China Carbon Credit Platform

To help a green future, the first carbon inclusive theme conference will be held in 2024

Release Time3 months ago

On June 7, 2024, the theme meeting of "Carbon Inclusiveness Supports a Green Future" sponsored by the China Environmental Protection Federation and hosted by the Carbon Inclusiveness Professional Committee was held during the "Alxa SEE Climate Week". This is the first theme conference in the field of carbon inclusion in 2024, attracting experts, scholars, government officials and business representatives from all over the country to participate. It is understood that the main goal of the meeting is to promote exchanges and cooperation in the field of carbon inclusion and promote its sustainable development. Guests attending the meeting shared their work achievements and progress from all levels and put forward prospects for future development.


Provide a communication platform for experts to discuss carbon inclusive development

At the meeting, Fu Chengyu, international adviser to the President of the 28th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and former chairman of China Petrochemical Corporation, pointed out that since my country proposed the "double carbon" goal, the Party Central Committee and the State Council have made specific arrangements and planning. Governments and enterprises at all levels have also responded positively and taken a series of actions. He emphasized that the importance of changing lifestyles lies not only in itself, but also in its role in promoting the transformation of production methods. Carbon inclusion is a new productivity that promotes green lifestyles through digital innovation and an important means to promote high-quality development.

Du Shaozhong, vice chairman of the China Environmental Protection Federation and chairman of the Carbon Inclusive Special Committee, pointed out that carbon emissions from the consumer side account for more than one-third of the total carbon emissions, which is a proportion that cannot be ignored. Therefore, it is very important to reduce emissions from the demand side. Encourage the promotion of green lifestyles through the carbon inclusive mechanism to promote emission reductions at the consumption side, and mobilize the whole society to work together to achieve the "double carbon" goal.

Zeng Hongying, deputy director of the Publicity and Education Center of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, said that significant progress has been made in carbon inclusion. Carbon inclusion is the starting point for environmental protection education and an effective way for public participation. Technical means have been used to complete the digital quantification of individual green lives, making it easy for everyone to participate., measurement and perception allow people to feel the results of green and low-carbon behaviors.

Tang Dingding, honorary chairman of the Green Trade and Investment Expert Committee of the Chinese Society of Environmental Sciences, pointed out that carbon inclusion is a global concept and is also valued by the country in China. He also looked forward to the development of carbon inclusion in promoting green finance and the coordinated development of carbon inclusion and carbon markets. He also put forward suggestions on the need for further improvement in China's carbon inclusion practice, pointing out that carbon inclusion should be vigorously promoted to help green and low-carbon development.

Zhang Xin, chief economist of the National Center for Strategic Research and International Cooperation on Climate Change, emphasized the importance of accurately positioning carbon inclusion, innovating application forms, and continuing to develop carbon inclusion. Encourage the formation of effective carbon inclusive market supply, expand more carbon inclusive mechanisms and methods, and establish a high-quality carbon inclusive system.

Zhang Jidong, Director of the International Cooperation Division of the International Cooperation Center of the National Development and Reform Commission, emphasized the importance of carbon inclusion in promoting green development. He expressed the need to make better use of the carbon inclusive mechanism by strengthening publicity and education, improving technical capabilities, optimizing operational processes, and strengthening cooperation and exchanges to promote the smooth progress of green and low-carbon transformation.

Tao Lan, executive director of the Carbon Inclusive Professional Committee of the China Environmental Protection Federation and founder of Green Inclusive, introduced in detail the achievements in the field of carbon inclusiveness in the past year at the meeting and looked forward to future development. The results achieved include the release of a series of important standard reports to provide carbon inclusive services to governments and enterprises, drive corporate users to reduce emissions, and achieve carbon inclusive connectivity between government and enterprises. In addition, the special committee also actively participated in international activities and told the world the Chinese story of carbon inclusion.

Release a carbon inclusive report to point out the direction for industry development

At the meeting, the Publicity and Education Center of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment jointly released the "Progress Report on the Development and Practice of China's Carbon Inclusive (2023)"(hereinafter referred to as the report), which summarized and evaluated the development and practice of China's carbon inclusive mechanism in 2023. The results of practice point out the way forward for the development of the carbon inclusive industry.


The report shows that in 2023, China's carbon inclusive mechanism has made significant progress. Policy support continues to be strengthened, and local governments have issued a series of documents related to carbon inclusion-related, providing strong policy guarantees for platform construction and practice. In terms of technical support, cooperation between the carbon inclusive mechanism and the industry has continued to deepen, including methodology, scenario development, financing channels and scientific research innovation, providing multi-dimensional support for the construction of the carbon inclusive mechanism.

In addition, the public's awareness of carbon inclusion has been significantly improved. Through domestic and foreign communication, advocacy and science popularization activities, the influence of carbon inclusion has continued to expand, and the public's low-carbon awareness and behavioral ability have been enhanced. The carbon inclusive ecosystem has begun to take shape, and diversified carbon inclusive mechanisms have formed positive interactions at the management, implementation, support and application levels, promoting the efficient development of the carbon inclusive mechanism and releasing the potential for carbon emission reduction at the consumer end.


Despite certain achievements, the report also pointed out that the carbon inclusive mechanism still faces challenges. For example, top-level policy guidance, opening of scenario standards, construction of value consumption systems, improvement of supporting technical means, and promotion of publicity and education need to be further strengthened and improved.

