China Carbon Credit Platform

"Green is full of Longzhong", Dingxi enters the fast lane of green and low-carbon development

Release Time1 week ago

For in-depth studyXiPromote and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and comprehensively implement itXiJinpingThe idea of ecological civilization and conscientiously implement the "Decision of the Gansu Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China on Further Strengthening the Construction of Ecological Civilization." Dingxi City, Gansu Province always keeps in mind the "biggest thing in the country" and reviewed and approved the "Decision of the Dingxi Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China on Implementing the Green Manzhong Action to Further Strengthen the Construction of Ecological Civilization". It regards building beautiful Dingxi and protecting the ecological environment as important tasks for high-quality development, and starts from continuous and in-depth efforts to fight pollution prevention and control. Start with the tough battle, focusing on key ecological and environmental tasks, Comprehensively arrange and deploy, coordinate industrial structural adjustment, pollution control, and ecological protection, coordinate the promotion of carbon reduction, pollution reduction, green expansion, and growth, and promote it in all fields, all directions, all regions, and all society. Focus on six aspects, increase ecological and environmental protection efforts, and build a solid ecological security barrier in central Gansu.

Innovate investment mechanisms and diversified ecological compensation to help green development

We will focus on the "five focuses" and build the "five major mechanisms" to accelerate green transformation and catch up with development. With the political consciousness of being responsible, responsible, and fulfilling our responsibilities, we will always place the construction of ecological civilization in a prominent position in the city's work and continue to promote ecological environmental protection. Move towards legalization, systematization, and systematization.

Focus on "technology" and improve the enabling mechanism. Carry out "digital ecology" construction actions and strengthen the integration, sharing and comprehensive development and utilization of data resources. The city has built and operated a municipal pollution source monitoring platform, an urban atmospheric three-dimensional grid monitoring and supervision platform, a motor vehicle exhaust and smoke sensing monitoring and monitoring platform, as well as a national-level automatic monitoring station for urban air quality affected by sand and dust weather, and 2 national-level and 8 provincial air quality automatic monitoring stations, 1 national and 3 provincial surface water environment quality automatic monitoring stations, 1 national atmospheric radiation environment automatic monitoring station, and 1 provincial drinking water radiation environment automatic monitoring station. A provincial-level automatic electromagnetic radiation monitoring station urged 144 companies to install automatic monitoring facilities and network with national and municipal pollution source monitoring platforms, and real-time online transmission and sharing of ecological and environmental quality monitoring data. It has also signed cooperation agreements on joint prevention, control and management of cross-border rivers with Baiyin, Linxia, Gannan, Tianshui, Pingliang and other cities and prefectures to promote the formation of a cross-border river and lake management and protection pattern of "upstream and downstream linkage, left and right bank coordination, and coordination of main and tributary tributaries."

Focus on "diversity" and improve the investment mechanism. Implement a comprehensive compensation system that combines vertical and horizontal aspects. At the same time, we will accelerate the promotion of market-oriented and diversified ecological compensation mechanisms. Introduce social capital to participate in the implementation of ecological protection and restoration and watershed ecological environment management projects, and implement the Longxi and Weiyuan sections of the Weihe River Ecological Comprehensive Management Project, the Taohe Weiyuan County Flood Control Project, the Xindian to Hongqi Section of Lintao County, Tao River Ecological Corridor and Water Environment Improvement Project, etc. There are 7 major tributary management projects of rivers with a basin area of more than 3000 square kilometers, with an annual investment of 420 million yuan in 2023.

Focus on the "market" and improve the trading mechanism. Improve the market-oriented allocation system of resources and environmental factors, and carry out quota trading of ecological products and development rights such as carbon emission rights, energy use rights, water rights, and emission rights. Actively explore the development of forest and grass carbon sinks. Through the competition mechanism, the Municipal Forestry and Grassland Bureau signed a cooperation framework agreement for the development of forestry carbon sinks in Dingxi City with Guangdong China Resources Carbon Energy Technology Co., Ltd., which has strong development capabilities, strong strength and high credibility. It plans to develop CCER projects on suitable afforestation areas, and is preparing carbon sink project design documents.

Focus on "effectiveness" and improve the incentive mechanism. Efforts will be made to build an environmental credit supervision system based on comprehensive credit evaluation, adhere to classified management and dynamic adjustment, implement subsidy funds for various public welfare positions, and improve the incentive ecological environment performance grading system for key industries. Timely release and update environmental protection credit information trends and positive lists of ecological and environmental supervision and law enforcement. 174 enterprises in the city were entered into the "Gansu Province Environmental Protection Credit Evaluation Management Platform", and enterprises with good environmental credit and no serious environmental violations such as the Dingxi City Medical Waste Disposal Management Center were included in the list of positive enterprises for supervision and law enforcement, and advanced models were actively selected to encourage all sectors of society to pay attention to, support and participate in ecological and environmental protection. Gangqiang Brothers (Xu Zhigang and Xu Zhiqiang) from Tongwei County were named Advanced Individuals in the 3rd China Ecological Civilization Award.

