China Carbon Credit Platform

Create Shendong Pilot Demonstration Zone Jiangong Yellow River Ecological Protection and High-Quality Development

Release Time1 month ago

On August 18, 2021, State Energy Group Shendong Coal Group Co., Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as Shendong Coal Group) and the Upper and Middle Reaches Yellow River Management Bureau of the Yellow River Conservancy Commission of the Ministry of Water Resources reached a consensus on jointly creating ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin in Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province. On September 18 of the same year, the kick-off meeting for the establishment of the Shendong Pilot Demonstration Zone was held in the Shendong Kuangqu. This is the first time that the Yellow River Basin management agencies and large central enterprises have joined hands to jointly explore innovative ecological protection and high-quality development paths and models, providing experience and reference for building a green ecological barrier in the Yellow River Basin Energy Corridor and promoting ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin.

The middle reaches of the Yellow River are an important ecological barrier and energy corridor in my country, and are the intersection of national ecological security and energy security strategies. Shendong Kuangqu is located in it, with fragile native ecology, weak economic foundation, and rich energy resources. The launch of the establishment of the Shendong Pioneer Demonstration Zone is a practical follow-up and in-depth practice of the concept of ecological civilization and the construction of a beautiful China. It is a comprehensive implementation and positive response to the major national strategies for ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin. It is of far-reaching significance for demonstration, leading and driving the ecological protection and high-quality development of the coal industry in the Yellow River Basin and even the country.

In the two years since the establishment of the Shendong Pilot Demonstration Zone was launched, development plans have been prepared, major scientific and technological projects have been applied, and ecological demonstration bases have been built... Shendong Coal Group and related units have implemented a series of powerful measures and pragmatic actions, and achieved phased results. Bright results have been achieved, and Shendong's responsibilities have been continuously demonstrated in the great practice of building a beautiful China and set an ecological model.

■ Leading the preparation of a 30-year development plan

In order to accelerate the construction of a new pattern of ecological protection and high-quality development in Shendong, clarify the strategic positioning, development goals, and overall layout of ecological protection and high-quality development in the Shendong Kuangqu Mining Area, as well as the direction and content of the "14th Five-Year Plan" in the Kuangqu and the medium-and long-term ecological protection work in 2035, and lead the creation of the Shendong Pilot Demonstration Zone, in March 2022, Shendong Coal Group and the Upper and Middle Reaches of the Yellow River Administration jointly initiated the preparation of the "Ecological Protection and High-Quality Development Plan of Shendong Kuangqu (2021 - 2050)"(hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"). On October 13, 2023, the "Plan" passed the review by experts and representatives from the Soil and Water Conservation Monitoring Center of the Ministry of Water Resources, the Yellow River Water Conservancy Commission and other units.

According to the ecological environment characteristics of the Kuangqu and the industry's high-quality development needs, the "Plan" provides an overall layout for ecological protection and high-quality development in the Kuangqu from four aspects: ecological protection, high-quality development, special planning, and demonstration base creation.

Build a "4+4+4+6" ecological protection and high-quality development planning system for Shendong Kuangqu. Among them, in terms of ecological protection, it mainly includes four topics: water and soil conservation in Kuangqu, water resources protection and utilization, ecological environment management and mine pollution prevention and control; in terms of high-quality development, it mainly includes building an environmentally friendly, resource-saving (utilization) type, There are four topics: green and low-carbon, and regional harmonious development Kuangqu; in terms of special planning, it mainly includes four topics: monitoring and evaluation, scientific and technological innovation, Kuangqu culture, and ecological system; In terms of demonstration bases, it mainly includes the planning and creation of Shendong Demonstration Base for high-quality development of soil and water conservation, Shendong Demonstration Base for Water Resources Protection and Conservation and Utilization, Shendong Demonstration Base for "Mountains, Waters, Forests, Fields, Lakes, Grass and Sand", and "Green Waters and Green Mountains are Jinshan" There are 6 demonstration bases including Shendong Practice and Innovation Base, Shendong "Zero Carbon" Development Demonstration Kuangqu and "Ecological Civilization" Practical Education Base.