Looking to the future, the report calls on the government, enterprises, industry and the public to work together to promote the popularization and deepening of the carbon inclusive mechanism. Such as: accelerating the introduction of top-level designs and policies for carbon inclusion; accelerating the development of carbon inclusion standards and emission reduction scenarios; improving and enriching the incentive and consumption system for carbon inclusion; improving supporting technologies and cooperation for carbon inclusion construction; and strengthening public awareness of carbon inclusion. Publicity and education.

At the meeting, members of the Carbon Inclusive Special Committee were also added. Du Shaozhong, vice chairman of the China Environmental Protection Federation and chairman of the Carbon Inclusive Special Committee, issued certificates to the newly elected members of the Carbon Inclusive Professional Committee, looking forward to their playing a greater role in future work and jointly promoting carbon Inclusive Development in the field.

Display practical cases of government and enterprise carbon inclusion and promote regional linkage and cooperation

In the practice sharing session of carbon inclusion, Jia Jianzeng, deputy secretary of the Beijing Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Center, pointed out that Beijing has carried out a variety of innovative practices in carbon inclusion work, which has significantly promoted green life and green consumption, and introduced the Beijing Green Life Service Platform-"Green Life Season" and "Carbon Neutralization Demonstration Store" promote the "Beijing Model" of carbon neutrality demonstration.

Zhao Xiaoqiong, deputy director of the Luzhou City Ecological Environment Bureau, shared the case of "Green Bud Points" of the Luzhou City Carbon Inclusive Platform. The platform covers 12 emission reduction scenarios, has unique point redemption prizes and environmental protection public welfare activities, which have received widespread attention and recognition, and has launched the carbon neutrality function of prefecture-level carbon inclusive large-scale activities.

Cui Huabo, member of the Party Leadership Group of Rizhao City Ecological Environment Bureau and Leader of the Municipal Ecological Environment Comprehensive Law Enforcement Detachment, introduced the carbon inclusive platform "Carbon Benefit Rizhao" in Rizhao City, Shandong Province and its achievements in emission reduction. The platform has actively created various scenarios such as "Thousands of Villages and Thousands of Greens","Waste-Free Cities" and "Good Sea with You", and explored carbon inclusive mechanisms in catering, scenic spots and other fields to guide all parties to jointly build points malls.

He Jinfeng, Chairman of Sichuan United Environment Exchange, shared the case of "Carbon Benefiting Tianfu" in Chengdu, Sichuan, and introduced the important role of the "Diandian" carbon neutrality service platform in Sichuan's carbon inclusive mechanism. He pointed out that the platform will continue to optimize services, expand scenarios, strengthen cooperation, attract more public and enterprises to participate, and promote green and low-carbon development in Sichuan and even the whole country to a new level.

Zhang Yanlong, general manager of Shenzhen Spark Green Technology Innovation Co., Ltd., introduced the construction background, work plan, innovation results and public carbon inclusive application procedures of Shenzhen's carbon inclusive system, as well as the issuance and trading of Shenzhen's carbon inclusive emission reduction emissions to assist large-scale activities. Cases of carbon neutrality and practical activities of carbon inclusive in the field of popular science education.

Liu Jing, Secretary of the Youth League Committee of Hebei Institute of Environmental Engineering, shared the practical case of the school, as the only undergraduate university in the country that educates ecological environment, carrying out campus "carbon inclusion" in the school. Among them, the school's carbon inclusion features include converting "green points" into student graduation credits, setting reference standards by grade, incorporating student awards and league promotion policies, and exchanging campus cultural creations, environmental protection gifts, campus coupons and other physical objects in the school. This method has planted green seeds in students 'hearts.

Tian Xiyan, Vice President and Chief Food Safety Operating Officer of Emala, shared Emala's "e-Point Carbon" carbon account carbon reduction practices and the 100 low-carbon "box" partnership plan, helping 70 million users with four low-carbon small measures.XiHabit, including more than 1 million merchants for small meals, more than 1.7 billion pieces of unnecessary tableware, 80% of group delivery in business districts, and 50% reduction in paper for environmentally friendly receipts, making "green boost" aXiHabit.

Yu Geng 'er, brand leader of Meituan Cycling Public Affairs Department, shared the experience and practice of green and low-carbon travel in Meituan Cycling City. She pointed out that in the past year, Meituan bicycles and motorcycles have traveled 9.683 billion kilometers throughout the year, and the carbon reduction has reached 516,800 tons, with remarkable results. Meituan Cycling has carried out a series of in-depth cooperation with the carbon reduction platform, and has actively explored cooperation paths and held activities in Beijing, Harbin, Shanxi and other places. In the future, Meituan Cycling will continue to help form a green and low-carbon lifestyle.


The successful convening of this "Carbon Inclusive Helping a Green Future" conference provided a platform for exchanges and cooperation among all parties, and also injected new impetus into the development of carbon inclusiveness. Experts, scholars, government officials and business representatives from all over the country have expressed that they will take this meeting as an opportunity to continue to strengthen cooperation and exchanges, promote regional linkage cooperation, jointly promote the innovation and practice of carbon inclusive mechanisms, and jointly build green A sustainable future.