Focus on "rule of law" and improve the escort mechanism. Closely follow the key points, difficulties and hot spots in the field of ecological and environmental protection, focus on making up for shortcomings and strengths, promote the effective connection between ecological and environmental administrative law enforcement and criminal justice, and public interest litigation and procuratorial, and ensure good governance with good laws. Since 2023, the city has used the "Environmental Protection Law" and its "four supporting" methods to seize and detain 1 case, transfer 1 suspected environmental pollution crime, 37 administrative penalty cases, and fined 3.8902 million yuan. Eleven cases of compensation for ecological and environmental damage were initiated, and 7 cases have been completed, involving a total amount of 4.2109 million yuan. At the same time, administrative counterparts will be given room for fault tolerance and error correction within the scope of legal authority. In 2023, 12 companies that violate minor laws and correct illegal behaviors in a timely manner will be criticized and educated and exempted from administrative penalties; 13 companies will be given within the scope of penalties. Minor punishment.

Green and low-carbon development has entered the fast lane, and a win-win situation for the ecological economy has emerged

Adhere to the "ecological city" strategy, build an ecological civilization institutional system with clear property rights, diverse participation, equal emphasis on incentives and constraints, and a complete system, and demonstrate Dingxi's responsibilities in building a strong ecological security barrier in the western part of the country and the Yellow River Basin.

The environmental governance system has been gradually improved. Comprehensively implement a series of policies and measures such as the "Implementation Opinions of Dingxi City on Building a Modern Environmental Governance System","Implementation Opinions of Dingxi City on Promoting High-level Protection of the Ecological Environment and High-Quality Social and Economic Development","List of Ecological and Environmental Protection Responsibilities of Relevant Departments and Units in Dingxi City","Implementation Rules for Accountability for Ecological and Environmental Damage of Leading Party and Government Cadres (Trial)", etc., pollution prevention and environmental quality, The rectification work of ecological and environmental problems has been incorporated into the integrated platform for party and government performance, management, supervision and examination for assessment and application, becoming a hard-working move to promote all levels and departments to implement ecological and environmental protection responsibilities.

The quality of the ecological environment continues to improve. In 2023, there will be 342 days with good air quality in Dingxi City, with a ratio of 93.7% of the days with good quality. Inhalable particulate matter (PM10) and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) The average concentrations were 57 micrograms/cubic meter and 28 micrograms/cubic meter respectively. In the first half of 2024, there were 164 days with good air quality in Dingxi City, with the proportion of good days being 90.1%, and respirable particulate matter (PM10) and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) The average concentrations were 61 micrograms/cubic meter and 33 micrograms/cubic meter respectively. The artificial ecological wetland purification project in the Guanchuan River Basin in Anding District, the comprehensive improvement project for the entrance of the Biyu Town Section of the Niugu River, and the tailwater wetland purification project of the Domestic Sewage Treatment Plant in the Urban area of Zhang County have been completed. Formulate and issue the "Dispersion River Elimination Plan" to supervise and guide Tongwei County to strictly implement the various measures of the "Elimination Plan". Jieyuan Sewage Treatment Plant has built a new 3000-cubic meter temporary regulation pool and a permanent regulation pool, and installed a 300-cubic meter lift pump, effectively preventing sewage overflows during peak periods; from July to December 2023, the comprehensive water quality of the national control section of Xiaohekou Village in Sanduhe River has reached Class V. From January to June 2024, the comprehensive water quality of the national control section of Xiaohekou Village in Sanduhe River has reached the assessment requirements of Class IV (water quality target Category V). The proportion of water bodies in the city that reaches or is better than Class III reaches 75%, and there are no water bodies inferior to Class V. 39 administrative villages have completed comprehensive improvement of the rural environment and domestic sewage treatment, comprehensively completed the ecological environment restoration and management of Sangou Gold Mine in Min County and the management of two rural black and smelly water bodies. The honeysuckle base in Tongwei County, Weiheyuan Village and Yuangudui Village in Weiyuan County have created "Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets" practice and innovation bases have passed provincial review. The safe utilization rates of contaminated cultivated land and key construction land in the city are 92% and 100% respectively.

Green and low-carbon development has achieved practical results. Vigorously implement the "Greening the Middle of Gansu" action and accelerate the promotion of large-scale land greening focusing on key forestry and grass projects such as ecological protection and restoration in the middle of Gansu in Dingxi City, water conservation and biodiversity restoration in the western section of the Qinling Mountains, and collaborative ecological forests in the east and west. From 2023 to the first half of 2024, the city completed afforestation and closure of 857,700 acres, 30.6953 million voluntary trees were planted by the whole people, and 3184.76 kilometers of channel greening. 453,500 acres of grassland management have been completed, the total forest area has reached 6.0282 million acres, and the forest stock volume has reached 6.84 million cubic meters. In 2023, the forest coverage rate will reach 12.29%, and the comprehensive grassland vegetation coverage will reach 79%. Actively promote the rational allocation and efficient utilization of water resources, and the recycling rate of recycled water in Anding District reaches 23.1%. Improve the land spatial planning system and promote the formation of three major spatial patterns with Tongwei County and Lintao County as the main agricultural product producing areas, Weiyuan County, Zhang County, and Min County as ecological functional areas, and Anding District and Longxi County as urbanized areas. The growth trend of total carbon emissions is controlled within a reasonable range. In the first three quarters of this year, the total energy consumption of the whole society was 2.8843 million tons of standard coal, and the energy consumption intensity of 10,000 yuan of GDP dropped by 4.1%. According to preliminary calculations, carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP have dropped by 13.6% compared with 2020.
