths" project. With the consent of the Party Committee and Government of the Autonomous Region, the following opinions are put forward.

1. All relevant departments in various places must fully implement preferential policies such as financial subsidies, fiscal interest discounts, tax exemptions and exemptions issued by the state and autonomous regions, and provide support to entities engaged in desertification prevention and control. Units and individuals are encouraged to carry out desertification prevention and control on desertified land that has obtained management rights through contracting through other methods, and priority should be given to renewing the contracted land under the same conditions after the transfer contract expires. Governments at all levels must commend and reward units and individuals that have made outstanding achievements in desertification prevention and control in accordance with relevant national regulations, and reward those who have made outstanding contributions. Those who develop new technologies and apply new equipment in desertification prevention and control will be supported through policies such as the transformation of technological achievements and subsidies for the purchase of agricultural machinery.

2. All localities must urge units and individuals that contract the management of forest land and grassland to strictly implement protection systems such as grazing ban and grazing, balance between grass and livestock, consolidate the responsibilities of forest directors, strengthen daily management and protection, and effectively eliminate overloading and overgrazing, illegal grazing in prohibited grazing areas or grazing during the off-grazing period, random digging and mining, random reclamation and occupation, random logging and deforestation.

3. All localities must strictly implement the development rules for desertification prevention and control and wind power and photovoltaic integrated projects, take the affordable new energy indicators as the guide, comprehensively plan desertification prevention and control tasks and the scale and construction pace of new energy development, and scientifically determine desertification prevention and control construction Investment intensity; land transfer and leasing fees shall be reasonably determined in the "rent based on property" method. Encourage new energy companies to take the lead in forming a consortium with new energy equipment manufacturing, ecological management companies and related enterprises in the league and city to explore order-based procurement of equipment, materials, forest, grass seedlings, etc. and entrusted construction of desertified land management within the consortium, and make appropriate advance. Land reserve. Strengthen the full-cycle supervision of desertified land management, consolidate the main responsibilities of all aspects of construction, management, and maintenance, regularly carry out governance effectiveness evaluations and disclose the evaluation results to the public, strengthen performance supervision, and implement disposal mechanisms for violators.

4. For desertification prevention and control projects that determine the main body of governance through bidding, various localities may first clarify the governance procedures and standards, introduce a bid price competition mechanism, and compare and determine the winning bidder; the winning bidder shall carry out governance in strict accordance with the governance plan. Support qualified collective economic organizations and township enterprises in rural and pastoral areas to bid, and encourage local farmers and herdsmen to participate in construction. Actively explore the "recruit first and then compensate" model. For projects that meet the national investment orientation and have been declared for warehousing, it is allowed to organize bidding and carry out project construction before the national investment plan is issued.

5. Vigorously promote "work-for-relief". The scale of labor remuneration for "work-for-relief" for desertification prevention and control projects shall not be less than 10% of the total investment of the project. Fully tap the employment potential in project construction, post-management and protection, and guide farmers and herdsmen to obtain more labor remuneration by participating in project construction.

6. Explore the "build first and then supplement" model for desertification prevention and control projects. After application by the flag county, approval by the league city, and review and filing by the autonomous region, the governance entity can raise funds on its own to carry out desertification prevention and control first, and include them in the application project later, pending completion of construction and payment of subsidy funds after passing acceptance. Support Etuoke Banner and other places to improve the "build first and then supplement" model.

7. For desertification prevention and control projects carried out in accordance with the "construction first and then compensation" model on land contracted by farmers and herdsmen, voluntary declaration and independent construction are encouraged by farmers and herdsmen self-construction, joint household joint construction, and collective economic organization construction in rural and pastoral areas. Relevant construction funds built by farmers and herdsmen can be paid directly through "one card".

8. Make good use of desertification prevention and control funds, give full play to the leveraging role of government funds, stimulate donations from various enterprises, social groups, and individuals, expand the scale of funds, improve operating mechanisms and management models, and ensure that every penny is used for desertification prevention and control.

9. Encourage all localities to introduce various public welfare organizations and participate in the construction of the "Three North" Project through various methods such as cooperation, shareholding, contracting, naming, adoption, and targeted donations. For major forest and grass industry projects invested by social capital and in line with the direction of state support, actively help governance entities to seek relevant state financial support.

10. Expand the coverage of grassland insurance and continue to provide forest insurance. Encourage financial institutions to explore and develop commercial sand industry product insurance. Encourage banking financial institutions to develop financial products with long-term periods, low interest rates, collateral and flexible repayment methods to support the development of relevant ecological industries. Encourage all localities to actively seek policy loans and explore models for using desertification control proceeds to repay loans.

11. Coordinate desertification prevention and control and industrial development, increase policy, talent, technology, financial and other support, vigorously develop under-forest economy, facility agriculture, house feeding and captivity, and cultivate and expand characteristic industries. Encourage enterprises to fully tap the economic value of psammophytes, extend the industrial chain, increase added value, and increase the income of farmers and herdsmen.

12. Actively promote carbon sink afforestation, expand the consumption channels of forest and grass carbon sink products under the carbon inclusive mechanism, encourage enterprises and institutions to participate in the construction of the "Three North" project by creating carbon neutral forests and other means, and create low-carbon zero-carbon institutions and parks. Support enterprises to carry out afforestation in nationally certified voluntary emission reduction (CCER) carbon sink projects and create a number of carbon sink forest pilot demonstration bases.

13. Funds for the construction of key ecological projects such as the "Three Norths" shall be managed in special fund accounts of the People's Bank of China, and a separate fund allocation mechanism shall be established to ensure exclusive use of funds. To prevent and control desertification, we must give full play to the role of state-owned forest farms as the main position, coordinate seedling guarantee and management, and accelerate the construction of affordable nurseries and local grass seed breeding bases; we must adapt measures to local conditions and collect materials locally and nearby to effectively reduce the cost of desertification control. Priority should be given to ensuring the water, land, and electricity needs of desertification prevention and control projects. Encourage qualified places to explore and establish storage and storage mechanisms for exposed sandy land, degraded forest land and degraded, desertified and salinized grasslands, and carry out large-scale management.

14. All relevant departments in various places must implement measures such as ordering units and individuals that have not taken measures to prevent and control desertification or have taken ineffective measures to implement measures such as ordering them to control within a time limit, imposing fines, and recovering state-owned land use rights in accordance with laws and regulations; if the transfer contract is signed, the contract shall be terminated and the land shall be recovered in accordance with the law. Units and individuals that fail to implement the system of balancing grass and livestock and prohibiting grazing and halting, will withhold subsidy and reward funds for grassland ecological protection. Those who violate the provisions of the "Regulations on Balancing Grassland and Livestock and banning grazing and halting in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region" and other provisions will be fined, restored to the original state within a time limit, and corrected within a time limit in accordance with laws and regulations. Units and individuals who are unable to govern themselves but do not entrust others to govern or do not cooperate with collective governance shall be punished in accordance with laws and regulations.

15. The Forestry and Grassland Bureau of the Autonomous Region shall work with relevant departments to study and formulate implementation rules, strengthen coordination and cooperation, and implement the work well. All localities must consolidate work responsibilities, standardize project construction, allocate funds in a timely manner, and avoid problems such as new debts and delinquent accounts.

RegionInner Mongolia