China Carbon Credit Platform

Building a Beautiful China! A number of major ecological environment restoration and management projects have been launched one after another

Release Time5 months ago

Recently, a number of major ecological environment restoration and governance projects in China have been launched.

The implementation of the Action Plan for Continuous Improvement of Air Quality is an important part of this year's air pollution prevention and control. Since the beginning of this year, a number of air pollution prevention and control projects supported by the central government have been started, focusing on promoting the ultra-low emission transformation of key industries such as steel, cement, and coking.

In Guangxi, the desulfurization and denitrification transformation of this iron and steel enterprise began civil construction. After the completion of the project, the pollutants generated in the gas-fired power generation process can be greatly reduced to reach the ultra-low emission level.

This year, the ecological protection and restoration project in the Yangtze River basin has been promoted from the main stream to the tributaries and inner lakes. Anhui Province has successively carried out systematic management and restoration of 84 inner lakes that flow into the Yangtze River. Through measures such as ecological dredging, restoration of aquatic vegetation, and stocking of filter-feeding fish, the quality of the water environment entering the Yangtze River will be further improved.

The five provinces and autonomous regions of Inner Mongolia, Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningxia and Shanxi have carried out in-depth integrated protection and restoration projects of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grasslands and sands this year. Inner Mongolia's Jungger Banner will invest another 165 million yuan this year to advance to the Yellow River's coarse sediment concentration source area, which is the most difficult to control. 79 sand dams were built, horizontal ditches and fish scale pits were excavated, trees and shrubs were planted, water and soil were conserved, a small watershed climate was created, and sediment was reduced to the lower reaches of the Yellow River.

Liu Jun, Senior Engineer of the Zunger Banner Water Conservancy Development Center of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region: Seizing the opportunity of high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin, we hope to gradually improve some areas that are more difficult to govern through governance.

This year, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment organized and implemented a number of major scientific and technological projects to tackle key problems and accelerate the breakthrough of major bottlenecks in applied research. In Shenzhen, the vehicle collects information about urban road conditions in real time, and researchers can calculate the carbon emission intensity of different vehicles and buildings on the road through a set of domestic first-of-its-kind panoramic AI recognition algorithm models. With the continuous training and maturity of this algorithmic model, it will be able to replace the field monitoring of carbon emissions in the future.

In 2024, the central government has allocated nearly 200 billion yuan to support the construction of ecological civilization, and the scale of funds has increased steadily compared with last year, effectively guaranteeing the comprehensive promotion of the construction of a beautiful China.

RegionChina,Shanxi,Inner Mongolia,Anhui,Guangxi,Shaanxi,Gansu,Ningxia