China Carbon Credit Platform

The Hubei section of the Yangtze River "grows" 150 kilometers of green coastline

Release Time1 month ago

August 15th is National Ecology Day. That morning, ecological photographer Yang He posted pictures of the Yangtze finless porpoise to his circle of friends, with a text: "On this year's National Ecology Day, let us 'smile' with the finless porpoise and protect our common home!"

Yang He, 66 years old, has been taking pictures of finless porpoises for 6 years and has accumulated millions of pictures. Under his lens, the chemical factory along the river disappeared, and the wasteland along the river became a riverside park; even the migrating birds and wild ducks stopped and built nests and settled here. "During this year's flood season, the group of finless porpoises under the Gezhouba Dam in Yichang did not migrate. They have already settled down and registered in the 'Yichang Hukou' and 'Hubei Hukou'!" Looking at the finless porpoise playing happily in the water, Yang He was overjoyed.

Behind the finless porpoise's fall in love with Hubei is the green pursuit of Jingchu. Hubei keeps in mind its instructions and bravely explores the road, and promotes high-level protection and high-quality development through comprehensive river basin management. The water quality of the entire Hubei section of the Yangtze River has reached Class II for five consecutive years. Green and low-carbon have become the distinctive background for Hubei's high-quality development.

From the satellite perspective,

The coastline of the Yangtze River is "long" again

In Xingfa Group's Yichang New Materials Industrial Park, a round bronze landmark along the Yangtze River is engraved with "2018·4·24". This is the "place where General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward requirements for the protection of the Yangtze River; this day marks the beginning of an operation to transform and upgrade and jointly protect the Yangtze River.

From a satellite perspective, in the past six years, the 900-meter coastline where Xingfa Group relocated has been covered with green.

To govern Jingchu, we must first control water. At the beginning of 2023, the "Outline Plan for Comprehensive Management and Overall Development of Watersheds in Hubei Province" targeted three primary river basins and 16 secondary river basins in the province, strictly controlling the negative list of safety management and the positive list of economic and social development to every river.

Jingzhou is built on water. The Yangtze River flows through Jingzhou for 483 kilometers, accounting for 45.6% of the Hubei section of the Yangtze River. Yuheping Community in Shacheng District has a coastline of about 1500 meters of the Yangtze River, with more than 2000 residents in the area. In the past, factories and residential buildings were mixed, and production and domestic wastewater was discharged directly into the river. Sand pumps, mixers, and muck trucks roared day and night, and the roads along the river were potholes.

With the demolition and relocation of industrial enterprises along the river and the clearing and banning of sewage outlets entering the river, today, the newly built Liulinzhou Ecological Park has long greenways and flowers, making it a new holy place for citizens to check in. The scene of "thousands of miles of Yangtze River, beauty lies in the Jingjiang River" is gradually reappearing.

Hubei, which has a 1061-kilometer Yangtze River trunk line, has all 118 chemical companies within one kilometer along the Yangtze River, vacated 149.8 kilometers of coastline, and restored 8.56 million square meters of ecological greening on the banks and shoreline of the Yangtze River. "When the boat travels on the river, the vision becomes obviously open, and the shore becomes refreshing and beautiful!" Captain Wang Ke said.

The green space along the river has replaced the former gravel docks and chemical factories, becoming a waterfront park for citizens to relax, forming a green ecological corridor of the Yangtze River with clear water, green banks and smooth rivers.

The population of the "Smiling Angel" finless porpoises has stopped falling and has rebounded to 1249; the world's only rare species, the Huangmei Libra Tree, has gone from only a few hundred to now, and the population has gradually regained vitality. More than 6000 artificially cultivated Libra Tree... ecological scrolls full of vitality and greenery are slowly unfolding in the land of Jingchu, witnessing the new beauty of a river and clear water.

Beside the ecological corridor,

Development momentum is booming towards new

One kilometer along the river has become refreshing, and the chemical companies that have moved have also ushered in new development opportunities.

Hubei promotes the development of clusters of chemical enterprises along the Yangtze River. The industrial structure along the Yangtze River is becoming more and more green, refined and high-end, and the scale of strategic emerging industries such as biomedicine continues to increase.

In the Sanning Chemical spinning workshop, the doffer and winder work automatically, with occasional manual inspections. "Don't underestimate this roll of silk. In fact, it is made up of a single piece of silk and has a length of 800,000 meters." Staff member Zheng Yougen introduced that these magical coils of silk come from the caprolactam production line and are then processed into nylon, the raw material of clothing fabrics.

"At the end of 2016, Tiantian Chemical, a subsidiary of Sanning Chemical, took the lead in carrying out the 'customs reform and relocation', which also kicked off the entire Sanning technological transformation, energy improvement and intelligent transformation." Yin Yinhua, general manager of Sanning Chemical, believes that in the short term, companies have paid a price, but in the long run, accelerating transformation and upgrading and moving towards green chemical industry is the general trend.

In September this year, as the industrial chain continues to expand, caprolactam will achieve an annual output of 500,000 tons, becoming the cornerstone for Sanning Chemical to enter a new track for chemical fiber and textile. In the same month, a comprehensive utilization project of 1.2 million tons of phosphogypsum was also put into operation. In order to solve the world-class problem of phosphogypsum conversion and utilization, Sanning Chemical will start four production lines to process previous "ecological hazards" into high-end gypsum powder, gypsum board, etc.

The green and low-carbon road spans the land of Jingchu: the Bangpu Integrated Recycling Industrial Park, which invested 60 billion yuan,"turns waste into treasure" and "eats dry and squeezed"; the independently developed Yangtze River Three Gorges No. 1 is currently the world's largest pure electric cruise ship with electricity, achieving zero emissions, zero noise and zero pollution; the world's largest carbon market is efficiently registered and settled in Wuhan; Focusing on China's Optics Valley, an "Optics Valley Science and Technology Innovation Corridor" spanning Wuhan, Ezhou and other places is getting wider and wider... Insisting on cultivating green momentum in green transformation, Hubei has supported it with the 22nd place in the country's energy consumption intensity. The seventh place in the total economic volume.
