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Interview with the Two Sessions | Wang Lanyu, deputy to the National People's Congress: HBIS Group will cultivate and develop new quality productive forces from three aspects

Release Time6 months ago

On the afternoon of March 5, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized when participating in the deliberations of the Jiangsu delegation at the second session of the 14th National People's Congress that it is necessary to firmly grasp the primary task of high-quality development and develop new quality productivity according to local conditions.

At this year's National People's Congress and the National People's Congress, Premier Li Qiang mentioned in his government work report that he would vigorously promote the construction of a modern industrial system and accelerate the development of new productive forces.

As an important basic industry of the national economy, the steel industry is also an important area for achieving green and low-carbon development. In accordance with the requirements of developing new quality productivity, what aspects should the iron and steel industry focus on in the future? What are the specific measures of HBIS Group? China Environment News reporter interviewed Wang Lanyu, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and general manager of HBIS Group, deputy to the National People's Congress.

What is the development trend of the steel industry?

In recent years, China's iron and steel industry has made new breakthroughs in the development of high-end, intelligent and green, and the variety structure has been continuously optimized.

In the past year, anchoring the development direction of "high-end, intelligent and green", HBIS vertically promoted the extension of the steel industry chain to high-end manufacturing, horizontally promoted the structural restructuring of similar businesses, and accelerated the industrial transformation of "steel to materials and manufacturing to services".

"In the past year, we have developed 186 new products, of which 18 products fill the domestic gap and 21 products replace imports. Wang Lanyu told reporters that in terms of "replacing coal with hydrogen", HBIS has achieved continuous and stable production since May for the world's first 1.2 million tons of hydrogen metallurgy demonstration project.

At the same time, relying on the hydrogen metallurgy demonstration project and production line application scenarios, it has created a green steel process that combines DRI and long and short processes, and continues to build a market-leading green steel product brand. Wang Lanyu said.

"In order to continuously strengthen the in-depth integration of industry, education and research led by enterprises, we have established HBIS R&D Center, forming a trinity, synergistic and complementary R&D pattern of group-level R&D platform, subsidiary technology center and production line technology unit, and the number of global R&D and innovation platforms jointly built with world-class leading enterprises and well-known scientific research institutes has increased to 38. We will further promote the special action of 'three years on and five years strong' in R&D investment, and the annual R&D investment will exceed 10 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 27%. Wang Lanyu added.

Talking about the future development direction of the steel industry, Wang Lanyu said, "At present, the steel industry has entered a critical period of green transformation. ”

In view of the current steel consumption structure is changing, China's total steel consumption is on a downward trend, some traditional demand for building materials has declined significantly, and at the same time, the new demand for downstream steel driven by green and low-carbon has grown, "the development focus of steel products needs to be transformed to quality and efficiency." "Secondly, the excellent characteristics of steel materials such as recyclability need to be fully developed and utilized in the future industrial development, and there is a lot of room for material upgrading and material substitution.

In the face of the new situation and new challenges brought about by the international steel market, China's steel industry needs to actively participate in the formulation of international rules and standards. At the same time, it is necessary to take the initiative to adapt to the needs of future industrial development, accelerate the innovation of talent cultivation mode, and create a new talent team that can shoulder heavy responsibilities.

At present, China's iron and steel industry is accelerating the transformation from basic raw materials to high-end materials. The high-end upgrading of the steel industry chain also has great potential to drive the innovation and development of related industries and provide future industrial technology application scenarios.

Focus on developing new productive forces in three aspects

In the context of the country's new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, in the face of the urgent need to accelerate the construction of innovation-driven new quality productivity, Wang Lanyu believes that next, HBIS should focus on product innovation, technological innovation, industrial innovation and other aspects to accelerate the cultivation and development of new quality productivity.

Innovate with product innovation to create new quality productivity. HBIS will vigorously promote the transformation of "steel to materials", especially focusing on promoting the transformation of structural products into functional materials. Deeply grasp the development trend of advanced materials, and further promote the innovation of functional steel materials with more accurate performance and richer scenarios. Focusing on national key projects and strategic fields such as transportation, nuclear power, energy, advanced equipment, aerospace, etc., we will develop high-tech and high-value-added cutting-edge leading materials in the direction of originality and import substitution. Fully connect with the high-end market, and derive and develop differentiated products that meet the different value needs of home appliances, chemicals, construction machinery, heavy equipment and other fields. Aiming at the international advanced level, relying on the advantages of coating materials, marine steel, wear-resistant steel and other products, we will build and form a professional brand advantage.

Empower new quality productivity with technological innovation. Efforts should be made to give full play to the advantages of scientific and technological innovation resources, and quantify the supporting role of R&D investment in product structure adjustment, cost reduction, and economic benefit improvement. In the direction of technological research, process reengineering, and subversive innovation, we will break through a number of key common technologies and cutting-edge leading technologies. Plan a new three-year action plan for the intelligent improvement of production lines from 2024 to 2026, and promote the digital and intelligent upgrading of production lines. Focusing on the "6+2" low-carbon development technology path and the "6+6+5" low-carbon emission product development planning goals, we will promote the implementation of six low-carbon product process routes and build new advantages in low-carbon technologies and a green development ecosystem.

Build new quality productivity through industrial innovation. We will further promote the aggregation and structural restructuring of similar businesses, and strive to give full play to the synergistic advantages of specialized companies and steel subsidiaries such as Dahe Chemical and Dahe Metal, so as to create an industrial community with close cooperation and benefit sharing. Intensify the integration of resources, and continue to create a good development environment for cultivating and expanding emerging industries. Focus on the core business to cultivate core technologies, such as the development of green application of coke products and deep processing technology of related products in the chemical sector, and the promotion of research and development of key technologies in green hydrogen production, storage, transportation, processing and use in the hydrogen energy sector, so as to comprehensively enhance value creativity and market competitiveness.