Create an overall layout for ecological protection and high-quality development of the "eight areas, five corridors and six bases" in Shendong Kuangqu. According to the natural geographical characteristics of Kuangqu, in accordance with the principles of connected spatial interaction and co-evolution, and to meet the management characteristics of different areas, the overall layout of ecological protection and high-quality development of Kuangqu Mining Area is planned with the Ulan Mulun River as the axis from east to west and the provincial (district) boundary from north to south.

■ Carry out 8 types of activities in a solid manner

In accordance with the development needs of Shendong Coal Group and the progress of the creation of Shendong Pilot Demonstration Zone, a series of creation actions are carried out every year, and 8 types of activities are organized in 2023.

1. Branch co-construction series of activities

Adopt the "Party Committee + Branch" and "Branch + Branch" methods to give full play to the advantages of both parties, integrate various resources, promote the joint efforts of both parties to form a joint effort, study and solve problems existing in practical work, and achieve "1+ 12" effect.

The second is a series of ecological environment festivals. In order to raise the awareness of ecological and environmental protection among employees and their families, 17 ecological and environmental festival activities were carried out at key time points such as International Biodiversity Day, World Environment Day, National Energy Conservation Publicity Week, and National Ecology Day.

The third is a special activity to create a demonstration area. Around September 18 every year, we organize and carry out activities such as on-site observations and ecological lectures to test the effectiveness of the creation of the Shendong Pilot Demonstration Zone, guide the next step of construction, and promote the creation of the Shendong Pilot Demonstration Zone.

The fourth is to protect the mother river tree planting activities. Shendong Coal Group has deeply implemented the concept of ecological civilization and created a good atmosphere of planting, loving and protecting greenery. In mid-April 2023, it organized and carried out voluntary tree planting activities in the subsidence area of Shendong Coal Mine.

Fifth, academicians and experts traveled eastward. Invite academicians and experts to conduct on-site inspections, visits and surveys, and in-depth interpretations to assess the development of cutting-edge science and technology in the industry, discuss ecological governance and modern enterprise management innovation, and make suggestions for the reform and development of Shendong Coal Group.

Sixth, green and low-carbon joint action. Advocate a simple, moderate, green, low-carbon, civilized and healthy lifestyle, build a number of green and low-carbon office, transportation, and consumption demonstrations, and develop a green and low-carbon production and lifestyle; use air conditioners in a scientific, healthy, and energy-saving manner; optimize transportation structure, advocate low-carbon travel methods such as walking, cycling, and using new energy vehicles; encourage energy-saving buildings and low-carbon living; and establish the concept of joint participation of "starting from me, starting from small things, starting now, and guiding people around you to start".

Seventh, the news media will travel eastward. Focus on displaying the ecological construction achievements of Shendong Coal Group in the past 40 years, and conduct centralized reporting through live broadcasts, new media, newspapers, television and other carriers to create a good corporate image and create Shendong ecological brand.

Eighth is ecological practical activities for college students. Provide ecological practice bases, carry out ecological scientific research and science popularization practice activities of "school-enterprise cooperation, industry-university co-construction", fulfill the social responsibilities of central enterprises, and promote Shendong ecological culture.

■ Create 5 ecological demonstration bases

In the past 40 years, Shendong Coal Group has created a series of ecological demonstration bases. The Hongshiquan Small Watershed Management Project was awarded the title of "National Soil and Water Conservation Ecological Construction Demonstration Project" by the Ministry of Water Resources in 1999; the Daliuta Subsidence Area was awarded in 2017 by the Ministry of Water Resources. It was named "National Soil and Water Conservation Science and Technology Demonstration Park"; the Halagou Ecological Demonstration Base was awarded the title of "National Soil and Water Conservation Ecological Civilization Project" by the Ministry of Water Resources in 2020. Since the 2018 National Ecological and Environmental Protection Conference, Shendong Coal Group has deeply implemented the concept of ecological civilization and created five ecological demonstration bases.

The first is the ecological demonstration base for water and soil conservation and water resources protection and utilization of Shangwan Bulian Tower's "harmonious coexistence between man and nature". Based on the ecological management of coal mining subsidence areas of Shangwan Coal Mine and Bulianta Coal Mine, this base focuses on water and soil conservation in the Hongshiquan Small Watershed, ecological recovery of Heitangou Gully Channel, Baijiayan Ecological Economic Forest, and mine water resources protection and utilization of Bulianta Coal Mine. With the policy of "giving priority to conservation, giving priority to protection, and giving priority to natural restoration", we focus on building 2 corridors and 4 areas, and planning and building a national-level clean ecological small watershed and a soil and water conservation science and technology demonstration park.

