China Carbon Credit Platform

Coal-fired power plants are on the road to all-round green transformation

Release Time6 months ago

National Energy Group Ledong Power Generation Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Ledong Company) was established in 2012 with total assets of 3.48 billion yuan, and the power plant is located in Ledong County, Hainan Province. In 2015, the first phase of the project built a 2×350MW supercritical coal-fired unit and officially put it into operation. After the project is completed and put into operation, it has achieved ultra-low emission of flue gas pollutants and zero discharge of wastewater.

In the past five years, Ledong Company has made all-round efforts in energy transformation, environmental governance, scientific and technological innovation and coordinated social development. While reducing pollution and carbon emissions, it has achieved a 160% increase in total profits, exploring a path of green and low-carbon transformation and high-quality development for coal-fired power enterprises in coastal areas.

Promote the green energy transition

Layout to create an integrated energy pattern of "wind, solar, fire, hydrogen storage".

Vigorously develop wind and solar resources, and orderly realize the multi-energy complementarity of clean energy. The installed photovoltaic capacity of Ledong Company has reached 8.87 megawatts, and 16 centralized and distributed photovoltaic projects outside the plant have been developed, constructed and put into operation in an orderly manner, and the total installed photovoltaic capacity is expected to exceed 400 megawatts by the end of 2025.

Actively participate in the trading of green certificates and green electricity, and realize the "integration of certificates and electricity". Ledong Company has obtained a total of 87,238 green certificates, with an annual transaction of 74.19 million kWh of green electricity, an annual saving of 23,402 tons of standard coal and an emission reduction of SO260843 tons.

Actively plan green hydrogen projects and explore solutions to the problem of wind power consumption. At present, Ledong Company is promoting the offshore wind power electrolysis seawater hydrogen production technology project, building a key technology research and development platform for the pilot stage of electrolysis of seawater hydrogen production, and simultaneously planning to promote the offshore wind power water electrolysis hydrogen production and natural gas generator set hydrogen doping mixed combustion project, and actively explore new development paths for the green transformation of energy in Hainan.

Implement the "three reforms" in advance to deeply improve the energy efficiency level of coal power. Vigorously promote the transformation of flexibility, in 2018, the completion of the deep peak regulation of the unit, the peak regulation capacity of the two coal-fired power units can reach less than 40% of the rated load, with the potential of deep peak regulation to 20%; kWh, it can save 45,000 tons of standard coal every year, vigorously promote the transformation of heating supply, meet the heat demand of external enterprises, actively expand heating channels, and provide 20,000 tons of steam for local shrimp feed processing plants every year.

In the past five years, the coal consumption of Ledong Company's power supply has decreased by more than 4.3 g/kWh, and the electricity consumption rate of the comprehensive plant has decreased by 21.72%. In addition, in 2021, the plant was renovated to centralize cooling, and the electric drive was transformed into a heat-driven lithium bromide absorption refrigeration mode, saving 735,000 kWh of electricity annually and reducing SO2,630 tons.

Scientific and precise pollution control and emission reduction

Committed to building the world's cleanest coal power plant

The operation status of pollution control facilities has been optimized, and the total amount of major air pollutants emitted is far below the limit of the total amount of pollutant discharge permits. In 2019, Ledong Company completed the environmental protection upgrading and transformation, achieved the goal of the average emission concentration of soot, SO2 and NOx below zero, and simultaneously adopted the wet plume elimination technology, which can save 550,000 tons of fresh water per year.

Achieve zero wastewater discharge and 100% comprehensive utilization of solid waste. The seawater desalination device equipped by Ledong Company adopts ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis technology to realize that all the production and domestic water comes from seawater, saving about 2 million tons of fresh water every year; all the production and domestic wastewater is treated and classified and reused, and the treated wastewater is used for coal transportation and dust reduction, trestle washing of coal conveying system, and greening of the plant area, etc., so as to achieve zero discharge of wastewater; fly ash, gypsum, furnace bottom slag and other products are sold to other companies as building materials, and solid waste is 100% comprehensively utilized.

Actively fulfill corporate responsibilities and radiate social emission reduction

Ledong Company uses the advantages of its own seawater desalination system to supply production and domestic water to surrounding residents free of charge. In addition, Ledong's wastewater treatment system with a daily treatment capacity of 1,500 cubic meters assists Yinggehai Town in treating domestic sewage, and the treated water quality reaches the first-class A standard, which is used for irrigation water of surrounding melon farmers, effectively alleviating the damage caused by excessive use of groundwater to the environment.

Co-disposal of cantaloupe vines and urban dry sludge. Last year, the combustible dry waste coupling power generation equipment was put into operation, and the cantaloupe vines in Yinggehai Town were co-disposed of, with a treatment capacity of up to 10,000 tons/year; taking advantage of the high-temperature combustion advantage of the power plant, Ledong Company explored and built a sludge blending system to assist Ledong County in disposing of dry sludge, with a designed blending capacity of more than 30,000 tons/year, reducing about 3,500 tons of standard coal consumption and 9,400 tons of SO2 emissions per year.

Promote the construction of green and low-carbon terminals and build a comprehensive cargo port. Realize the direct berthing of imported coal, effectively avoid energy consumption, pollutants and carbon emissions caused by continuous highway transshipment; actively expand the service function of the wharf, promote the upgrading of the single coal transportation wharf to the comprehensive utilization wharf of the social public, and improve the comprehensive utilization efficiency of the wharf; actively grasp the policy, carry out business exchanges with foreign trade, building materials, logistics and other enterprises, steadily promote the preliminary work of the wharf comprehensive transportation business, and make every effort to build a freight hub in the southwest of Hainan.

Adhere to the drive of scientific and technological innovation and lead the transformation of high-quality development

Highlight the empowerment of scientific and technological innovation, and build smart power stations in an orderly manner. In the past five years, Ledong Company has continuously deepened the in-depth cooperation between industry, university and research institutions and universities in China, further promoted the construction of smart power stations, implemented 20 scientific and technological projects of various kinds, invested more than 300 million yuan, actively incubated and applied for scientific and technological innovation projects of the National Energy Group and national key R&D projects, obtained 37 utility model patents, and applied for 21 invention patent intellectual property rights.

We will continue to improve the intelligent level of power plants, and implement more than 10 cutting-edge science and technology projects, such as intelligent soot blowing, equipment status monitoring and intelligent maintenance, quadruped inspection robot dogs, alkali metal slagging forecasting, unattended screw ship unloaders, 5G coverage in key areas of the plant, and green smart terminals, to greatly improve the operation performance of the units.

In addition, in 2019, it took the lead in exploring and carrying out online monitoring of SO2 emissions, and continued to compare online measurement and accounting data to analyze the causes of deviations, which provided strong support for the pilot work of carbon monitoring.
