China Carbon Credit Platform

Gansu promotes various efforts to address climate change to achieve phased results

Release Time4 weeks ago

The reporter recently learned from a regular press conference held by the Gansu Province Department of Ecology and Environment that in 2023 and the first half of this year, Gansu Province will work with relevant units to coordinate the promotion of the "Five Ones" around carbon reduction, pollution reduction, green expansion and growth (1 carbon intensity indicator, 1 "1+N" policy system, 1 carbon market, 1 key enterprise carbon verification, 1 society-wide greenhouse gas list) and "2 projects"(climate investment and financing projects and CCER projects) Key work, and make every effort to promote various efforts to address climate change to achieve phased results.

Strengthen the management of carbon emission indicators. During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, we focused on the province's carbon intensity reduction target and task, grasped the "bull nose" of fossil energy consumption, fully connected with the energy consumption intensity reduction target, and scientifically decomposed and issued the "14th Five-Year Plan" carbon intensity reduction target tasks for each city (prefecture). In 2022, the National Development and Reform Commission, the National Bureau of Statistics, and the Ministry of Ecology and Environment jointly issued the "Implementation Plan on Accelerating the Establishment of a Unified and Standardized Carbon Emissions Statistical Accounting System", clarifying that the statistical accounting of carbon emissions is the responsibility of the statistical department. Currently, the statistical department is actively building a unified national carbon emissions accounting system. Against the 3060 target of reducing carbon intensity by 65%, according to preliminary calculations of the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" accounting method, the province's carbon intensity in 2022 has dropped by 52.2% compared with 2005 (the national decline is 51.6%).

Policies lead the pilot project first. Cooperate with the implementation of the provincial carbon peak and carbon neutrality "1+N" policies and measures, sort out the "Implementation Opinions" and "Implementation Plan" of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government for carbon peak and carbon neutrality, and formulate and issue the "Gansu Province Department of Ecology and Environment to implement the" Implementation Opinions "and" Implementation Plan "of the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government for Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutralization", regularly schedule and analyze the effectiveness of the work. Promulgated and implemented the "Gansu Province Pollution Reduction and Carbon Reduction Coordinated Efficiency Implementation Plan" to guide Baiyin and Jiuquan, Baiyin High-tech Industrial Development Zone and Gansu Minle Industrial Park to successfully apply for the first batch of national pollution reduction and carbon reduction collaborative innovation pilots, cooperate with the National Pollution Reduction and Carbon Reduction Collaborative Innovation Pilot Technical Assistance Team to conduct on-site surveys, and guide each pilot to formulate a "Pilot Implementation Plan" in accordance with the "Pilot Task List." The "Gansu Province Implementation Plan for Key Tasks to Address Climate Change (2023-2025)" was issued; the Provincial Development and Reform Commission jointly issued the "Gansu Province Leading Group for Addressing Climate Change, Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction in 2023 Work Points". Build a solid foundation for adapting to climate change, study and form two research reports,"Special Research Report on Climate Change and Future Prediction in Gansu Province Since 1960" and "Research Report on Adaptation to Climate Change in Gansu Province", and jointly issue the "Gansu Province Action Plan for Adapting to Climate Change" together with 14 provincial departments to guide Baiyin City to apply for and be selected into the national pilot project for deepening the construction of climate-resilient cities. Formulate the "List of Measures and Tasks for Implementing the National Action Plan for Methane Emission Control in Gansu Province."

