China Carbon Credit Platform

Four units in Ninghai were awarded the excellent zero-waste city cells for the construction of "zero-waste cities" in Ningbo

Release Time5 months ago

A few days ago, Ningbo Beautiful Office Bushi City has built an excellent zero-waste city cell in the whole area of "zero-waste city", and four units including Zhejiang Hegway Hydraulic Technology Co., Ltd. have been successfully evaluated.


In recent years, Ninghai has adhered to the concept of "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets", and has been rated as a provincial three-star "zero-waste city" for two consecutive years. Adhere to the four-party linkage of the government, society, enterprises and the public, and basically form a new trend of zero-waste life of co-construction, co-governance and sharing, and the satisfaction of the construction of "zero-waste city" ranks first in the city. The introduction of "no waste cell" construction incentives and other mechanisms, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of all units in the society, a total of 79 "no waste factories" and "no waste 4S stores", 1 provincial top 100 "no waste cells", 10 declared innovation cases, 3 provincial "no waste windows", and 6 advanced and applicable technologies.

Persist in starting from the source, strengthen the cleaner production transformation of industry, agriculture, construction and other industries, and reduce the amount of solid waste generated. Promote the green transformation and development of industry, vigorously advocate a green and low-carbon economy, complete the recycling transformation task in 2 provincial-level industrial parks, eliminate 23 backward production capacity enterprises, implement 66 cleaner production enterprises, and create 69 three-star and above "green factories". To control carbon emissions in key areas, two cases of Guoneng Ninghai Power Plant and Xinghai Sewage Plant were selected into the list of provincial collaborative benchmark projects for pollution reduction and carbon reduction. We will make every effort to build a "photovoltaic + energy storage" industrial chain, and add 57,200 kilowatts of installed renewable energy capacity in 2023. Promote the green and circular development of agriculture, minimize energy consumption and pollutant emissions in accordance with the requirements of "low energy consumption, high efficiency, and low carbon", and build 2 provincial-level ecological low-carbon farms in 2023. In 2023, 400 soil testing and sampling will be carried out, the coverage rate of soil testing and formula fertilization technology will be 90.7%, and 16,000 tons of commercial organic fertilizer will be promoted, so as to achieve negative growth in the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Promote thickened plastic film and fully biodegradable film, and build 3 demonstration sites. Promote the green and low-carbon development of the construction industry, vigorously promote prefabricated buildings, account for 35.24% of new buildings in 2023, and all new civil buildings will reach the one-star standard. Implement the primary responsibility for the reduction of construction waste in construction units, and include the indicators in the recommended conditions of "excellent construction sites" and "high-quality projects". The intensity of construction waste generation is 1.18 tons/10,000 yuan, which is far lower than the city's average.

Actively explore new technologies and new ways of resource utilization, and convert solid waste into energy, raw materials, and fertilizers. The Xinghai Sludge Treatment Plant generates biogas from sewage treatment sludge through anaerobic digestion for process heat demand and power generation, with an annual disposal capacity of 23,000 tons, and a production of 185,000 cubic meters of biogas and 14,000 kWh of electricity in 2023. The project of Beijing New Building Materials with an annual output of 90 million square meters of gypsum board, 5 million square meters of prefabricated universal board and 100,000 tons of gypsum powder has started construction and is expected to be completed and put into operation by the end of 2024. Start the project of disposing of 50,000 tons of fly ash and 50,000 tons of secondary aluminum ash per year to make up for the shortcomings of capacity. A renewable resource distribution center covering an area of 5,000 square meters will be built to meet the needs of urban renewable resource sorting and supporting needs, and the recycling rate of urban domestic waste will be 63.08% in 2023. The annual utilization and disposal of 200,000 tons of construction waste project of CP Building Materials was completed, and the construction of "one center and three areas" construction waste transfer, consumption and resource treatment system was started. The county's large-scale livestock and poultry farms are all equipped with manure treatment facilities, and the comprehensive utilization rate of livestock and poultry manure is 100%. Zhejiang Qingshan Lvfeng Ecological Organic Fertilizer Co., Ltd. has built a standardized straw collection and storage center, forming a complete industrial chain from straw collection, transportation, storage to production, sales and customer service, collecting 3,800 tons of straw in 2023 and producing 12,000 tons of organic fertilizer from pig manure, straw and other agricultural wastes. ()
