China Carbon Credit Platform

The carbon section of the Shanghai Data Exchange is launched, aiming to open up carbon data circulation and trading links

Release Time1 month ago

The Paper News learned that the carbon section of the Shanghai Data Exchange was officially launched recently. It will focus on data circulation and trading in the green and low-carbon field, gather carbon emission data, focus on expanding core scenarios such as green finance and carbon emission management, and open up the green and low-carbon field. Data circulation and trading link.

The launch of this sector coincides with the 3rd anniversary of the launch of the national carbon emissions trading market. Data from the Ministry of Ecology and Environment show that as of July 15 this year, the cumulative transaction volume of carbon emission quotas in the national carbon market reached 465 million tons, with a cumulative transaction volume of nearly 27 billion yuan.

According to the Shanghai Data Exchange, the construction of the carbon sector is to focus on data circulation transactions in green and low-carbon fields, combine with the current financial sector with relatively mature business, and better provide platform-based supply and demand docking services through search matching and intelligent recommendations.

In December last year, 17 departments including the National Data Administration jointly issued the "Data Element ×" Three-Year Action Plan (2024-2026), which identified green and low-carbon as one of the 12 key areas empowered by data elements, aiming to give full play to the multiplier effect of data elements and empower economic and social development. In terms of emission reduction and carbon reduction, the document proposes to carry out product carbon footprint calculation and evaluation through monitoring, statistics and accounting of carbon emission data of specific industries or products, cover the production process of enterprises, and comprehensively improve the level of carbon emission management.

It is reported that the Shanghai Data Exchange has selected more than 50 data products that can be applied in green and low-carbon scenarios, concentrated on the carbon sector for display, and collaborated with upstream and downstream ecosystems to build a data market for efficient circulation and transactions. Data products in the green and low-carbon field have proved their extensive cross-industry applications, and they have significant practical value in fields such as financial services, urban governance, transportation and emergency management.

At present, data products such as Ouye Yunshang's "Supply Chain Carbon Treasure", Yitong International's "Yitong Carbon Digital Treasure", and Deloitte Wind Intelligence's "Deloitte ESG Evaluation Data" have been listed in the carbon sector.

The Shanghai Data Exchange was inaugurated on November 15, 2021. It is a quasi-public service organization established under the guidance of the Shanghai City People's Government. It undertakes functions such as exploration and innovation of data element circulation systems and norms, data element circulation Infrastructure services, data product registration and data product trading.

In recent years, the country has continuously improved top-level design in the field of green finance. In April this year, the People's Bank of China, in conjunction with the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the State Administration of Financial Supervision and the China Securities Regulatory Commission, proposed that in the next five years, an internationally leading financial support green and low-carbon development system will be basically established; By 2035, various economic and financial green and low-carbon policies will be promoted in a coordinated and efficient manner, the standard system and policy support system for financial support for green and low-carbon development will become more mature, and the functions of resource allocation, risk management and market pricing will be better utilized. Corresponding measures have been proposed from various aspects such as legislation, standards, and monetary policy tools to actively support my country's green and low-carbon development.

Green trade is another important application scenario of current carbon data. In international trade, the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) requires exporting companies to declare relevant process information and carbon emission data of exported products quarterly for high-carbon leaking industries such as steel, aluminum, fertilizers, cement, hydrogen and electricity and upstream and downstream products. Carbon tariffs are used to impose additional taxes and fees on high-carbon emission products to achieve environmental protection goals, and carbon data calculation is the basis for its evaluation.

The Shanghai Data Exchange stated that it will promote the circulation and trading of upstream and downstream carbon emission data elements in the industrial chain and improve corporate carbon emission management capabilities to meet the requirements of green trade standards and assist export business development.

In terms of green supply chain management, companies need to rely on comprehensive and accurate data for product life cycle management and optimization to reduce waste and pollutant emissions in the production process. Therefore, they have high requirements for the quality of carbon data. Green supply chain carbon emission management includes multiple types of data such as upstream product processes, specifications, and equipment. The industry needs to promote the circulation and trading of upstream and downstream data elements in the supply chain, drive the industrial chain to reduce emissions more efficiently, and achieve a dynamic balance between economic benefits and carbon emission reduction.

2023 is the warmest year on record globally. Faced with the severe situation of global warming, governments of various countries are increasingly adopting or improving carbon market policies to promote low-carbon transformation. According to the "ICAP Global Carbon Market Progress 2024 Annual Report" released by the International Carbon Action Partnership (ICAP) on April 10, the global carbon emissions trading system revenue in 2023 will exceed US$74 billion, setting a record high.
