China Carbon Credit Platform

"Carbon" Seeks the Future, Helping the Green Transformation of Development Mode - Heilongjiang Documentary of the National Carbon Market

Release Time6 months ago

In the past 2023, the Heilongjiang Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment has set up a special national carbon market work team headed by the main leaders of the department and the leaders of the department in charge of the department as the deputy team leader, in view of the characteristics of the province's large number of key emitting enterprises and weak carbon emission data management capabilities of enterprises, so as to promote positive progress in the work of the national carbon market.

Complete the annual carbon verification work on schedule and with high quality. In accordance with the national work deployment, the Heilongjiang Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment studied and formulated the annual verification work schedule and roadmap at the beginning of the year, and held a special technical Q&A meeting. Organize 101 power generation enterprises and 45 non-electric enterprises in the province to carry out preliminary work such as annual directory combing, quality control plan review, registration account change, and emission report preparation. Local ecological and environmental departments, together with technical verification agencies, will be stationed in enterprises at the same time to solve problems such as missing and deviation verification data in a timely manner, break through the difficulties and blockages in the verification process, and adopt the method of "100% on-site verification + 100% written review + 30% on-site review" to complete the annual carbon verification task on time with quality and quantity.

The quality of carbon data of key emitting enterprises has been significantly improved. Keeping up with the national work ideas, the monthly informatization evidence preservation work has transitioned from a single requirement to report on time to a reporting time and quality review. Adopt the audit method of "audit + cross review + full coverage review", with 1 round of municipal audit and 3 rounds of provincial audit to ensure that there are no missing items in the audit, improve the accuracy of data review on the basis of ensuring the on-time submission rate, and gradually improve the provincial and municipal joint review mode. It has organized work training meetings for various municipal and local ecological environment bureaus and key emitting units for many times, and hired experts to explain the key points of carbon data quality management. By organizing the compilation of the "Monthly Evidence Preservation Operation Guidelines" and "Monthly Informatization Evidence Preservation and Filling Guidelines", the key points of the audit are analyzed, the audit skills are explained, the problems found in the actual operation are answered, and the municipal level is guided to do a solid job in the preliminary review work, and the quality of enterprise carbon emission data is continuously improved, and the monthly informatization evidence storage submission rate and audit rate will be 100% in 2023.

The second compliance cycle of the carbon market has been efficiently promoted in the settlement of allowances. A total of 102 enterprises in Heilongjiang Province participated in the quota settlement in the second compliance cycle of the national carbon market, and the Heilongjiang Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment reversed the construction period with the goal of completing the performance on time and in full, formulated the carbon market work plan, refined the performance work to a weekly, adopted the daily scheduling and weekly summary mode, adopted the "front-line work method", continued to visit more than 80 enterprises for on-site supervision and assistance, carried out in-depth policy interpretation and transaction guidance, and organized three special implementation promotion meetings. Make full use of the "five-step work method" to promote all localities to further improve their positions, consolidate the main responsibility of enterprises to perform contracts, and urge enterprises to fulfill their quota payment obligations. By the end of 2023, 102 power generation enterprises in the province have completed the quota settlement for the second compliance cycle of the national carbon market on schedule and in full, making a breakthrough in the implementation of the carbon market for the first three provinces and one region in Northeast China. Since the official launch of the national unified carbon emission trading market, a total of 86 key emitting enterprises in the province have participated in the trading, with a cumulative purchase volume of 20,861,500 tons of national carbon emission allowances and a turnover of 1,238,531,300 yuan, and a cumulative sales volume of 21,469,100 tons and a turnover of 1,260,839,600 yuan.

Take the initiative and precise assistance to help the high-quality development of enterprises. Experts in the field of carbon emission management will be invited to explain carbon trading policies and operating procedures to key emitting enterprises in Heilongjiang Province, and encourage enterprises to trade surplus allowances in the carbon market to transform carbon reduction results into economic returns. Heihe Thermal Power Co., Ltd. and Nenjiang Shengye Thermal Power Co., Ltd. sold more than 330,000 tons of carbon emission surplus quotas, and the enterprises benefited more than 2,600 yuan, realizing the exchange of "carbon stock" for economic increment, which not only opened up a precedent for carbon market trading in Heihe City, but also provided a model for more enterprises to actively participate in carbon trading and take a new path of green, low-carbon and high-quality development.

The transformation of research results will improve the construction of the carbon market team. Actively carry out the "investigation of the facts, seek good strategies, solve problems, and promote revitalization" research activities. Led by the leaders of the sub-management department, they went to various cities to carry out research and visits, held more than 10 symposiums in enterprises, combined with positive and negative typical cases, comprehensively understood the current situation and situation of enterprises in Heilongjiang Province participating in the national carbon market, completed the research report with high quality, and formed a list of research results. Through the investigation, the problems were found to be blocked, the organization compiled and issued the "Self-inspection Requirements for Carbon Emission Data Quality of Power Generation Enterprises", guided enterprises to quickly improve the level of carbon data management, and issued the "Heilongjiang Province Power Generation Enterprise Carbon Emission On-site Supervision and Management Checklist" and "Operation Manual", which effectively solved the problems that the verification guidelines and other documents are highly professional and the personnel of the grassroots ecological environment department cannot quickly grasp in a short time, effectively improve the business ability of the carbon market work team, and effectively transform the research results into work results.

Build bridges to achieve the close integration of promising governments and effective markets. Join hands with Heilongjiang Provincial Exchange Group, relying on the "Heilongjiang Low-carbon Enterprise Alliance", give full play to the professional service function of the platform, carry out comprehensive businesses such as green technology docking, green transformation planning, green asset trading and green financial product innovation, promote the understanding of relevant national technical standards, policies and programs of the alliance enterprises, enhance the understanding of all aspects of the carbon market work, promote the exchange of member units, and effectively improve the carbon asset trading management ability and carbon data management ability of enterprises. In conjunction with the Harbin Branch of Industrial Bank, we will assist key emitting enterprises and provide financial support for their daily operation turnover and purchase of carbon allowances. The successful implementation of this business is another measure taken by the bank to continue to support the performance of emitting enterprises in the province included in the national carbon market, and provides a reference experience for key emitting enterprises in the national carbon market to carry out financial services.

In 2024, the Heilongjiang Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment will be based on building a practice place for the development of new quality productivity, accelerate the green transformation of the development mode, and further identify gaps, make up for shortcomings, and strive for the upper reaches in accordance with the requirements of the construction and operation of the national carbon market. Learn from the work experience of advanced provinces, actively explore and optimize the carbon verification workflow, and establish and improve the evaluation mechanism of verification institutions. At the same time, according to the national quota allocation plan, the carbon emission quota is approved and issued, and the enterprise is supervised to complete the quota settlement on time.