The second is the Halagou ecological demonstration base for integrated protection and systematic management of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand. This base is based on the ecological management of the coal mining subsidence area of Halagou Coal Mine, and has the main contents of comprehensive land improvement in the entire region, the construction and industrialization development of seabuckthorn economic forest, and the demonstration of ecological comprehensive management of "mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand" in the mine. With the theme of "Green, Science and Technology, Humanities", we will focus on building 100 demonstration sites in 5 corridors and 10 parks. Build the water-wind composite erosion observation station in the Shendong Halagou Ecological Demonstration Park for water and soil conservation monitoring and the Halagou Mine Geological Environment Monitoring Demonstration Site in the Mine Geological Environment Monitoring Demonstration Zone of Shaanxi Province. At present, 20 square kilometers of seabuckthorn forests and 7 square kilometers of comprehensive demonstration areas have been built.

The third is the Buertai "Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets" innovation and practice ecological demonstration base. This base is based on the ecological management of coal mining subsidence areas of Buertai Coal Mine, Cuncaota Coal Mine, and Cuncaota No. 2 Coal Mine, and mainly focuses on ecological + photovoltaic areas, ecological economic forest areas, modern agricultural parks, and "zero carbon" industrial parks. Following the concept of "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets", we focus on building 3 corridors and 6 areas. At present, 66.67 square kilometers of ecological forests, 500,000 kilowatts of photovoltaic power stations, and 150,000 square meters of modern greenhouses have been built. The vegetation coverage rate has increased from 19% to 65%. More than 100 species of plant species have been planted under photovoltaic panels. High-protein feed mulberry, Elaeagnus angustifolia, alfalfa, etc., with a total annual output value of about 30 million yuan. The base is applying for the creation of a national "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets" practice and innovation base.

The fourth is Shendong's "zero-carbon" development demonstration mine. Shendong Coal Group takes the initiative to conduct a carbon inventory every year. The results of the 2022 inventory show that carbon emissions from post-mining activities account for 43%, ventilation carbon emissions account for 19%, and energy consumption carbon emissions account for 38%.

In accordance with the idea of "demonstration first and comprehensive leadership", the "zero-carbon" mine in Buertai was created, and 22 engineering projects were implemented from three categories: "production reduction, low-carbon life, and ecological carbon negative", of which 6 have been completed and are in progress. 8 projects were implemented and 8 projects were planned. Explore the energy and carbon path of "reducing + replacing + sinks", and continue to improve the energy utilization efficiency of electricity, coal and diesel by "reducing" carbon emissions from the production process, increase methane utilization rate, and reduce disorderly methane escape emissions;"replacing" means optimizing Energy consumption institutions, actively promote the reduction and substitution of fossil energy consumption, increase the proportion of clean energy use, enhance "carbon sink" capabilities, and contribute to the realization of the "double carbon" goal.

The fifth is the ecological civilization practical education base. This base is located in the Daliuta Experimental Area, Shenmu City, Shaanxi Province. It is based on the ecological management of the Halagou Coal Mine Mining Area, with the theme of ecological scientific research and science popularization, and with the goal of building an ecological civilization demonstration base, it systematically builds a complex practical education base that harmonizes man and nature, industry and ecology, and enterprises and regions. The base is built with functional areas such as Ecological Civilization Development Education Park, Ecological Civilization Thought Education Park, Ecological Culture Corridor, Ecological Culture Experience Zone, and Shendong Ecological Culture Zone, which focus on displaying the concepts of green mining, clean production, and ecological construction in Shendong Kuangqu. Technology and models.

Shendong Coal Group will adhere to the concept of ecological civilization as a guide, strengthen communication and cooperation with the Ministry of Water Resources, the Yellow River Water Conservancy Commission, the Upper and Middle Yellow River Administration and other departments, jointly write this article on ecology to Shendong, and provide coal enterprises in the Yellow River Basin. Provide Shendong demonstration experience that can be used for reference, promoted and replicated to promote ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin.