Deepen the construction of the national carbon market. Completed the second performance cycle of the national carbon emissions trading market (2021, 2022) For the approval, issuance, settlement and trading of carbon emission quotas, 192 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent should be cleared and 188 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent should be issued. As of November 9, 2023, 20 power plants in the province completed the performance and payment in full 100% in advance. In the second performance cycle, the province's cumulative transaction quota was 7.69 million tons, with a turnover of 473 million yuan (Among them, the quota purchase volume was 2.9908 million tons, with a turnover of 189 million yuan; the sales volume was 4.7029 million tons, with a turnover of 284 million yuan). The quality management of carbon emission data such as disclosure of the list of key emission units, submission of data quality control plans, and monthly informatization certificate storage have been completed on schedule and with high quality, and have been affirmed by the Climate Department of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment. Carry out carbon emission reporting and verification of 123 key greenhouse gas emission units in the seven major industries of power generation, petrochemicals, chemicals, building materials, steel, nonferrous metals, and papermaking in 2023. The verification and data submission of the power generation industry were completed in June, and the verification work in other industries is proceeding in an orderly manner. After verification, in 2023, the total carbon emissions of 24 power generation companies in the province were 96.2558 million tons of carbon dioxide, which was 0.87% different from the total initial emission report of the company (95.4214 million tons). Implement the State Council's "Interim Regulations on the Administration of Carbon Emissions Trading", convene the 2024 Provincial Power Generation Industry Enterprises Promotion Meeting, formulate and issue the "Gansu Province Department of Ecology and Environment on Issuing and Implementing the" Interim Regulations on the Administration of Carbon Emissions Trading "Notice on Several Measures to Strengthen the Quality Management of Carbon Emissions Data", and went to Huating Huamei Qingneng Coal Chemical Co., Ltd., Yongdeng Qilian Mountain and other enterprises to provide guidance and assistance. Study and report back to the Ministry of Ecology and Environment the "National Carbon Emissions Trading Power Generation Industry Quota Total and Allocation Plan in 2023 and 2024","National Carbon Emissions Trading Market Work Plan for Covering the Cement, Steel, and Electrolytic Aluminum Industries","Opinions on Strengthening the National Carbon Market" and other documents opinions and suggestions. Cooperate with the Ministry of Ecology and Environment to carry out the quality inspection of carbon emission reports in the first phase of coordinated and strengthened supervision in 2024, and organize the rectification and cancellation of problem clues.

Continuously lay a solid foundation for work. Carry out the compilation of provincial greenhouse gas emission inventories in 2023 and grasp the six types of greenhouse gas emissions such as carbon dioxide and methane under the province's inventory. On May 15, a National Low-Carbon Day promotion Gansu home event with the theme of "Green, Low Carbon, Beautiful China" was organized and held in Baiyin City. 14 cities, prefectures and Lanzhou New District simultaneously carried out offline publicity activities, and planned and implemented the production theme. A number of online publicity activities such as promotional videos, promotional animations, and broadcast; at the same time, Gansu Province recommended that Gannan Prefecture Jiaobadong Zhi, which was selected as a typical case of green and low-carbon individuals, was invited to participate in the National Low-Carbon Day promotion national home event. Organize and hold the 2024 provincial work conference on climate change, and hold two training courses on climate change and carbon market capacity building for the province's ecological environment systems and key emission enterprises. The "2024 List of Cleaner Production Audit Enterprises in Provincial Key Industries in Gansu Province" was released. As of the end of June, a total of 32 enterprises had completed cleaner production audits.

The provincial climate investment and financing project library was officially put into operation. Jointly with the People's Bank of China Gansu Branch, the "Gansu Province Climate Investment and Financing Project Warehousing Guidelines" was issued, becoming the first climate investment and financing policy system issued at the provincial level nationwide. In the first half of 2024, a total of 45 projects were evaluated and identified to be included in the "Gansu Province Climate Investment and Financing Project Library" and promoted to the Gansu Branch of the People's Bank of China. The total project investment is 22.116 billion yuan and the loan demand is 14.181 billion yuan. Among the projects promoted in the first quarter, Eight projects received credit of 5.012 billion yuan and loans in place of 3.232 billion yuan. Continue to guide Lan 'Zhou City to deepen the pilot construction of climate investment and financing and improve the climate investment and financing docking platform. So far, Lan' Zhou City has completed two batches of financing contracts for 11 projects, with a cumulative investment of 47.7 billion yuan, credit of 28.93 billion yuan, and 8.91 billion yuan in financing has been in place. Guide Zhengning Power Plant's 1.5 million tons/year carbon dioxide capture, utilization and storage project to apply for the national ultra-long-term national debt project (this project is currently the largest single carbon capture, utilization and storage project in China).

Increase the promotion of CCER projects. Establish a project library for the first batch of 23 CCER projects and continuously update it. On January 4, 2024, the Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment took the lead in organizing and convening the provincial voluntary greenhouse gas emission reduction trading work arrangement and deployment meeting nationwide, and invited leading experts from the National Climate Strategy Center to give lectures. According to the newly released methodology by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, we organize and carry out preliminary work such as project design for two types of CCER projects: afforestation carbon sinks and grid-connected solar thermal power generation. At present, CCER projects in forestry carbon sinks and solar thermal power generation in various places are steadily advancing. Among them, the first phase of the forestry carbon sink project of "Rebuilding a Ziwuling" in Qingyang City has completed registration and entered the approval and certification stage. It is expected to realize the province's first CCER emission reduction transaction within the year.
