China Carbon Credit Platform

exceeded 300 billion kilowatt hours! Liaoning Hongyanhe Nuclear Power Station helps Northeast China fight the battle to defend blue skies

Release Time1 month ago

The reporter learned from China General Nuclear Power Co., Ltd. that as of June 30, 2024, the cumulative on-grid electricity of Liaoning Hongyanhe Nuclear Power Station was 307.4 billion kilowatt-hours, equivalent reduction of standard coal consumption by approximately 92.44 million tons, and reduction of carbon dioxide emissions by approximately 253.33 million tons., contributing to the strength of Hongyanhe River to local economic and ecological development and the fight to defend the regional blue sky.

Liaoning Hongyanhe Nuclear Power Station is located in Hongyanhe Town, Wafangdian City, Dalian City, Liaoning Province. It is the first nuclear power station in Northeast China and the largest power and energy investment project in Northeast China. With a total investment of 90 billion yuan, it has jointly built 6 million-kilowatt pressurized water reactor nuclear power units, with a total installed capacity of 6.71 million kilowatts, an annual power generation capacity of 48 billion kilowatt hours, and the localization rate of comprehensive equipment reaches 80%.

It is understood that the construction of the Hongyanhe Nuclear Power Station started in August 2007. The four units of the first phase of the project use CPR1000 nuclear power technology, and all were put into commercial operation in September 2016. Construction of the second phase of the project (Units 5 and 6) started in 2015 and uses ACPR1000 nuclear power technology and has the characteristics of third-generation nuclear power technology. On June 23, 2022, Unit 6 of Hongyanhe Nuclear Power Station was put into commercial operation, marking the full completion and operation of the project.

In recent years, Liaoning Hongyanhe Nuclear Power Co., Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as Hongyanhe Company) has continuously broadened the boundaries of nuclear energy applications and built the first nuclear energy heating demonstration project in Northeast China, fully demonstrating the development concept of serving the country's "double carbon" strategy with clean energy advantages. At the same time, it vigorously promotes nuclear safety concepts, takes the lead in launching nuclear power science popularization courses, building teaching practice bases, and launching nuclear power online "cloud science popularization" to help enhance the national security awareness, nuclear safety awareness, and ecological environment awareness of the whole people.

On August 15, 2023, on the occasion of the country's first Ecological Day, Hongyanhe Company was jointly awarded the title of "National Ecological Environment Science Popularization Base" by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and the Ministry of Science and Technology. In order to further facilitate the public to make reservations for visits, on August 7, 2024, the Hongyanhe Nuclear Power Station launched an industrial tourism project and fully opened online reservation channels. The public can make reservations through the "China General Nuclear Power Group" Weixin Official Accounts, or they can directly search the "Hardcore walk" Mini programs to make reservations.
